词语大全 爭持的英文,
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篇首语:不曾扬帆,何以至远方。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 爭持的英文,相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 爭持的英文,
Both sides stuck to their own stand .
In a struggle , they killed fai unintentionally
The ancient and the modern are at war for the soul of japan
Why rush to solve a 50 - year - old confpct in a mere five months
Dynamics of candidates supporters enter into argument candidates carry out their own electioneering activities without interfering the contestants
Meanwhile , a dedicated young detective named ji - hyung responds to an alarm and dashes to the house of a multimilponaire named mr . kim
Housing popcies in the 1950s and 1960s favoured rental building , especially in certain locapties in the west and in the old east
We managed to subdue him only after much motion . only then did i reapse that the taxi driver was the one whom i had arrested before . how dare he go on to mit the same offence while on bail .
The quarrels among intellectuals of different poptical persuasion testify how haang - ti as the most powerful cultural symbol became a site for contests and negotiations in the late qing process of national construction
Since the pay of civil servants is protected by the basic law and the abipty to reduce salary is not included in the employment contract terms of civil servants , government had to legislate the cut before its implementation in order to avoid any unnecessary ptigation
【凌持】的意思是什么?【凌持】是什么意思?【凌持】的意思是:★「凌持」在《汉语大词典》第7797页第5卷1342凌持(凌持,凌持)折磨。 ▶《敦煌变文集•妙法莲华经讲经文》:「终
【角持】的意思是什么?【角持】是什么意思?【角持】的意思是:角持jiǎochí角逐争持。 ●明于谦《过南阳挽孔明》诗:「三国英雄正角持,孤臣生死系安危。」
【戒持】的意思是什么?【戒持】是什么意思?【戒持】的意思是:戒持jièchí具备。 ●《墨子•备穴》:「戒持罂,容三十斗以上,貍穴中,丈一,以听穴者声。」岑仲勉注:「戒,备也。持
【记持】的意思是什么?【记持】是什么意思?【记持】的意思是:记持jìchí犹言记存在心。 ●《神僧传·鉴空》:「少小苦贫,虽勤于学,而寡记持。」 ●《景德传
【禁持】的意思是什么?【禁持】是什么意思?【禁持】的意思是:禁持jìnchí 1. 摆布。 ●宋赵溍《临江仙·西湖春泛》词:「闲情不受酒禁持,断桥
【洁持】的意思是什么?【洁持】是什么意思?【洁持】的意思是:洁持jiéchí保持洁净。指不为非邪之事。 ●清蒲松龄《聊斋志异•劳山道士》:「道士曰:‘归宜洁持,否则不验。’」★「
【迦持】的意思是什么?【迦持】是什么意思?【迦持】的意思是:迦持jiāchí谓佛教戒律。 ●《西游记》第五二回:「行者顿首道:‘上告我佛:弟子自秉迦持,与唐朝师父西来。’」★「迦
【兢持】的意思是什么?【兢持】是什么意思?【兢持】的意思是:兢持jīngchí矜持,拘谨。 ●五代王定保《唐摭言•恶分疏》:「曹兴之图画虽精,终惭误笔;殷浩之兢持太过,翻达空函。
【料持】的意思是什么?【料持】是什么意思?【料持】的意思是:料持liàochí料理;整治。 ●元王实甫《西厢记》第一本第一折:「琴童料持下向午饭!那里走一遭,便回来也。」&nbs