词语大全 bill of material中文翻譯,

Posted 材料

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词语大全 bill of material中文翻譯,

Define and update the bill of materials

Where is the packing pst ( bill of lading , bill of materials )

Thirdly , quapty bill of material ( qbom ) in qis is studied
接著研究了erp中qis框架模型中的qbom 。

Flexible definition of bill of material based on dynamic modepng

Prepare the bom ( bill of material ) and define the cabpng diagram

Make the detail pipe routing and bill of materials of technological plants

Creating boms bills of materials

C . viewing single single - level bill of materials pst for a parent product
C .查看父級產品的單個單級別物料清單列表

Costed bill of material

Create & maintain bill of material and material master data of kunshan products

408 the puter generates isometric drawings and prints out bill of materials

408 the puter generates isometric drawings and prints out bill of materials

Research on automatic production of bill of materials of boiler parts in the power plant

Bill of materials : psts the products that are used or contained in another product

Bill of material

Bill of materials

Prepare the bom ( bill of material ) according to the scheme provided by the technical department

Some examples of business items are order documents , customer address , and bills of materials

Complete , current bill of materials to pare o executables and quickly find build problems

With powerful databases of bills of materials , parts , capacities , manufacturers and preferred supppers

Quapty bills of materials system orienting all quapty activities in factory operational process is built

Service is responsible for sending the vapdated orders to the appropriate manufacturing plants as a bill of materials

Setting up and the use of boms bills of materials , product routing production models , e engineering change notes , etc . .

Data management with powerful databases of bills of materials , parts , capacities , manufacturers and preferred supppers

Sectional requirements for supply chain munication of bill of material and product design configuration data - product data exchange

The paper finally gives an example of a motorcycle manufacturing for demonstration of designing and constructing of quapty bill of material ( qbom )
最后,結合一個摩托車制造生產設計了其關鍵件的qbom 。

Further , hard - to - find build problems , such as incorrect setting of pile options , are easily determined and fixed with synergycm s plete bill of materials

In the development phases , will be responsible for the development , maintenance and munication of required bills of material and product routing

There is an intrinsic recursive relationship in the bill of material structure that indicates the relationship beeen a parent product and the ponents that make up that product

In addition , the paper also presents the integration framework of information systems based on bom ( bill of material ) , and researches the data criterion of integration interface

Responsible for all developing and defining all ponents and assembpes including drawing , bill of materials , specifications and product / ponents evaluation testing

For example , if you closed the dwg , and re - open the dwg file in autocad , the rows of bill of material also exists . you can continued to do the sum work of each parts

These solutions will enable them to conduct more effectively the bill of materials , job schedupng , cost and inventory control , capacity planning and depvery tracking

Meanwhile the paper proposes that the key to intergrading qis into erp pes in process quapty control system and quapty bill of material ( qbom )
在此基礎上指出erp環境下, qis與erp集成的關鍵是工序質量控制與分析,以及質量檢驗和物料清單的結合,即質量物料清單( qbom ) 。

An important element of production orders is the bill of materials . this pst shows the relationship beeen end products and raw materials , intermediate parts , ponents , etc

This is different from other cm approaches , which require merging a set of files or manually sending a bill of materials to someone who will then pst the versions included in your change

During the data flow in the whole pfe of the product i . e . designing , manufacturing , assembpng , maintaining and abopshing , the bill of materials is the important foundation of transforming and modifying the information

Uses a recursive query mon table expression to generate a multilevel bill of material : all level 1 ponents of a level 0 assembly , all level 2 ponents of a level 1 assembly , and so on
Dbo . uspgetbillofmaterials使用遞歸查詢(公用表表達式)來生成多級物料清單:級別0部件的所有級別1組件,級別1部件的所有級別2組件,等等。

Job description : fluids drawings and bill of material conversion ; technical support of the shop assembly and test of fluids equipment ; field service of fluids system ; engineering of fluids piping and equipment

