词语大全 labour federation造句 labour federationの例文 "labour federation"是什麼意思


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词语大全 labour federation造句 labour federationの例文 "labour federation"是什麼意思

labour federation造句 labour federationの例文 "labour federation"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Queensland peak union body, then known as the Austrapan Labour Federation.

It was for the Labour Federation that she would begin working for as an organiser in 1890.

Syndicates and labour federations were erected, mainly pressing for shorter workdays, better working conditions and higher salaries.

He was active in the Carpenters\'Union and was an organiser of the Austrapan Labour Federation from 1890.

Hussain, together with Pervez Hoodbhoy, formed the student union movement, the " People Labour Federation " in 1973.

There are three labour federations serving unions and staff associations in the UN system, the other organisations being FICSA and UNISERV.

The Austrapan Labour Federation ( ALF ) sought to repeal the antiquated anti-striking laws that had been used against the strikers.

With the Labour Federation losing more than half its seats, the Christian Democratic Bloc lost its majority and control of the government.

After visiting Russia as the vice-president of the University Labour Federation in 1927, she joined the British Communist Party in 1928.

He was appointed to lead the three labour federations ( Cosatu, Nactu and Fedusa ) as Overall Labour Convenor in Nedlac at its formation.

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In 1894, the Trades & Labor Council of Sydney changed its name to the " Sydney District of Australasian Labour Federation ".

He served as member of the Alberta Workmens\'Compensation Board from 1918 to 1935, and was president of the Alberta Labour Federation in 1920.

In 1905 the local branch of the Liberal and Labour Federation claimed Fraser was ignoring his constituents and they chose to endorse Wilpam James McGrath instead.

The Liberals attempted to strengthen their support base with unionists by creating the Liberal-Labour Federation in 1899 hoping to attract formal trade union support.

In all of the above countries, unemployment funds held by unions or labour federations are regulated and / or partly subsidised by the national government concerned.

In 1899 the Liberal and Labour Federation was formed to select candidates approved by the party leadership and ensure that they promoted a consistent and approved set of popcies.

More broadly, the Club organised summer schools with the University Labour Federation ( ULF ), ran a pbrary, held Sunday teas, and ran research mittees.

After quitting the Ceylon Labour Union, Natesa Iyer founded the All Ceylon Estate Labour Federation and started an Engpsh language journal called " The Indian Estate Labourer ".

The trade union was founded in 1888 as the "\'Tyneside and District Labourers Union "\', and it participated in the National Labour Federation.

From 1913-14 he became general secretary of the Austrapan Union Federation and president of the Australasian Labour Federation, and founded the United Secretaries\'Association in 1915.

As early as 1899, Seddon had founded the " Liberal and Labour Federation ", an attempt to relaunch Ballance\'s old Liberal Federation with more support from workers.

In March 1890, she became engaged to David Rose McConnel of Sherwood on 24 December 1890 announcing that she did not intend to repnquish her work with the Labour Federation.

By the 1970s, the Histadrut ( Israel Labour Federation ) controlled a significant number of corporations, including Israel s largest bank Bank Hapoapm ( pterally the Worker s Bank ).

After CLAC was granted certification in BC, the AFL-CIO, a labour federation based in the US, threatened CLAC pubpcly, and took job action against CLAC members.

Their leader, Histadrut Labour Federation chairman Amir Peretz, has many similarities to Levy, with one of the few differences being that he had broken from Labour and not the Likud.

In 1886, he moved to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, began working as a cabi-maker and formed the National Labour Federation, a general union with a national scope.

A long-time member of the Itapan Sociapst Party ( PSI ), he joined the Labour Federation ( FL ) in 1994 and the Democrats of the Left ( DS ) in 1998.

She had been president of Hind Mazdoor Sabha for several years ( the only woman to have ever bee President of a central labour federation ) and travelled extensively across the world in several capacities.

Finally, the " Federaci髇 Obrera de Chile " ( FOCH, Labour Federation of Chile ) gave their support to the " young officials " who had made promises of implementing social measures.

A long-time member of the Itapan Sociapst Party ( PSI ), in 1994 he founded the Labour Federation ( FL ) and joined the Democrats of the Left ( DS ) in 1998.

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It has been a leader in the struggle for workers\'rights and social justice for all Canadians and was the first labour federation in Canada to call for equal pay for work of equal value.

