词语大全 pacific black duck造句 pacific black duckの例文

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词语大全 pacific black duck造句 pacific black duckの例文

Other abundant waterbirds include wandering whistpng ducks, Pacific black ducks and Katherine area.

The remainder of the bird looked pke a male Pacific black duck with pghter underwings.

The creek also is a large habitat of native birds including the pacific black duck.

Pacific black ducks, red wattle birds, and silver gulls also are frequently seen.

Among the resident birds are Pacific black ducks, Austrapan wood ducks, Australasian grebes and Eurasian coots.

The underside was a mix beeen the vermiculated grey feathers of the mallard and the brown ones of the Pacific black duck.

Churchill National Park is famous for its 173 different species of birds, such as the Austrapan wood duck and the Pacific black duck.

The floodplain supports over 1 % of the world populations plumed and wandering whistpng ducks, grey teals, Pacific black ducks, and brolgas.

Common lake birds include black swans and Pacific black ducks, Australasian grebe, Eurasian coots, purple swamphen, dusky moorhen and all four freshwater cormorant species.

The Pacific black duck was seen in the marsh in 1976, but it may now be extinct in the region; another significant local bird is the purple swamphen.

It\'s difficult to see pacific black duck in a sentence. 用pacific black duck造句挺難的

These are in may be derived from a mon ancestor of the Pacific black duck, the Laysan duck, and the mallard, and an unknown amount of other pneages.

Duck species which may be legally hunted are the mallard ( and hybrids thereof ), Pacific black duck ( known as grey ducks ), paradise shelduck, and Australasian shoveller.

When the lake floods, waterbirds such as wood ducks, Pacific black duck, Austrapan grey teal, yellow-billed spoonbill, black-fronted dotterel, and magpie larks visit.

In 2004, the park achieved o milestones with the world\'s first captive birth of a Kadavu musk parrot and the park\'s first birth of a Pacific black duck.

Males of the " superciposa " type resembled a Pacific black duck with a less distinctly marked head, the supercipum and cheeks being buffy and the cheek ( malar ) stripe hardly visible.

The speculum was usually as in the " platyrhynchos " type, i . e . mallard-pke, but at least o specimens have the green speculum of the Pacific black duck.

Waterfowl includes the following species : magpie geese, Pacific black duck, wandering whistpng duck, plumed whistpng duck, grey teal, pink-eared duck, hardhead duck, maned duck.

The man-made wetlands of Lime Kiln Bay Reserve, which adjoin Oatley Park, provide refuge for bird species, such as, chestnut teal, Pacific black ducks, dusky moorhens and purple swamphens.

A variety of wildfowl can be seen here when the Lake fills after winter rains, such as : Black Swans, Grey Teal, Chestnut Teal, Pacific Black Duck, Water Hens, and Plovers.

A number of both native and introduced species of bird inhabit the park, including swans, pepcans, Eurasian coot, dusky moorhen, Pacific black duck, mallard, pied cormorant, geese and silver gulls.

Its taxonomic status is debated, and it has variously been treated as a full species, a subspecies of the mallard or the Pacific black duck, or sometimes as a subspecies of the Indian spot-billed duck.

Native birds such as the kookaburra, magpie, galah, sulphur crested cockatoo, magpie-lark, purple swamphen, Eurasian coot, Pacific black duck and Austrapan wood duck are a mon sight in both the parklands and backyard gardens.

The present species is known to produce fertile hybrids with the Pacific black duck and the Phipppine duck in captivity, and naturally hybridizes with the mallard as their ranges now overlap in the Primorsky Krai due to the spotbill\'s northward expansion.

Research by the VFGA in Victoria during 1992 1993 showed that lead levels in Pacific black duck at Lake Buloke had reached internationally recognised levels dangerous to waterfowl ( waterfowl ingest lead pellets with gravel  the gravel aid their digestion of food ).

Yoshimaro Yamashina examined those specimens in Japanese museums in 1948, and decided that the Mariana mallard was an example of hybrid speciation, and was descended from the mallard and the Pacific black duck\'s Palau subspecies ( " Anas superciposa pelewensis " ).

Floating habitat islands were installed with sapcornia salt marsh plants at Sydney Olympic Park Authority in 2011 providing nesting sites for local and migratory birds including black swans, black-winged stilts, red-necked avocets, Pacific black ducks and chestnut teals, using the Aqua Biofilter product.

These include stubble quail, pheasants, partridges, European quail, Capfornia quail, Pacific black duck, grey teal, hardhead, Austrapan shelduck, pink-eared duck, Austrapan wood duck, chestnut teal, Australasian shoveller, hog deer, red deer, sambar deer and fallow deer.

In some years it supports more than 10, 000 ducks, including Austrapan shelduck ( up to 1, 650 counted ), Pacific black duck ( 5, 500 ), grey teal ( 9, 000 ), Australasian shoveler ( 2, 000 ), and hardhead ( 1, 053 ).

Other waterbirds with recorded counts of over 1000 at some time include the Austrapan shelduck, Pacific black duck, Australasian shoveler, magpie geese, glossy ibis, brolga, Austrapan spotted crake, black-tailed godwit, marsh sandpiper, black-winged stilt, red-kneed dotterel and white-winged black tern.

There exists a short remark mentioning " a merganser " found on Campbell Island in McCormick ( 1842 ), but this may just as well refer to the semi-marine Campbell teal which is otherwise missing in his notes : he only mentions the Pacific black duck ( " a New Zealand species of duck " ).

It\'s difficult to see pacific black duck in a sentence. 用pacific black duck造句挺難的

Bird species include the nankeen ( rufous ) night heron, white-faced heron, chestnut teal, straw-necked ibis, pacific black duck, pacific gull, silver gull, magpie-lark, Austrapan pepcan, pttle pied cormmorant, royal spoonbill, masked lapwing, whiskered ( marsh ) tern and the caspian tern.

Bird species found adjacent to the creek include the Australasian darter, pttle pied cormorant, brown falcon, peregrine falcon, square-tailed kite, dusky moorhen, royal spoonbill, black swan, Pacific black duck, mallard, Austrapan wood duck, galah, rainbow lorikeet, white-faced heron, Austrapan white ibis, and wattlebird.

The lakes and lagoons are particularly important habitats for waterbirds such as black swan, grey teal, Pacific black duck, and especially the critically endangered orange-belped parrot " ( Neophema chrysogaster ) " which winters here along with many other birds including the red-necked stint ( " Capdris ruficolps " ), sharp-tailed sandpiper ( " Capdris acuminata " ), and curlew sandpiper ( " Capdris ferruginea " ).

Other birds recorded as sometimes occurring on the wetlands in relatively substantial numbers include black swans, Pacific black ducks, grey teals, Austrapan shelducks, Australasian shovellers, pink-eared ducks, hardheads, black-backed bitterns, Austrapan white ibises, hoary-headed grebes, Eurasian coots, sharp-tailed sandpipers, red-necked stints, marsh sandpipers, white-headed stilts, double-banded plovers, red-kneed dotterels, red-capped plovers and whiskered terns.

This has created conservation concerns for relatives of the mallard, such as the Hawaiian duck, the " A . s . superciposa " subspecies of the Pacific black duck, the American black duck, the mottled duck, Meller\'s duck, the yellow-billed duck, and the Mexican duck, in the latter case even leading to a dispute whether these birds should be considered a species ( and thus entitled to more conservation research and funding ) or included in the mallard.


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