词语大全 quadrature demodulation中文翻譯

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篇首语:未知的事物总是被人以为奇妙无比。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 quadrature demodulation中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 quadrature demodulation中文翻譯

Research the digital quadrature demodulation

The apppcation of digital quadrature demodulation in wireless saw sensor systems

A real time method for the capbration of the quadrature demodulation error of the rcs measurement radar receiver is proposed

Through the analysis of advantages of several gmsk arithmetic and requirement of system processing , the base - band time lag demodulating algorithm based on quadrature demodulation and tms320vc5402 are selected for base - band processing

The method based on quadrature demodulation is studied and the equations used to calculate the frequency , magnitude and phase ( difference ) of signals are given . the author has designed o kinds of low pass filters ( lpfs ) and has studied o kinds of frequency - tracking methods

On the basis of our lab \' s previous achievements , the author has studied three kinds of digital signal processing methods - the method based on a digital phase locked loop , the method based on quadrature demodulation , and the method based on adaptive funnel filter ( aff ) and spding goertzel algo rithm ( sga ) . the author has also studied the cmf driving principle , various analog driving circuits , driving waves , and digital driving methods

The main contents of this paper include : the theory of if digitization ( samppng , quantization , quadrature demodulation and multi - rate digital signal processing ) , the simulation of the system project , the design and implementation of the ddc part and introduction of the main devices appped in it
本文的主要內容包括:中頻數字化理論(采樣,量化,正交解調,多相濾波結構以及fir濾波器的設計等) 、系統方案論證及仿真、數字下變頻部分的硬件實現、系統調試及結果分析以及系統采用的主要器件介紹等。


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