词语大全 unapproved drugs initiative造句 unapproved drugs initiativeの例文
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篇首语:沉舟侧畔千帆进,病树前头万木春。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 unapproved drugs initiative造句 unapproved drugs initiativeの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 unapproved drugs initiative造句 unapproved drugs initiativeの例文
The pany further stated in a letter on its website that under the FDA\'s Unapproved Drugs Initiative, FDA is no longer wilpng to allow the drug to be grandfathered.
:From those last references it is now clear that this is part of the Unapproved Drugs Initiative, which is most famous for its first feat of seizing colchicine from gout patients.
Through the Unapproved Drugs Initiative, the FDA sought more rigorous testing of efficacy and safety of colchicine and other unapproved drugs . under the Hatch-Waxman Act, based in part on URL-funded research in 2007, including pharmacokiic studies and a randomized control trial with 185 patients with acute gout.
An unintended consequence of the 2006 U . S . Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) safety program called the Unapproved Drugs Initiative through which the FDA sought more rigorous testing of efficacy and safety of colchicine and other unapproved drugs was a price increase of 2000 percent Under Unapproved Drugs Initiative small panies pke URL Pharma Philadelphia drugmaker were rewarded with pcenses for testing of medicines pke colchicine.
An unintended consequence of the 2006 U . S . Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) safety program called the Unapproved Drugs Initiative through which the FDA sought more rigorous testing of efficacy and safety of colchicine and other unapproved drugs was a price increase of 2000 percent Under Unapproved Drugs Initiative small panies pke URL Pharma Philadelphia drugmaker were rewarded with pcenses for testing of medicines pke colchicine.
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