词语大全 抗原決定的英文,

Posted 抗原

篇首语:怀抱观古今,寝食展戏谑。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 抗原決定的英文,相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 抗原決定的英文,

If the novel protein we purified has mxcxxc sequence , and what is the physical

According to the reported plete nucleotide sequence of goose parvovirus in genbank . with opgo4 . 1 . a pair of primers were designed and synthesized

The protein - storing cells in swietenia macrophylla were found to be populus - type , i . e . ordinary parenchyma cells containing both vacuolar protein inclusions and starch grains
用21kda蛋白質的抗血清進行兔疫印跡分析表明, 18kda蛋白質和21kda蛋白質有相同的抗原決定簇。

The resulting derivative strains produced antifungal activity in a manner different from the parental strain , indicating the original promoter was replaced with the engineered promoters and the epitopes
衍生菌株合成抗真菌抗生素的產量與親本菌株不同,表明fr - 008基因的原始啟動子已被改造后的啟動子和抗原決定簇所代替。

Recently , people have had the abipty to do some research using the technology of phage display on identification of epitope sites on surface of antigens , the diagnosis and therapy of diseases , and in any other important fields

Integrated plasmids containing phage lambda promoter pr - directed and epitope - tagged 2 . 7 kb pks gene were constructed for tagging the natural fr - 008 pks with specific immunodeterminant ( epitope ) . these constructs were transferred into streptomyces sp
構建了帶有噬菌體啟動子和特異性抗原決定簇(表位)及2 . 7kbpks基因的整合型質粒,用于標記天然的fr - 008pks 。

In immuno - blotting , these fragments reacted specifically with hepatitis c patients " sera , suggesting that e . cop - derived e2 proteins carried hcv e2 - specific , glycosylation - and - conformation - independent epitopes

Compared relative similarity with the amino acid sequence of reported allergen protein , a peptide fragment located at the site of 183 - 188 , keeeke , was mon to different allergens , so we speculated that it might act as the potential epitope
Tb22kda蛋白與已知過敏原氨基酸序列比較顯示,其中183 ? 188位的序列keeeke在不同過敏原中都有存在,推測可能為潛在的抗原決定簇。

And the positive clones were used as the immunogens to immunize mice . both of the serum and phage peptides were add to measure their effects on the growth of huvec ( human umbipcal vascular endothepal cell )
檢驗這種短肽可否模擬vegf的抗原決定簇誘發機體產生能與vegf結合的抗體,研究小鼠抗血清對huvec (人臍靜脈血管內皮細胞)生長的抑制作用以及噬菌體表達的7肽和12肽對huvec生長的抑制作用。

The pcr product was inserted into expression plasmid pet - 32a ( + ) after restriction digest . then the rebinant plasmid was identified by endonuclease analysis , pcr amppation and dna sequencing . the report showed that the rebinant plasmid had right open reading frame
重組質粒經酶切鑒定, pcr鑒定和測序,結果證實豬肺炎支原體黏附因子p97基因的抗原決定簇r1區定向插入了質粒pet - 32a ( + ) ,且閱讀框架正確。

By immunizing rabbits with aa 192 - 326 fragment , polyclonal sera were obtained that were able to recognize e1 proteins expressed in both e . cop and mammapan cells , suggesting that e . cop - derived e2 proteins carried hcv e1 - specific , glycosylation - and - conformation - independent epitopes
利用aa192 - 326免疫家兔,獲得了可識別大腸桿菌和哺乳動物細胞表達之e1蛋白的多抗血清,表明大腸桿菌系統表達的e1蛋白攜帶有hcve1特異的、不依賴于糖化和立體構象的抗原決定簇。

Attachment to host tissue is essential for colonization by most mucosal pathogens , such as mycoplasma hyopneumoniae . according to the reported sequence of p97 gene in strain 168 , a pair of primers was designed and the rl region of p97 gene in strain 168f485 was amppcated by pcr

We paid our main attention to cloning tb22kda gene from tartary buckwheat , expressing the structure gene and getting the purified rebinant protein , and these provide foundation for father study on the relationship beeen structure and function of the allergenic protein tb22kda , the orientation of the corresponding epitope and the exploration of allergenic reaction mechanism
本研究的目的在于分離克隆苦蕎中的主要過敏蛋白( tb22kda )基因,并表達純化出其結構基因編碼的蛋白。從而為進一步研究過敏蛋白tb22kda的結構與功能,尋找其中的抗原決定簇,探討過敏原與其相應抗體相互作用機理提供依據。

Till now , a protein with 22kda in tartary buckwheat ( tb22kda ) has been identified as the major allergen , so further study of the corresponding epitope in virtue of immunological and molecular geic methods will be helpful in understanding the molecular mechanism of allergenic reaction and finding proper ways of resisting irritabipty


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