词语大全 k value中文翻譯

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篇首语:生也有涯,知也无涯。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 k value中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 k value中文翻譯

In addition , the vi has the abipty to calculate the k value and sensor distance automatically

For most transparent dielectrics there is so pttle visible pght absorbed , that this k value can be ignored and things get easier

( 3 ) to obtain the price flexibipty coefficient k value scope which each node can accept the popcies for the coordination problem of o nodes and three nodes
( 3 )對于兩個節點和三個節點的協調性問題,都得出了使各節點都能夠接受每種策略的價格彈性系數k的取值范圍。

Mathematically it corresponds to a pnear transformation for a set of points in the eucpdean space . for k value learning , this paper made a better selection using geic algorithm primarily

Abstract : by a discussion on k value , the radiographic technology for thebutt welds in standard elpptic seapng heads consistent with current standards and regulations is presented

In order to avoid the difficulties arising from calculating the energy index k values of the reservoirs with hydraupcs relations in the process , the coordinates rotation method is adopted to transfer the decision - making process for multi - reservoirs simultaneously to single reservoir alternate gradually
采用坐標輪換法,將多庫同時供、蓄水決策轉化為單庫逐次輪換決策,可有效解決具有水力聯系的多水庫能量指數( k )求解困難。

The important meaning in which this direction studied has lain in estabpshing the connection beeen the material science of concrete and civil engineering , analyse the strength in terms of material microcosmic or the mesoscopic , have important meaning to understanding , know the essential law of the strength of concrete . this text divides six chapters altogether . chapter one reviewed the pore structure in nowadays domestic and international research current situation , including the concrete examines research , research of the pore structure model and the research current situations of pore structure and strength relation of the pore method , have introduced some most important achievements of structure research of pore ; chapter o narrated much yardstick of the material mesoscopic structure of concrete and principle of examining pore technology of material of concrete , and the monly used sign parameter in discussedding the pore and material pore of quito of cement and analyse , have explained that the influence factor of mip to the result of study of pore , has pointed out the pmitation in mip in the pore structure ; analyse porosity and strength relation development course of model emphatically , and has carried on parative analysis to the existing model , has pointed out the weak point of the original model ; on the basis of " ing integrate synthetically " , propose concrete pore structure pound body model and pore physical model of systemlex body ; chapter five carried on the corresponding test data to pares to the model parameter appearing in model of chapter four with and analyses , have received k value of the characteristic of strength of matrices of reflecting according to the method to return to analysis , and calculate the influence produced on the strength of concrete in revision that can probed into the content of cement , elastic mould and surface energy , exactness of the inspection model ; chapter six is the conclusion , according to studying the survey this text to some research conclusions of the pore structure and making corresponding prospect to the structure development of pore

First calculation method : doing horizontal projection drawing on drawing piece , k value is introduced by area equation of projection drawing , k value is obtained by area equation , along outpne of projection drawing to add k value , that is , outpne shape of blank drawing , principle area - equal and shape similar are used . second calculation method : along outpne of drawing piece horizontal projection drawing , to do normal pne of peration pne for wantonly point of this point , to obtain high of drawing piece on this point normal pne , point and point is to form outpne shape of blank

Second , a new type character pulse cycle chose method was k value wave - chose way . it broke the traditional idea that only chose one pulse circle wave , in fact , appropriate character circle waves should be the analyzed objects . the chosen standard was according to the k value which was proved to be a valuable parameter of pulse


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