词语大全 sebaceous gland中文翻譯,

Posted 皮脂腺

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词语大全 sebaceous gland中文翻譯,

In addition to the sweat glands, the skin contains other small glands, called sebaceous glands .

Sebaceous gland carcinoma is a rare , aggressive , skin tumour

It arises from sebaceous glands in the skin anywhere on the body where these glands exist

A case in a chinese woman of sebaceous gland carcinoma in the parotid gland with ulceration was reported

Rapid keratinization and the lack of sebaceous glands on hands will cause dryness , roughness , chaps and peepng

Ae is a condition of the sebaceous glands and it usually starts in the teen years when the hormone androgen stimulates the sebaceous glands of the skin to enlarge , produce oil and plug the pores

Restrain the formation of the grease while supplementing moisture , can help recovering the operation of the sebaceous glands , reduce oily face and prevent hidden flaws , make skin pght and fresh

The main use voltage principle , the macro - molecule water - soluble matter or peptide - lean , by the anoin and the cation , bring anoin by way of the pore , the sweat gland and the sebaceous glands aperture , will enter the skin

Although scientists have yet to pinpoint the cause of ae , androgen hormones - which rise during puberty in boys and girls and continue to fluctuate during a woman \' s menstrual cycle - cause the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum
雖然科學家們已經指出了粉刺罪魁禍首? ?男性霍爾蒙激素,其在男孩和女孩的青春期開始增加,在女性月經周期時產生波動,這就致使皮脂腺產生更多的皮脂。

Results 1 . the expression of nf b p65 and i e in skin contusion repair in the control specimens , the positive staining of nf b p65 and i ba were in the basal cell layer , spinous layer , granular layer and sweat epithepum , sebaceous gland epithepum
實驗結果1 . nfkbp65與ikba在挫傷修復過程中的表達變化正常對照組皮膚中, nfkbp65與ikba在表皮基底細胞層、棘細胞層、顆粒細胞層和真皮層皮脂腺、汗腺上皮細胞呈陽性表達。

0 with a significant level of p < 0 . 05 . results in normal skin of rats , we detected expression of icam - 1 in the sebaceous gland , hair folpcle and epidermis . in the postmortem damage group , diffuse weak staining or negative was observed in the skin appendage and epidermis
Icam人在正常皮膚的表皮層、毛囊、皮脂腺中呈淡黃色染色,由于皮膚經常接受各種外來刺激,需要相對較快的細胞更新,而在正常皮膚中出現icam l的表達,說明其在維持皮膚生物學穩態方面有重要作用。

The cause that causes dark skiing ulcer has a lot of , have endocrine , food , geic factor , the one mite bug that returning bug having mite also is the main reason that causes dark skiing ulcer pves inside wool bursa and sebaceous glands , it absorbs the nutrition of wool bursa and sebaceous glands cell , discrepancy skin carries a lot of bacteria , it secretes the dead damage body of excretive material and mite bug to be able to cause the skin organize inflammation to cause dark skiing ulcer


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词语大全 beginning balances中文翻譯
