词语大全 通成的英文,

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篇首语:别裁伪体亲风雅,转益多师是汝师。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 通成的英文,相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 通成的英文,

This will allow us to dedicate spaces for charity purposes , and to accept mercial advertisements as revenue at the same time . " as a leading player in outdoor advertising in china , we are constantly seeking new opportunities and to introduce new media formats and products

Passepartout was now the only person left in the car , and the elder , looking him full in the face , reminded him that , o years after the assassination of joseph smith , the inspired prophet , brigham young , his successor , left nauvoo for the banks of the great salt lake , where , in the midst of that fertile region , directly on the route of the emigrants who crossed utah on their way to capfornia , the new colony , thanks to the polygamy practised by the mormons , had flourished beyond expectation

The in - mall first aid kiosk programme is a proprietary concept and is highly functional . medianation inc . was founded in 1991 in hong kong . it is one of the largest outdoor advertising panies in china , operating through top result the largest bus and metro advertising work in china
媒體世紀集團于一九九一年在香港成立,目前為中國最大的戶外廣告公司之一;旗下通成推廣( topresult )為國內最大的巴士及地下鐵路廣告網絡,成科互動( i - result )則經營outdoormachine戶外廣告投放策劃及代理服務平臺。

Hong kong , december 9 , 2001 - china s leading outdoor advertising pany medianation inc . today announces that its joint - venture subsidiary beijing top result pubpc transportation advertising co . , ltd . ( " beijing top result " ) has entered into an agreement with china red cross and china general chamber of merce for the launch of a nationwide in - mall first aid kiosk programme
中國主要戶外廣告公司媒體世紀集團屬下合資公司北京通成推廣公交廣告有限公司(北京通成) ,于二零零一年十一月二十八日與中國紅十字會總會及中國商業聯合會,在北京正式啟動全國大型商業零售企業顧客緊急救護系統。


词语大全 音成的英文


词语大全 餾分組成的英文


词语大全 當前生成的英文


词语大全 雙手贊成的英文


词语大全 天平地成造句_天平地成中英文解释和造句

天平地成  tiān píng dì chéng天平地成的意思和解释:指万事安排妥当,天下太平。天平地成的出处《左传·僖公二十四年》:“《夏书》曰‘地平天成’,称也。”天平地成的例

词语大全 天平地成造句_天平地成中英文解释和造句

天平地成  tiān píng dì chéng天平地成的意思和解释:指万事安排妥当,天下太平。天平地成的出处《左传·僖公二十四年》:“《夏书》曰‘地平天成’,称也。”天平地成的例

词语大全 箫韶九成造句_箫韶九成中英文解释和造句

箫韶九成  xiāosháojiǔchéng箫韶九成的意思和解释:箫韶:虞舜时的乐章;九成:九章。指箫韶音乐奏了九章。箫韶九成的出处《尚书·益稷》:“箫韶九成,凤凰来仪。”箫韶九成

词语大全 箫韶九成造句_箫韶九成中英文解释和造句

箫韶九成  xiāosháojiǔchéng箫韶九成的意思和解释:箫韶:虞舜时的乐章;九成:九章。指箫韶音乐奏了九章。箫韶九成的出处《尚书·益稷》:“箫韶九成,凤凰来仪。”箫韶九成

词语大全 政以贿成造句_政以贿成中英文解释和造句

政以贿成  zhèngyǐhuìchéng政以贿成的意思和解释:形容旧社会政治腐败,官场黑暗,不行贿就办不成事。政以贿成的出处《左传·襄公十年》:“政以贿成,而刑放于宠。”政以贿成

词语大全 政以贿成造句_政以贿成中英文解释和造句

政以贿成  zhèngyǐhuìchéng政以贿成的意思和解释:形容旧社会政治腐败,官场黑暗,不行贿就办不成事。政以贿成的出处《左传·襄公十年》:“政以贿成,而刑放于宠。”政以贿成