词语大全 jaco van der walt造句 jaco van der waltの例文


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词语大全 jaco van der walt造句 jaco van der waltの例文

He is the younger brother of fly-half Jaco van der Walt.

He scored a try in the match against the Pumas, as well as against the and the after Jaco van der Walt took over the kicking duties.

They scored eight tries ( with Kwagga Smith scoring o ) and Jaco van der Walt kicked 18 points, while Jacques Vermeulen scored o tries for Western Province.

The Cheetahs had different try scorers for all five of their tries, while the Golden Lions reped on the boot of Jaco van der Walt, who kicked 16 of his side\'s points.

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媟拼音xiè 部首女笔画12五笔VANS[媟]基本解释1.轻慢:“接遇慎容谓之恭,反恭为~。”2.污秽:淫言~语。[媟]详细解释〈形〉轻侮;不恭敬媟孈也。——《说文》好媟戏以故得媟黩贵幸。—

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