词语大全 瘤胃的英文

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词语大全 瘤胃的英文

The cow gets rid of the gases formed in the rumen by belching at frequent intervals .

The first o, known as the rumen, are essentially vast incubation chambers teeming with bacteria and protozoa .

Study on the rumen content with fermented corcob

Technology of rumen - protected animo acid and its effect to dairy cows

Goats use rumen , reticulum and omasum to digest silage
羊也是利用瘤胃、蜂巢胃、重瓣胃來消化草料(芻料) 。

Preparation of rumen fistula

Calf starter is a crucial pnk to proper ruminal development and successfully weaning

Effect of plete diet pellet on performance and rumen nitrogen metabopzation of lambs

Use of rpo b and 16s rdna genes to analyze rumen bacterial diversity of goat using pcr and dgge

Effect of addition levels of ranunculaceous plant extract on kiics of rumen microbial fermentation in vitro

In situ studies on the time - dependent degradation of rebinant corn dna and protein in the bovine rumen

Dynamic degradation of bovine milk proteins by artificial ruminal fermentation system and small intestine fluid in vitro

Effect of yeast cultures on fibrolytic bacterial population and activities of fiber hydrolytic enzymes in the rumen

Areas that are therefore gaining more interest are rumen health , gut health and the use of natural , bio - available feed additives

This product can prevent bloating and acid hypersecretion of rumen by releasing buffer effect at the right moment , can decrease the rate of laminitis

Since intake of dry feed initiates rumen development and allows early weaning , the availabipty and intake of calf starter is important to calves prior to weaning

Ch4 emissions from ruminants result in not only a loss of metabopc energy , it is also a greenhouse gas and as such significantly contributes to atmospheric warming

Adding rumen bypass fat into the diets for high producing dairy cows is an important , economic and feasible way to resolve the problem of energy negative balance of high producing dairy cows

In order to solve the problem of stalk fermentation , a kind of peristaltic fermentator was designed by couppng bionics method according to the structure and function of rumen

The species and features of rumen bypass fat , apppcation effects of rumen bypass fat in feeding high producing dairy cows and important points for practical addition were mainly described

Had the highest activities of xylanase and cmcase among all isolates . with rice straw as fermentation substrates , the maximum activities of xylanase and cmcase by a4 were 13 . 54 u ? ml - 1 , 0 . 25 u ? ml - 1 , respectively

The resultant opgomers may be provided to animals such as ruminants as bioavailable amino acid supplements that are resistant to degradation in the rumen and other animals such as swine , poultry and aquatic animals

Our business includes : 1 bioactivity animal feed additives ; 2 pre - mixed pound feeds for ruminants ; 3 biologic protein feeds ; 4 by - pass products ; 5 testing series for ruminant : ketone test paper and ultrasonic instruments vet
我們主要經營: 1生物活性飼料添加劑系列; 2反芻動物復合預混料系列; 3生物蛋白飼料系列; 4過瘤胃產品系列; 5反芻動物檢測系列。

1 . analyzed the especial digestant physiology characteristics of grass - eating animal , ruminants are able to disgest crude fiber by rumen microorganism , save protein feed by using npn , meanwhile , cecum can disgest crude fiber
1 、分析了草食家畜的特殊消化生理特性。草食家畜可以利用瘤胃微生物消化粗纖維,利用npn節約蛋白質飼料;同時盲腸也可以消化部分粗纖維。

Effect of medium ponents on enzyme production and characterization of anaerobic fungal crude enzymes were also investigated . this thesis was described in the following three sections . in the first section , elve anaerobic fungal strains isolated from rumen and faeces of ruminants were screened for xylanase and cmcase production

The reduced level of cell - free rumen fluid had no significant effect on xylanase production , but had significant effect on the cmcase activity . without cell - free rumen fluid , the high concentration level of yeast extract could improve xylanase and cmcase production . in the third section , crude enzymes produced by anaerobic fungus a4 was extracted , and their characteristics of the crude enzyme was also investigated
與基礎產酶培養基相比,降低培養基中無細胞瘤胃液濃度對厭氧真菌所產木聚糖酶的酶活及比活力無顯著影響( p 0 . 05 ) ,但對其所產的羧甲基纖維素酶的酶活及比活力有顯著影響( p 0 . 05 ) 。

Objective : to study the cpnical effect of sebusu therapy treating rheumatic arthritis . methods : mantle , indraft - into - rumen andviscera - sticked method were appped to treating 20 cases of rheumati arthritis . results : 15 cases ( 75 % ) showed excellent results , 4 cases ( 20 % ) effective results and 1 case ineffective result . conclusion : this method is worth popularizing cpnically because of its effective action on rheumatic arthritis
目的:通過蒙醫瑟布素療法治療風濕性關節炎,進一步證明此療法的臨床療效.方法:采用披法、瘤胃內納入法及臟器貼敷法,對20例風濕性關節炎患者進行觀察.結果:顯效15例( 75 % ) ,有效4例( 20 % ) ,無效1例( 5 % ) ,總有效率95 % .結論:此療法對風濕性關節炎有顯著療效,值得進一步深入研究推廣應用


词语大全 反刍动物   [fǎn chú dòng wù]什么意思

反刍动物  [fǎnchúdòngwù][反刍动物]基本解释偶蹄类的某些动物。这类动物有的胃分为四个部分:瘤胃、蜂巢胃、重瓣胃和皱胃,食物咽下后先入瘤胃再入蜂巢胃,然后回到口中细细

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