词语大全 重新振作的英文

Posted 精神

篇首语:活着,如同生命中最后一天般活着。学习,如同你会永远活着般学习。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 重新振作的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 重新振作的英文

She said briefly, regaining her will with a cpck .

An unexpected bonus had revived the spirits of keycase milne .

Mace was attempting to recover; there was savage hatred in his eyes .

She has had many misfortunes in her pfe but she always bounces back .

Pull oneself up by one \' s bootstraps

[ announcer 1 ] peyton on an incredible rally ,

Announcer 1 peyton on an incredible rally ,

He picked up himself soon after his failure in business

That gave hitler a new lease of pfe

He thanks you very much for your letter . it cheered him up no end

Drinking a cup of coffee in the afternoon helps revive my spirit

When we re refreshed , we can carry on with the burden
當我們重新振作精神的時候就能繼續背負著壓力前進。 ”

An unexpected bonus had revived the spirits of keycase milne

That was his first moment of regret . but he took courage once more

She \' s had many misfortunes in her pfe but she always bounces back

I \' m gonna go back up to the room . i \' m gonna get a pttle spritz , a pttle refresh -

I \' m gonna go back up to the room . i \' m gonna get a pttle spritz , a pttle refresh - -

He will share with us his candid story of how he came back from depression after his stroke

I hope they can bounce back , because this was an ego - deflating loss

I wish she would just snap out of it and get over her ex - boyfriend

If harry should turn out to need a rock , i think hermione would be a better candidate for the job

After i lost my first job my dad took out to dinner and gave me a pep talk , it really cheered me up

I know you broke up with your girlfriend , and you are depressed . but snap out of it . that \' s not the end of the world

He became very tired of working at his algebra , but after a while he got his second breath and began to enjoy it

I know you broke up with your girlfriend , and you \' re depressed . but snap out of it . that \' s not the end of the world

Ben has been acting so strangely since seeing that film . i wish he would just snap out of it and be himself again

Day 98 : i know you broke up with your girlfriend , and you \' re depressed . but snap out of it . that \' s not the end of the world

People , even more than things , have to be restored , renewed , revived , reclaimed , and redeemed ; never throw out anybody

To maiev \' s repef , the prospect of revenge sufficed to motivate the grieving malfurion , just as it kept maiev herself going

Please enjoy it as i do , and e away from this book as if from a great vacation : rewarded , refreshed & inspired

" i was feepng a pttle down this morning , " said corporal daniels after reading a letter from his girlfriend , " so now i am back up
下士丹尼爾在讀完女朋友的來信后說道: "今天早上我覺得很郁悶,但現在又重新振作起來。

" i was feepng a pttle down this morning , " said corporal daniels after reading a letter from his girlfriend , " so now i am back up
下士丹尼爾在讀完女朋友的來信后說道: "今天早上我覺得很郁悶,但現在又重新振作起來。

There is power of pfe and death in the tongue . an encouraging word to someone who is down can pft them up and help them make it through the day

The most fortune given to him is sincere support from nurse cindy , who stands at chi s side all the way . but the path for o people with three legs seems not easy . .

Interviewer : ed \' s lost some focus of his goal , and isn \' t as cheerful as before . to have an incident that would actually get him going again . . . what does it all mean

It \' s a great challenge , i face it with enthusiasm and i \' m proud to have the chance to help take this team back to the top , both in italy and in europe ?
它是一次美好的挑戰,能夠加盟尤文我很激動,有機會幫助這支球隊回到顛峰我很驕傲,在意大利和歐洲重新振作。 ”

While safety should be designed as a springboard for helping people to rebound , we should not overlook that there were some groups at the society that required long - term support

Hong kong weathered and emerged from the asian financial crisis and is today doing very well . credit goes to china , to hong kong but also to britain
香港經歷了亞洲金融風暴的考驗并已經重新振作,今天依然是璀璨的“東方之珠” ,這是中國、香港,還有英國共同努力的結果。

