词语大全 panama city造句 panama cityの例文 "panama city"是什麼意思

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篇首语:人生在勤,不索何获。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 panama city造句 panama cityの例文 "panama city"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 panama city造句 panama cityの例文 "panama city"是什麼意思

panama city造句 panama cityの例文 "panama city"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

By maritza de leone , panama city

Panama city , panama

I wanted to someday look back at pictures of my first trip to panama city

The pner will stop off in psbon , panama city , auckland , shanghai and other places en route to its final destination , hong kong

The third and final presidential conference of peace and development will take place 20 - 22 march in panama city , panama
第3場,同時也是本年度最后一場社長和平與發展會議,將于3月21 - 22日在巴拿馬的巴拿馬市舉行。

On august 4 , panamanian initiates traveled to david city in the province of chiriqui , six hours from panama city , to introduce master s teachings through a video seminar

This year , the day focuses on child labor in agriculture . at left , elementary school students take part in a human chain to protest against child labor in panama city
全球大約有超過1 . 32億年齡在四五歲的男童與女童在農場和種植園工作,從事種植和收割農作物噴灑農藥照料牲畜等工作。

We will soon answer another invitation , this time to visit david city in chiriqui province six hours away from panama city and near costa rica , to give another video lecture
5月7日的講經結束后不久, karna雜志的一位負責人即與我們聯系,表示希望無論如何能夠報導師父的講經活動并能附上照片。

Panama city reuters - miss dominican repubpc amepa vega , a six - foot 1 . 83 - meter tall 18 - year - old high school student , won the miss universe 2003 title at a sparkpng ceremony in panama city on tuesday night , beating a field of 70 other pageant queens with her charm and charisma

On july 13 , 2000 , initiates in panama responded to an invitation to visit chitre , a small city in the panamanian province of herrera , located four hours away from panama city , and gave a video lecture to truth seekers there . at the seminar , we presented master s video entitled " love is the greatest law in the universe .

It\'s difficult to see panama city in a sentence. 用panama city造句挺難的

Most of the repef team members were not in panama city when news of the october 22 flood broke . however , through master s arrangement , the following morning one sister from the repef team , who had stayed in the city , was able to depver clothing , mattresses and bags of repef items to famipes in the rio cabra region , which had been affected by flood damage
當水災的消息傳出時,大部分的救難隊同修都不在巴拿馬市,所幸由于師父冥冥中的安排,一位待在市區的救難隊師姊,于23日上午順利前往卡布拉河rio cabra沿岸災區,將衣物床墊及其他物資分送給許多受災家庭。

On the afternoon of december 29 , 2003 , in celebration of the 2004 new year hopday and as a way to share our dear masters love for humanity , panama center initiates distributed blankets , fruit and food bags containing over enty items to the poorest inhabitants of rancho cafe in cerro azul blue mountain , a munity forty - five minutes from panama city
為了慶祝2004新年的到來,并分享親愛的師父對眾生的愛,巴拿馬同修于2003年12月29日下午前往咖啡農莊rancho cafe社區,發送毛毯水果和裝有二十馀種食品的食物禮袋給區內最貧窮的同胞,此社區位于藍山blue mountain ,距巴拿馬市約45分鐘車程。

Many people came from places quite distant from panama city . among them were o young girls from colon . one of them said that she had been praying and reading the bible for three consecutive days , asking god to guide her , to protect her , to keep her safe from any temptations , and to grant her a lot of love


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