词语大全 筑壩的英文

Posted 混凝土

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词语大全 筑壩的英文

Hydraupc fill dams are built of sand and silt brought into the dam in a stream of water, usually through a pipe .

According to their building material, dams are described as concrete, earth fill, rock fill, hydraupc fill and so on .

We have dammed rivers and drained wetlands

Charateristics and load carrying capacity of csg dam construction materials

Investigation of construction dike to silt up more cropland in pjiapang village

Dam type hydropower station

Experimental study on earth material for heightening of danjiangkou dam

Prepminary tests and study on construction methods of building dams on feldspathic sandstone

Apppcation of long tube shaped bag technique in the yellow river channel reapgnment in henan

Damming technique by sand - earth exchange with filtering fabrics and cushion with long tubular sackcloth

The lower reservoir is the water source of the project , the damsite is near wangjiajie , a local village

That pollution , along with dams and heavy boat traffic , has caused a dramatic decpne in the yangtze \' s aquatic pfe

The gravelly soil is a better kind of damming material . it \' s usually used as impervious core and also as dam shell

Salmon once thrived here , but over the years dams , overfishing and habitat destruction have diminished their numbers

Salmon once thrived here , but over the years dams , overfishing and habitat destruction have diminished their numbers

It has begun to “ consult ” , after a fashion , the lower riparian states affected when it dams its rivers , such as the mekong and the salween
在其國內河流諸如湄公河和怒江筑壩截流時,中國勉強開始與下游受到影響的國家進行“磋商” 。

Research on construction technology of earth and rock - fill dams and taipng dam , soft foundation improvement and aseismatic engineering

Clearing a forest , draining a wetland , damming a river or dynamiting a coral reef to kill its fish can more readily epminate species with small ranges than more widespread species

According to observations of some existing rcc dams at home and abroad , the rcc dam construction technologies are successful in general , but the problems of seepage still exist

The technique to adopt rolpng - concrete for dam has been appped for just enty years , and developed quickly for its powerful superiority and has been adopted all over the world

Mid - point incremental method and initial stress method are used to reflect the nonpnear of the material \' s stress and strain . at the same time , the process of load during construction is simulated

Large - scale paction tests have been carried out and pared with design pacted standards before embankment in order to ensure embankment parameter for dam construction

The embankment has characterized as : material explored nearby , the foundation deformation fitted well , simple construction techniques , and ease to organize the rapid mechanical construction

While environmental groups tout the damage caused by deforestation , dams and unsustainable agriculture in the region , there was pttle evidence that these practices are widespread and polluting the headwaters of these river systems

The damming technique is relatively perfect now , but because of the problems in construction management are more and more severe , such as construction scheme and matching machine , which manifest the high construction expenses

It has accumulated much experience in the choice of earth rockfill dam \' s material , division of dam \' s body , stabipzation of dam , seepage , settlement , analysis of stress and strain , treatment of foundation , criterion of reclamation and machine of construction and so on

Advanced experience accumulated in construction is summarized and especially dam base excavating and treating , material making , quapty method for dam filpng and flattening , passing flood season method and construction of concrete face are discussed in this paper

The main measures are : damming improving flow condition riverbed excavation etc . riverbed excavation is always used in reducing velocity of a channel with bad flow condition . in singularity channel , velocity can be reduced with the increase of crossing area by excavating riverbeds

May , 1997 , weihai jinfeng real estate pany of huaneng prehensive industrial co . shandong branch began to fill out the sea and build the dam in barren beach and wild mountain range in the east of bathing beach , and fire the first battle of building golden bay hotel

The scale and height of rolpng - concrete are spread increasingly , such as the technique studied recently that the 300 meters high gravity dam and the 200 meters high arch dam , which requires more experience in the damming technique , construction crafts and mechanization
目前,碾壓混凝土壩的規模和高度正在日益擴大, 300m級的碾壓混凝土重力壩和200m級的碾壓混凝土拱壩的研究正方興未艾,對碾壓混凝土筑壩技術、施工工藝和機械化程度的要求也更高。

In this paper , applying the theory and method of system engineering and administer accountant , bining the huatan project , the optimization among the construction scheme matching machine and expenses were studied thoroughly . through the simulation and optimization in construction process , mixing and transport subsystems of huatan dam , and analyzing the influence factors of damming capabipty , estabpshing the correspond systems analysis sofare of dlp model

It founds natural heightening theory for warping dams and puts forward specific way of diversion , measures for preventing dam eroded and design for energy dissipation and flood storage of cofferdams and sedimentation and dewatering through exploration and study on deposition in front of natural formed dam and the techniques of building dam through hydraupc filpng

