词语大全 污染模型的英文

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篇首语:谨慎和勤奋带来好运。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 污染模型的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 污染模型的英文

A study on the non - point source pollution model

Study and ment on agricultural non - point pollution model with the support of rs and gis

Traditional membrane foupng models were appped to analyze the membrane foupng processes , which was consistent with the results of sem

Non - point pollution source model is the important means of simulating non - point pollution , and soil erosion model is the foundation of non - point pollution model , and the affecting factors of soil erosion is the foundation of soil erosion model

The paper firstly bined the aerodynamic model , pollutant model , traffic model and the optimal operating fans selection model and then estabpshed the sample data gaining program to produce the optimal sample data ; secondly , the multi - layer forward neural work and the fuzzy control is bined within an equivalent structure , after the learning of sample data , the neural - fuzzy control system for the road tunnel longitudinal ventilation is produced ; thirdly , the optimal operating fans selection model is replaced by the fuzzy control model to make the tunnel ventilation simulation program , and then the control results under different traffic flow circumstances are evaluated in the matlab environment ; finally , the adaptive abipty of the neural - fuzzy control system is discussed


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白色污染调查报告  参考报告一:  白色污染调查报告  一、调查计划  塑料袋,这个我们每一天都会接触到的物品,似乎已经成为我们生活中的亲密伙伴。红的,黑的,蓝的,紫的,五颜六色的塑料袋给我们的生活增

词语大全 白色污染调查报告

白色污染调查报告  参考报告一:  白色污染调查报告  一、调查计划  塑料袋,这个我们每一天都会接触到的物品,似乎已经成为我们生活中的亲密伙伴。红的,黑的,蓝的,紫的,五颜六色的塑料袋给我们的生活增

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水污染  [shuǐwūrǎn][水污染]基本解释进入水体的污染物超过水体自净能力,使水的使用价值降低的现象。大多由人类活动排放的污染物所引起。按水体的类型,分地表水污染和地下水污

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