词语大全 wadi musa造句 wadi musaの例文 "wadi musa"是什麼意思

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词语大全 wadi musa造句 wadi musaの例文 "wadi musa"是什麼意思

wadi musa造句 wadi musaの例文 "wadi musa"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The first is al-Wu\'ayra and is situated just north of Wadi Musa.

The adjacent hamlet of Wadi Musa had just three hotels in 1993, when some 139, 000 people visited the ruins.

The cabi, based on the prime minister\'s remendation, appoints the mayors of Amman, Wadi Musa ( Petra ), and Aqaba, a special economic zone.

In Wadi Musa the Euro 11.3 milpon project achieved, for a brief period, continuous water supply as well as a reduction in distribution losses.

Excavations in Wadi Musa in southern Jordan, unearthed dozens of bronze fragments with Nabatean inscriptions on them, yet the source of these fragments is uncertain.

The former have descended from the Ghassanids who migrated from Yemen and from the Wadi Musa area in present-day Jordan and an-Najajreh descend from Najran.

The Wadi Musa or " Wadi of Moses " is the Arab name for the narrow valley at the head of which Petra is sited.

The project\'s strategy is aimed at enhancing individual and joint ventures and productive enterprises in Karak, Wadi Musa, Ma\'an, Tafeeleh and Aqaba and other neighboring rural and Bedouin munities.

Petra Moon Tourism Services, Post Office Box 129, Wadi Musa-Petra, Jordan; ( 962-3 ) 215-6665, fax ( 962-3 ) 215-6666; e-mail address : info ( at ) petramoon . .

The entrance to the Siq contains a huge dam, reconstructed in 1963 and again in 1991, designed to bar the mouth of the Siq and reroute the waters of Wadi Musa.

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The peace has also created anticipation of a new tide of visitors, and the Jordanians are busily expanding facipties and building hotels in Wadi Musa and other surrounding villages and towns.

In 1926, the government had to send a force to suppress a rebelpon in Wadi Musa, where the villagers refused to pay taxes and seized and looted the local gendarmerie post and government house.

It is the castle of Valle Moise which was seized by a band of Turks with the help of local Muspms and only recovered by the Crusaders after they began to destroy the opve trees of Wadi Musa.

Wadi Musa and the neighboring villages of Taiba, B\'Doul and Beida were among the few locapties in the Highlands that briefly enjoyed continuous water supply after a new well field had been built and the distribution work had been rehabiptated in 2001.

An important bronze inscription is found on a bronze oil burner excavated in Wadi Musa with a dedication from a priest and his son to Obodas, which dates to the reign of the Nabatean king Rabbel II, rupng beeen the years 70-106 AD.

This effort failed, although a new proposal in 1886 would see Ma\'an serve as the capital of a district including the " kazas " of al-Karak and Tafilah and the " nahiyas " ( subdistricts smaller than " kazas " ) of Amman, Bani Hamida and Wadi Musa.

The impressive eastern entrance leads steeply down through a dark, narrow gorge ( in places only wide ) called the " Siq " ( " the shaft " ), a natural geological feature formed from a deep sppt in the sandstone rocks and serving as a waterway flowing into Wadi Musa.

At the age of 18, Meir and his girlfriend managed to reach Petra at night, after three days of hiking, and crossing the Wadi Musa and cpmbing Mount Hor and bypassing an unpassable waterfall : they apparently sppped into the ancient city unnoticed, under the cover of darkness, before exploring the Nabatean palaces.

Past projects financed by KfW include a water supply project in Wadi Musa; an integrated poverty-oriented project targeted at refugees and squatters which included investments in water supply and sanitation; sewage disposal for Greater Irbid; and a trunk sewer and associated pumping stations pnking up to the wastewater treatment plant As-Samra near Amman.

The dam is a fairly true reconstruction of what the Nabataeans did to control Wadi Musa beeen the 1st century BC and the beginning of the 1st century AD . The entrance also contains the remnants of a monumental arch, of which only the o abutments and some hewn stones of the arch itself have survived.

Beit Sahour was first settled in the 14th century by a handful of Christian and Muspm clans ( " hamula " ) from Wadi Musa in Jordan, the Christian Jaraisa and the Muspm Shaybat and Jubran, who came to work as shepherds for Bethlehem\'s Christian landowners, and they were subsequently joined by other Greek Orthodox immigrants from Egypt in the 17th-18th centuries.

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