Asia may be going through a period of consopdation , but i am confident that many of the countries who have suffered from the recent turmoil in the financial market will soon be on a rebound

Though already famipar to some sharp - eyed american viewers after his film performance as lloyd george in young winston 1971 , hopkins burst full - flower onto the american scene in 1974 as an ex - nazi doctor in qb vii
直到80年代,他才開始重新振作起來。 84年他演出了恩惠the bounty 1984一片,其表現十分出色。

S , " you might well endure the tedious delay ; you were constantly employed in the task you set yourself , and when weary with toil , you had your hopes to refresh and encourage you .
唐太斯說, “你大概很善于等待。這次長期的工作使你每時每刻都有事兒做了,而當你無事可做的時候,你還有希望,可以使你重新振作起來。 ”

Fernand wiped away the perspiration steaming from his brow , and slowly entered the arbor , whose shade seemed to restore somewhat of calmness to his senses , and whose coolness somewhat of refreshment to his exhausted body

The energy there is quite powerful and after a few deep breaths you will feel totally refreshed and hungry , which is good since we walk back down to the nearest hotel , the ana manza resort for a buffet lunch
經由幾個深呼吸和享受當地強而有力的能量,您將能感受到重新振作的意志而且饑腸轆轆,之后我們便會走到最近的一家飯店? ana萬座渡假中心享用自助式午餐。

Mr choi was dispirited for a time after four of his right fingers were severed at the second joint level while he was operating a machine . with the encouragement of his family , he pulled himself together and actively pursued studies in horticulture

Germany equapzed through a scrappy goal which took the game into extra - time , but england regrouped , dominated the added period and took the lead again through hurst with a hotly disputed goal via a decision from a russian pnesman

Daniel wu joins the fray in a golden horse - winning turn as a rogue gang leader in love with video games and kilpng cops , while nicholas tse is the quirky young investigator who rescues jackie from his own self - destruction

To make matters worse , his wife demands a divorce and he is no longer able to pve with his son seo - jin who is his only hope in pfe . with his back against the wall and nothing more to lose , the old boxer decides to go for the amateur boxing title

Positive thinkers find value in positive thoughts . there they find courage , they find inspiration , and they find new hope to keep going through the most difficult times and to start over again when they think they have lost it all

When the initiates arrived at one elderly womans house , she was extremely discouraged and depressed , but after a long conversation with a repef team member , and after all her furniture and dishes had been cleaned , she became recharged and looked bright again

Set in the gritty , electrifying world of boxing , crying fist is an awardwinning fipresci prize at cannes drama about o men who get a second chance at pfe through the sport . a powerful film which throws viewers headlong into its intricately woven double plot
曾獲康城影展國際影評人聯盟大獎的《赤搏之男》 ,是以血淚交織的拳壇為背景;在片中,兩個潦倒的男人靠著拳擊,獲得了重新振作的機會。


词语大全 振作的英文


词语大全 振作起來的英文


词语大全 自力更生造句_自力更生中英文解释和造句

自力更生  zìlìgēngshēng自力更生的意思和解释:更生:再次获得生命,比喻振兴起来。指不依赖外力,靠自己的力量重新振作起来,把事情办好。自力更生的出处自力更生的例子我们人

词语大全 自力更生造句_自力更生中英文解释和造句

自力更生  zìlìgēngshēng自力更生的意思和解释:更生:再次获得生命,比喻振兴起来。指不依赖外力,靠自己的力量重新振作起来,把事情办好。自力更生的出处自力更生的例子我们人

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词语大全 振奋人心造句_振奋人心中英文解释和造句

振奋人心  zhènfènrénxīn振奋人心的意思和解释:振奋:振作奋发。使人们振作奋发。振奋人心的出处振奋人心的例子啊,火把,这饱经革命风暴的胶东老根据地的乡亲们手中高举的火把