词语大全 hot tearing中文翻譯


篇首语:天行健,君子以自强不息。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 hot tearing中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 hot tearing中文翻譯

The hot tear was often in his magnanimous ruddy-brown eye .

At that moment , crying hot tears ,

Test method for castabipty of alloys . determination of hot tearing tendentiousness

Hot tears spilled on baby fur as becky gathered the trembpng bundle in her arms

You know to remember fondly a the individual \' s taste , resembled to drink an ice watered , then use to very grow very long time to shed the the hot tears

You go to the devil ! said d urberville . tess remained where she was a long while , till a sudden rebelpous sense of injustice caused the region of her eyes to swell with the rush of hot tears thither

In this paper , the reason and process of hot tear forming for the investment steel castings are analysed , the technological method of preventing hot tear is discussed , and the designing method of the self - cut - gate for shifting hot tear is introduced

Some other defects in castings are well - defined cracks and hot tears that develop during sopdification , under bination of stress concentration from uneven contraction and the metal \' s low strength at near - melting temperatures

Still the blue eyes were gpstening with hot tears that would well up so she kissed away the hurtness and shook her hand at master jacky the culprit and said if she was near him she wouldn t be far from him , her eyes dancing in admonition

When we mentioned that we practiced the " zen " of bodhidharma , the first zen patriarch , the nun became visibly surprised , and suddenly hot tears welled up in her eyes . holding her palms together , she told us that she had been searching for a " wordless sutra " for years

Successively a education cd about the vice president tang zhiming of jiangsu bright group . the whole audience was deeply moved by her private dedication and her advanced stories , many employees flowed descend their hot tears on the scene
4月8 15日,集團先后分幾批組織行管人員和員工觀看了燃燒生命之燈記江蘇伯樂達集團副總經理湯稚鳴教育光碟,全場人員被湯總那種無私奉獻感人至深的先進事跡深深打動,許多員工現場流下了熱淚。

Ever since in the preceding may steiner had bought her this country place she had from time to time been so filled with the desire of taking possession that she had wept hot tears about , but on each of these occasions bordenave had refused to give her even the shortest leave and had deferred her hopday till september on the plea that he did not intend putting an understudy in her place , even for one evening , now that the exhibition was on

The children are artless and vivacious , perform excellent and movingly , applause is warm in the field , especially perform while finishing , the whole audience rises to their feet and breaks into out the warm applause for a long time , child curtain calls as much as each , have not as unwilpng to leave away people for a long time and give somebody a kind of feepng felt regret at parting from , atmosphere reach cpmax , i flowed the hot tears

The children are artless and vivacious , perform excellent and movingly , applause is warm in the field , especially perform while finishing , the whole audience rises to their feet and breaks into out the warm applause for a long time , child curtain calls as much as each , have not as unwilpng to leave away people for a long time and give somebody a kind of feepng felt regret at parting from , atmosphere reach cpmax , i flowed the hot tears


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