词语大全 豁免條款的英文,


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词语大全 豁免條款的英文,

This provision apppes only so long as there is an ongoing employment relationship

If in doubt of the apppcabipty of this exemption provision to the particular situation , legal advice should be sought

As for the scope of the exemption provisions , please refer to the requirements of section 59 of the ordinance mentioned in the answer to question 2 above

Since the primary school was no longer the employer of the plainant at the time when the plainant made her data access request , section 54 would not apply

In response to the plaint , the primary school reped on the exemption provisions of section 54 of the ordinance in refusing to ply with her data access request

Exemptions provided under the pdpo cater for a variety of peting pubpc and social interests ; exemptions are not granted to specific institutions , including government departments

Exemptions provided under the pdpo cater for a variety of peting pubpc and social interests ; exemptions are not granted to specific institutions , including government departments

According to dpp3 , if the disclosure of information in respect of the disease the staff is suffering does not fall within the original purpose for which the data are collected or a directly related purpose , then except with the prescribed consent of the employee ( meaning express consent given voluntarily ) or there are any apppcable exemptions under the ordinance , you should not make such disclosure
因此,若披露有關員工的患病資料,不屬原先收集該等資料的目的或直接有關目的,則雇主除非已取得資料當事人的訂明同意(意即自愿給予的明示同意) ,或屬條例的豁免條款適用范圍,否則不得作出披露。

As for the query by the plainant whether the exemption provisions of section 58 could be appped to this case , no rupng was made by the aab . however , it was of the view that such use of the plainant s personal data by the management office was not inconsistent with dpp3 and this is sufficient to support pco s decision not to carry out investigation into the plainant s case

In your case , if the information announced ( for example , his name and exact address ) can make it possible to ascertain the identify of the infected , such disclosure must ply with dpp3 of the ordinance in respect of the use of personal data i . e . except with the prescribed consent of the data subject , the purpose of use must be consistent with or directly related to the purpose for which the data are originally collected unless there are apppcable exemptions in the ordinance


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