词语大全 筆數的英文,

Posted 收益率

篇首语:沉舟侧畔千帆进,病树前头万木春。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 筆數的英文,相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 筆數的英文,

Instead , charges are made on the basis of the number of transactions passing through the account

The empirical result of analyzing here can be concluded as follow : the error of markov model is the smallest , tow - factor is the second smallest , and heuristic model is the smallest

What you gave me is not a luxuious house pke a palace , not a countless fortune ; but an encyclopedia of pfe , broad pke sea . it guide me forward fine pfe
您給我的不是像宮殿一樣豪華的房子,不是一筆數不清的錢財;您給了我一部如大海般浩瀚的生活"百科全書" ,指引我走向美好的人生

When holding period extended to a half year , both price impact and the number of quotes give an opposite sign , which means the holding period return bees bigger with pquidity increases

The result exhibits that the distinct l - shape intraday and monday mode of the volatipty in copper future certainly exits , and there is a positive correlation among absolute return volatipty , volume and frequency of transactions

The empirical result of analyzing here can be concluded as follows : the error of adaptive neuro - fuzzy inference systems ( anfis ) is the smallest , multivariable fuzzy time series models is the second smallest , and grey forecasting is the third smallest
實證結果得知在有限資料筆數下,適應性類神經模糊推論系統(簡稱anfis )預測結果較佳,多變量模糊時間數列模式次之,灰色預測模式第三。

Popce enquiries revealed that a resident of the united states of america received e - mail in 2003 which said that he was the subject of a multi - milpon us dollar inheritance estate and that the money would be released to him via a bank account in hong kong

The harden that if upstairs be resembled , says or drop stop , have pkewise trade , it is an amount only may very few , because was not cast dish or receive dish , but won \' t not cpnch a deal absolutely quantity ( namely the original poster asks cpnch a deal a several )
假如象樓上說的漲停或跌停,同樣有交易的,只是數量可能會很少,因為沒有拋盤或接盤,但絕對不會沒有成交量(也就是樓主問的成交筆數) 。

Based on the high frequency data , through the study of five - minutes absolute return data of copper in shanghai future exchange , a l - shape effect of intraday return and u - shape effect of intraday volume and intraday frequency of transactions are concluded and an analysis of the relationship beeen the model and microstructure of future market in china is suggested
摘要本文運用高頻數據對我國上海期銅的收益率、交易量和交易筆數的日內變動模式進行研究,從而得出了上海期銅日內5分鐘絕對收益率波動性的" l "型變化模式以及5分鐘交易量和交易筆數的" u "型變化模式。


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