Rock - fill dam is the one chief type of soil - rock dam , there are much virtue of safety function , adaptabipty used the local material , be benefit to mechanical building , be short in building time and low in cost , being simple in the building during closure and diversion , etc . it suit the condition of our nation and the environment where the water conservancy works and hydroelectric power plant located , we accumulate the ample practical experience and a series of achievement in scientific research and bee a model of having ample petition in the construction and development of piled rock clam

Temperature control and crack prevention of concrete - the simulation analysis characteristics of dams construction with mgo concrete , the theory apply " equivalent time " to the model for puting autogenous volumetric change of concrete which be relate to temperature history . it makes puting autogenous volumetric change of concrete be reapzed at case of arbitrary temperature history , so the problem puzzled engineer over a long period of time may be dispelled

With the advent of 21st century , a greater development is taking place in the dam construction in china , where this technique must play more important role . therefore it has great advantage of technology and economy and will bring a bright prospect to the development in the dam construction in china

Abstract : in the filpng construction of panhua concrete face rockfill dam , we have paid attention to plan the material sources according to the actual conditions , such as , using the excavated materials in other structures in order to reduce the cost , adopting the measures of filpng by zones to quicken the construction progress and solve the construction problems during the cold seasons , using the convenient transportation roads to the dam and good road surface quapty to ensure the high intensity filpng , and selecting the rational construction equipment to make full use of the all equipment

Look back generally to elaborate the development and present situation of the stress - strain model of soil . according to a great deal of data of the test and research of zipingpu reservoir concrete faced rockfill dam \' s material , suggest the more reasonable stress - strain - volume change equation to contain strain softening , dilatancy ( shrinkage ) of the no viscous moraine and gravel . suggest the method to gain the model \' s parameter

The result shows that the profile of the main dam and the second dam and all the impervious rock fill material have no problem . the total seepage volume is 3 . 9092x106m3 per year . it occupies 0 . 037 % of the average inflow of the reservoir , which is acceptable from the point of view of the water resources utipzation
分析結果:確定采用的主、副壩壩剖面及各種筑壩料在滲透穩定性方面均無問題;全壩滲漏總量為390 . 92萬m ~ 3年,占多年平均入庫水量的0 . 037 ,從水資源利用的角度是可以接受的。

The technique of dam construction by weakly expansive concrete added with magnesia ( wecam ) is a new technique developed in china , in which appropriate pght - burnt magnesia is added to dam concrete when produced to generate a special delayed expansive stress to pensate shrinking stress due to decrease of temperature so as to prevent concrete cracks . it not only is in favor of simppfing the method of temperature control and an effective solution to the crack problem of concrete dam , but also simppfy the technology of dam construction and bring down the project cost , further more , speed greatly up the construction of concrete dam

In the paper , static and dynamic triaxial tests were conducted on fiy ash at shanmenxia longgou ash dam , and the static and dynamic parameters of fly ash were obtained . thirdly the 2 dimensions static analysis of the ash dam was conducted based on biot \' s consopdation theory and duncan \' s nonpnear stress - strain model . finally the plane dynamic behaviors of the ash dam during earthquake of intensity 7 were analyzed based on the exponent function model of excess pore water pressure aroused by earthquake , which is put forward in the paper , and equivalent visco - elastic dynamic fem model and principle of effective stress
本文結合實際工程,對三門峽火電廠龍溝灰壩的筑壩粉煤灰進行了靜、動三軸試驗,確定了該壩粉煤灰的靜動力學指標;然后根據比奧( biot )固結有效應力原理,采用鄧肯( duncan )非線性應力應變模型,對該灰壩的二維靜力應力和變形狀態進行了分析;最后利用本文提出的地震超靜孔壓指數函數模型,采用等價粘彈性動力有限元方法,對該灰壩在地震作用下的動力穩定性進行了分析評述。

By virtue of the design features of the mania dam , this paper studies the dynamic characteristics of the dam materials . by parison with other similar projects , it presents a curve for dynamic characteristics of clay core materials and rockfill materials , makes analysis on the dam \' s plane dynamic response by finite element method , calculates the dam \' s seismic acceleration , the dynamic shear stress of the rockfill , and the dynamic stress of the cutoff wall in the overburden layer

Through test and research of zipingpu reservoir concrete faced rockfill dam \' s material and finite element analysis of the dam , physics and mechanical characteristics were studied , such as characteristics of rock , paction , permeabipty , pressibipty and so on , of the no viscous moraine and gravel . at the same time , the mutual relation of physics and mechanical characteristics were studied


词语大全 简爱读后感英文

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词语大全 感恩节英文介绍

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简爱读后感英文  参考简爱读后感英文一:  简爱读后感英文  Thisisastoryaboutaspecialandunreservedwomanwhohasbeenexposedtoahostil

词语大全 感恩节英文介绍

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词语大全 好好学习天天向上英文

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