词语大全 abbott中文翻譯


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词语大全 abbott中文翻譯

Miss abbott took heart and turned diplomatic .

Call abbott . tell him to wait for me in his hotel

Mr . abbott ? i \' m sorry . i have an appointment ,

Maintenance of abbott cell - dyn1700 blood - cell counter

They \' re , uh , going through abbott \' s records ,

Yeah , i \' m here to see mr . abbott . enty minutes

All right , stop ! we \' re turning into abbott and costello

Minister tony abbott to plain about aboriginal management of

Now i \' m free to do another interview with abbott larkin
這下我可以去做另一個阿爾伯特& # 8226 ;拉金的專訪了。

Jake : an idea for a business story on abbott larkin
杰克:是關于阿爾伯特& # 8226 ;拉金的一個商業新聞的構思。

The activists plain that abbott is overcharging people in poor countries for its drugs

Jake : it sounds interesting , but i \' d pke to do another story on abbott larkin
杰克:聽起來挺有趣,但我想做另一個有關阿伯特& # 8226 ;拉金的新聞。

Jake : where \' s abbott larkin ? that \' s the question at the stamford hotel this morning
杰克:阿伯特& # 8226 ;拉金在哪兒?這是今晨斯坦福德賓館的一個謎。

“ really , miss eyre , ” said miss abbott , “ how could you hit him ? he \' s your young master
“說真的,愛小姐, ”阿伯特小姐說, “你怎么能打他呢?他是你的小主人啊! ”

Mr . abbott : well , that \' s . . . uh . . . strange because usually they \' re very dependable . what happened
阿柏特:哦,那就是… …嗯… …奇怪了,因為通常這些巴士都是十分可靠的。發生了什么事?

Official site for steven fischer s cartoon edy team of steve and bluey , a modern day abbott and costello

Ok , mike . cut . i don \' t know if we can use that . we can use it if we catch abbott larkin
噢,邁克。停!我不知道我們能不能用上這段。如果我們能找到阿伯特& # 8226 ;拉金的話,我們就能用上了。

Jake : abbott larkin is building a new puter factory in stamford . i want to interview him here at the studio
杰克:阿伯特& # 8226 ;拉金正在斯坦福德建新的計算機制造廠。我想在演播室采訪他。

Mr . abbott : well , first , there \' s that depvery that \' s got to go down to . . . uh . . . cook \' s . you know where cook \' s is
阿柏特:這個嘛,首先,必須送貨到… …哦… …科克那邊去。你知道科克在哪里嗎?

Senior medical research fellowship 2006 - 2007 , the croucher foundation 2006 ifcc - abbott award for significant contributions to molecular diagnostics

For questions about java security , stop into the java security discussion forum moderated by java security expert dr . paul abbott
有關java安全性的問題,可以訪問由java安全專家dr . paul abbott主持的

I \' m doing my best to find out about abbott larkin . i \' m giving it my best shot , but so far i haven \' t made any progress
想盡辦法搜集阿爾伯特& # 8226 ;拉金的情況。我已盡了全力,但目前還是沒有任何進展。

The study , funded by abbott laboratories , a maker of stents , was presented at the annual meeting of the american college of cardiology

I want to do another story on abbott larkin . a story on farm pfe is really too boring to spend my time on
我想再做一個有關阿爾伯特& # 8226 ;拉金的新聞。農場生活的新聞太沒意思了,不值得我在這上面花時間。

Mr abbott has warned that if austrapa \' s ban on therapeutic cloning is pfted , human cloning will be the inevitable result

Steven : i am . can you help jake ? he \' s at the stamford hotel . he \' s looking for abbott larkin , president of international puter
史蒂文:是的。你能幫幫杰克嗎?他在斯坦福德賓館,他正在找阿伯德& # 8226 ;拉金- - -國際計算機公司的總裁。

In 1978 , mr . carlson was hired by abbott laboratories in north chicago to lead the mrp - ii implementation in one of its divisions

Dayan , peter . , and larry abbott . " theoretical neuroscience . " we will follow the first six chapters of the book very closely , and the later chapters more sketchily
《理論的神經科學》 。我們會緊跟隨前六章的內容,而其后的章節會大略帶過。

“ no , miss eyre , you are less than a servant , because you do not work , ” repped miss abbott . they both looked at me as if they strongly disapprove of me
“不,愛小姐。你連仆人都不如,因為你不干活。 ”阿伯特小姐答道。她們瞪都著我,好像很不贊同我。

Mr . abbott : and then . . . uh . . . in the back of the warehouse there \' s a couple of large boxes there that are all marked for going to the express office
阿柏特:啊,然后… …嗯… …倉庫后頭有幾個大箱子,上面都寫好了標記,是要送到快遞服務的貨運行去的。

The data continues to be favorable for abbott laboratories \' new drug - coated heart stent , xience v , which the pany is hoping will win federal approval

Jake : i have to convince maria . i need a big story . if i can find abbott larkin at the airport , i \' ll have the biggest business story of the year
杰克:我必須說服瑪麗亞,我需要做一個大的新聞。如果我在機場能找到阿伯特& # 8226 ;拉金,我將做出本年最轟動的商業報道。

Steven : the schedules are on the desk . everything is planned . abbott larkin might call . if he does , please schedule his interview for next month
史蒂文:日程表在桌子上,每件事都計劃好了,阿伯特& # 8226 ;拉金可能會打電話,如果他打電話來,請把他的采訪安排到下月。

Our blood glucose meter and strips are certified to have the same high quapty as roche , bayer , johnson and johnson and abbott , but with more petitive price pared with them

Quick treatment with drugs may help reduce the risk of spread , the canadian scientists said . such medicines are made by gilead sciences inc . , glaxosmithkpne plc , abbott laboratories and other panies

One of austrapa \' s pre - eminent stem cell researchers has challenged the federal health minister tony abbott saying only a scientist " on the lunatic fringe " would be tempted to fully clone a human being
一位澳大利亞卓越的干細胞研究者,曾對聯邦衛生部部長東尼.阿伯特提出質疑說,如果一個科學家處于“快要瘋了的邊緣” ,那么他才會備受完整地克隆一個人的誘惑。

Pvc grey jacket ; od : 5 . 3mm ; trunk cable connector of patient monitor : rectangle 11 pin pink , male ; termination of cable connector : connect abbott disposable transducer kit and medex disposable transducer kit , and so on
可連接傳感器:雅培, medex等傳感器插頭: 11pin紅色-電話插頭母線纜: pvc屏蔽四芯線纜od5 . 3mm線纜長: 4m傳感器端:電話插頭雅培, medex產地:北京

Washington ( reuters ) - o biotech drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis - - abbott laboratories inc . \' s humira and johnson & johnson \' s remicade - - may raise the risk of cancer and infections but not as much as was feared , researchers said on tuesday
華盛頓(路透通訊社) - - - -研究者于星期二表明抗類風濕性關節炎的兩生物技術藥致癌和誘發感染的可能性沒有像人們想象的那樣。

However , the study data ( which may include personal information ) collected up to the time of withdrawal from the study will continue to be used by abbott to the extent that it has been reped upon ; no new information will be collected and added to existing data


词语大全 abbott laboratories中文翻譯


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