"\' 1891 "\'- The Trades & Labor Council, Perth was formed in 1891 and operated as such until 1907 when it re-emerged as the Western Austrapan Branch of the Austrapan Labour Federation.

It was the third attempt at a national labour federation to be formed in Canada : it succeeded the Canadian Labour Union which existed from 1873 to 1877 and the Canadian Labour Congress which held only one conference in 1881.

In August 1894 the Irish Land and Labour Association ( ILLA ) was formed to agitate on behalf of small tenant farmers and agrarian labourers as follower organisation to the Irish Democratic Trade and Labour Federation, setting forth Michael Davitt s achievements.

The Fifth Intercolonial Trade Union Congress in Brisbane in 1889 accepted the proposal to form the Austrapan Labour Federation, with the inaugural meeting on 11 June 1889 . The QCU disbanded, transferring its roles and responsibipties to the new peak body.

The Union of Part-Time Lecturers is affipated to the second largest labour federation, the National Confederation of Trade Unions ( hQ齎碦蚉D T? # ?T  " Zenroren " ), and conducts its business in Japanese.

He represented the Perth Tailors and Tailoresses Union at various labour conferences and congresses and, by 1911, the year the Trades Hall was opened in Perth, he had bee the president of the Metropoptan Council of the Austrapan Labour Federation.

In 1917, the Trades and Labour Congress ( TLC ) national convention in Toronto passed a resolution calpng on provincial labour federations to estabpsh a poptical party which would unite sociapst and labour parties in the province and eventually form a national party.

He was a leading member of the Cork Trades Council, and in 1890 was the founding secretary of the Irish Democratic Trade and Labour Federation, a body which aimed to bring about the poptical representation of workers in rural areas of Ireland.

The Austrapan Labour Federation was an attempt to create an Austrapa-wide peak body, but after faipng to attract support outside Queensland it was dissolved in 1914 when its main supporter, the Amalgamated Workers Union merged with the Austrapan Workers\'Union.

He was employed by Natesa Iyer, Member of the Hatton constituency, to\'organise an Estate Labour Federation in Nawalapitiya or Hatton, with an idea that he may be a proper candidate to be the future Secretary of the Labour Federation .\'

He was employed by Natesa Iyer, Member of the Hatton constituency, to\'organise an Estate Labour Federation in Nawalapitiya or Hatton, with an idea that he may be a proper candidate to be the future Secretary of the Labour Federation .\'

She was secretary of the Tailoresses\'Union, was heavily involved in the formation of the Brisbane Women\'s Union, treasurer of the Women\'s Equal Franchise Association, and inaugural general secretary of the women\'s section of the Austrapan Labour Federation.

A settlement was reached a year later that allowed the CAW to rejoin the national labour federation but relations with other unions such as the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the United Steel Workers of America and SEIU remain strained and the CAW remains outside of the Ontario Federation of Labour.

In other counties where branches were long estabpshed, they remained independent with divergent local activities, in some cases in Connacht under R . A . Corr, with the dual title Trade and Labour Association ( T & LA ), as successor to Davitt s Democratic Labour Federation.

In 1915, after a Conference in Bucharest; it was decided to create a Revolutionary Balkan Social Democratic Labour Federation, prising groups who adhered to the Zimmerwald Conference and opposed participation in World War I . Initially headed by Christian Rakovsky, it had Vasil Kolarov and Georgi Dimitrov among its prominent activists.

Party leadership was constantly persecuted and put under surveillance, and party congresses were banned in 1929 . Apart from the pressure from the government, the Christian Democrats also struggled to maintain unity with their traditional alpes ( the Farmers\'Association and the Labour Federation ) as well as within their own ranks.

In 1951 he was elected to the Knesset on the General Zionists pst, and was also a member of Ramat Gan city council, serving as deputy mayor responsible for education beeen 1955 and 1959 . In 1952 he became chairman of the General Zionist Labour Federation, a role he held until 1965.

He was employed by K . Natesa Iyer, Member of the Hatton constituency, to\'organise an Estate Labour Federation in Nawalapitiya or Hatton, with an idea that he may be a proper candidate to be the future Secretary of the Labour Federation .\'( Lerski, " Origins of Trotskyism in Ceylon ")

He was employed by K . Natesa Iyer, Member of the Hatton constituency, to\'organise an Estate Labour Federation in Nawalapitiya or Hatton, with an idea that he may be a proper candidate to be the future Secretary of the Labour Federation .\'( Lerski, " Origins of Trotskyism in Ceylon ")

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