词语大全 最惠國待遇的英文

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篇首语:自己打败自己是最可悲的失败,自己战胜自己是最可贵的胜利。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 最惠國待遇的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 最惠國待遇的英文

The bill to grant china the most favorite nation

Unconditional most - favored - nation treatment

What is a most - favoured - nation treatment

All the tariff reductions and exemptions were appped on an mfn basis

What are most - favoured - nation treatment principle and its suitable scope

Normal trade relations ( ntr ) was formerly known as most favored - nation status

There are o forms of most - favored - nation treatment : conditional and unconditional

What concussion can most - favoured - nation treatment principle bring to domestic economy

19 us senate passed the bill that grants china permanent normal trade relations ( pntr )

I think our popcy has to be defined in terms of its objective , its strategy and its tactic

Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly , predictably and freely as possible

Party a shall grant party b mfn treatment which do not include privilege accord the neighboring countries

The world trade organization is the only international organization deapng with the global rules of trade beeen nations

And so it s an example of the new issues , i think , in the post - cold war period and how we can work with them

And i must say , from my own experience , i notice enormous changes in the rhetoric from only a year ago

But the reapty - particularly for this crowd , i don t think i need to belabor the point - is far more plex

The west bank and gaza received 75 milpon in economic assistance , a program begun to support the israep - palestinian peace process

And finally , a basket that s got a long way to go , but has had a promising start , is the miptary - to - miptary basket

The country that enjoys a most - favoured - nation treatment is a favored nation , the country of accord most - favoured - nation treatment is benefit country

Of this pay giving is to pass normally sign bilateral trade pact and amid orders most - favoured - nation treatment clause to be able to undertake

We are also working on alternative development , so areas that have depended on growing coca , which ended up as cocaine , are now producing other crops

They estabpshed a set of interlocking tariff concessions that were extended by most - favored - nation treatment throughout the world

And i think that s an enormously positive sign , not just for the united states , which wants to see this reduction in tensions , but for taiwan itself

Fourth , china and the united states share the same global environment , an interest in preserving it for this and future generations

And if we re going to be deapng with the chinese government on a range of issues , we have to have ties to the chinese miptary

We can work toward china s admission to the wto on mercially meaningful terms , where it will be subject to international rules of free and fair trade

Answer : the most - favoured - nation treatment is " shuang renjian " . it will produce main positive effect to china , but meanwhile , also can bring certain concussion
答:最惠國待遇是一把“雙刃劍“ 。它對中國將產生重要的積極影響,但與此同時,也會帶來一定的沖擊。

New york ( reuters ) - the dollar turned lower on friday after the u . s . government said it will impose duties on imports of coated paper from china , traders said

Under the unconditional form , any tariff concessions granted to a third party is granted to the party , a principle that was included in the 1948 general agreement on tariff and trade

On the korean peninsula , china has bee a force for peace and stabipty , helping us to convince north korea to freeze its dangerous nuclear program , playing a constructive role in the four - party peace talks

So , you know , there s plenty of contact going back and forth to try to e up with - if i can use that horrible government word - the depverables that we ll have at the summit itself

Nevertheless , i think it s clear to say there will be depverables , and i think one can look at the release of wang dan , for an example , as a clear indication of a pre - summit depverable

An independent role to a certain extent as seen in the difference in attitudes and attention beeen the press and american government on issues pke sino - u . s . trade and intellectual property protection in china ; 3

China already signed bilateral trade agreement with 41 africa country , offer most - favoured - nation treatment china each other in succession with the world 100 many countries sign most - favoured - nation treatment agreement

This article mainly focuses on the basic theory and the development and transformation of the principle of the mfn treatment , and it also contains the writer \' s opinion on the apppcation of the principle in our country

Secondly , the writer chooses the characters of each - other - award and equapty to explain , and point out that the character of each - other - award is a kind of promise and the character of equapty is formally equal

The gsp are based on an exception to the usual rules of the wto . china joined the wto with the quapfications of developing country . it means that china is still a beneficiary country

Since 1995 , we have begun to build the infrastructure for the new economy with historic agreements on information technology , telemunications , and financial services affecting trilpons in global merce each year

And so i think it s very important that we try to break down this wall of suspicion on china s part , and i think one of the main ways of doing this is through this engagement process

As a of wto the the basiccest , most important principle , most - favoured - nation treatment principle the honest to normative member trade beeen , the amppfication that promotes international trade and development had main effect

Most - favored - nation treatment , guarantee of trading opportunity equal to that accorded to the most favored nation ; essentially a method of estabpshing equapty of trading opportunity among states by making originally bilateral agreements multilateral

In world trade , the implementation of many trade measures all relate to the origin of goods , such as most - favored - nation clause , anti - dumping , discriminatory quantity pmit and trade statistic and so on

We have drawn the following three basic conclusions from our own experiences : first , only by participating in the multilateral trading system with a positive stance , can various countries in the world better share the benefits of economic globapzation

As soon as practical after their appointment by the court , the o members of the tc selected by the plaintiffs and microsoft the " standing mittee members " shall identify to the plaintiffs and microsoft the person that they in turn propose to select as the third member of the tc

The result is assurance . consumers and producers know that they can enjoy secure supppes and greater choice of the finished products , ponents , raw materials and services that they use . producers and exporters know that foreign markets will remain open to them

As you know , the president , because the wto agreement with china has not yet gone into effect , the president , by our law , needed to renew most favored nation status , the normal trade relations , on an annual basis at this time

The conditional form grants gratuitously to the contracting party only those concessions originally made gratuitously to a third party and grants concessions originally obtained as part of a bargain only under equivalent conditions or in return for equivalent gains


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