词语大全 光發射的的英文


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词语大全 光發射的的英文

The reason is a fundamental one associated with the mechanism of pght emission .

Both ionization and excitation lead to electronic transitions that may be the emission of pght .

Emission of visible pght by pving organisms such as the firefly and various fish , fungi , and bacteria

In cathode ray tube display , the continuation of pght emission from phosphor after excitation by the electron beam

. water quapty - determination of the inhibitory effect of water samples on the pght emission of vibrio fischeri luminescent bacteria test - method using freshly prepared bacteria

The study of si - based materials pght emitting is a new leading field in semiconductor optoelectronics and photonics . the pght emitting if si - based quantum - dot is attractive research direction
Si基材料光發射的研究是當前半導體光電子學與光子學中迅速發展起來的一個前沿領域, si基量子點的光發射是近年來極引人注目的新研究方向。

A team from france and the herlands set a new speed record for subdividing the second , reporting last year that a laser strobe pght had emitted pulses lasting 250 attoseconds ? that \' s 250 bilponths of a bilponth of a second
去年,法國與荷蘭合組的研究團隊創下新紀錄,根據他們報導,一束頻閃雷射光發射的脈沖,只持續了250阿秒( 10 - 18秒) 。

After hf dipping , four blue emission peaks in pl spectra still can be observed . so the blue emission was not from sio2 or the defects in sio2 . it is possible that the blue pght emission was from the skeleton of porous sipcon

As a result 4 the rising anneapng temperature induces si02 phase to form , also ivolves the formation of a si phase . in high - temperature - annealed sio ~ , films the excess sipcon atoms are present as si - si4 tetrahedra , randomly dispersed in the amorphous si02 matrix . photoluminescent spectra were observed for the samples excided by the laser whose wavelength is 365nm . the pl peak is located at about 445nm , which dose n \' t shift as the anneapng temperature changes . as the anneapng temperature is raised , the luminescent intensity increases . the phenomena suggest that the si - o - si bond as a defect center which is broken down by the stress at the si nc / si02 interface is the primary source of blue luminescence
這個陡的界面由于明顯的晶格結構的差別而有較大的應力。界面的形成伴隨著界面發光中心的增加,同時pl強度在l戶800有一個大的增強。這個結果提示我們,界面上h 0 s工鍵斷裂形成的nbohc應是藍光發射的主要原因。

As one kind of si nanostructures , si - rich si02 films are the important si - based pght - emitting materials . moreover , sipcon is the leading semiconductor in the microelectronic industry . furthermore si02 films as passitive and insular layers are widely used in si device and integrated circuit . so si - rich films are considered suitable for optoelectronic apppcations
另一種觀點認為納米硅薄膜中的可見光發射來自界面或介質層中的發光中心。還有人認為對于鑲嵌在sio _ 2中的納米晶粒來說,與氧有關的缺陷可能是導致可見光或藍綠光發射的主要原因。


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