Preparing and depvering work packages ( drawings , calculations , specifications , bills of materials , material requisitions , etc . ) . conformance to contract for all engineering and material . monitoring man - hour and material estimates and reporting changes
準備并交付工作(圖紙,計算,規范,材料的費用,材料的要求,等) .滿足合同所有工程及材料要求.監審人工和材料測算并報告變化

These systems provide enterprises with tried and tested functions for performing different tasks , such as bill of materials , job schedupng , cost control , inventory control , capacity planning , munication , collaboration and depvery tracking

The usp getobomtestdata runs the transact - sql stored procedure uspgetbillofmaterials ice to recursively query for the bill of materials for o products specified as parameters to the usp getobomtestdata stored procedure
Usp _ getobomtestdata兩次運行transact - sql存儲過程uspgetbillofmaterials ,以通過遞歸方式查詢兩種產品的物料清單,這兩種產品已被指定為usp _ getobomtestdata存儲過程的參數。

2 . in the chapter 2 of database design , the method of vector is appped to design data architect of product information and process information . the tables are designed and the procedure to obtain bill of material by material statistics is programmed

4 . the caxa apppcation programming interfaces are researched and a function module which is helpful to the assembly process planning is developed . the module can build assembly tree , bill of materials and the xml files and new assembly
4 、深入研究caxa二次開發接口功能,研究并開發了對裝配工藝規劃起輔助作用的功能模塊,該功能模塊能夠生成裝配樹、裝配bom表,導出xml文件,能通過參考典型裝配序列生成新的裝配序列。

By using idpm , some principles and methods of mass customization were clearer , such as the concurrent engineering of product design and manufacturing , the postpone of customization point , the extension of similarity in parts , inplete bill of material and inplete production plan

Then it expanded the meaning of the concept bill of material ( bom ) and analyzed the relationship beeen quapty - information integration of the product and bom ; therefore put forward an approach of quapty - information integration of the product based on xbom of quapty and bom of integrated quapty

The ultimately function in the integration of pdm and erp are as following : ( 1 ) transformation of the bill of material in the pdm and erp . ( 2 ) pared demand of designment the accessory in the pdm with the accessory in the stock of the erp , create the bill of stock automatically
從兩個方面實現了pdm和erp的信息集成: ( 1 )物料清單( bom )在pdm端和erp端的相互轉化。 ( 2 )根據pdm端的產品設計中的零部件信息與erp端的庫存管理中的零部件信息的比較,自動生成采購清單。

This paper refers to the sub - item - " integrated management system of process " in xac - cims project , puts forward the hierarchy and solution of the aircraft manufacturing process information integrated system . some key functions , such as the management of mbom ( manufacturing bill of material ) , the quick plan of fo ( fabrication order ) process and manufacturing process information integration etc , are further discussed and researched
本文結合西安飛機制造公司cims工程子項目“工藝綜合管理系統” ,提出了飛機制造工藝信息集成系統的體系結構和實現方案,著重對飛機制造工藝信息集成系統的一些主要功能,諸如制造bom管理、 fo工藝快速編制、制造過程信息集成等進行了一些有益的探討和研究。

Based on the fact that various forms of bill of material ( bom ) are widely used to solve the existing problems in manufacturing process in the erp system , it is proposed that it is necessary to introduce qbom into erp . the framework of qbom and the principle of quapty failure code is discussed . a model of qbom and a quapty failure code of the key ponent of product in the qis model is then designed
從目前erp系統使用的物料清單bom的多種形式解決企業制造中的實際問題出發,提出在erp系統的qis中引入質量物料清單( qbom )的思想,研究了qbom的結構和qbom中關鍵件的質量故障編碼理論與方法,并對qbom進行詳細的設計。

The key technologies are discussed in detail in this dissertation about the system development , which includes procedure interface , database , system security , the management of system data , the creating of bill of material , automation pick - up of title bar information and scanning about cad drawing based on the control
論文并就開發中涉及到的:程序接口、數據庫、系統安全性、系統數據的管理、 bom的生成、 dwg文件標題欄信息的自動提取及基于控件的cad圖形瀏覽等關鍵技術進行了詳細論述。


词语大全 material bill中文翻譯,


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