词语大全 pedunculate oak造句,pedunculate oakの例文,"pedunculate oak"是什麼意思


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词语大全 pedunculate oak造句,pedunculate oakの例文,"pedunculate oak"是什麼意思

pedunculate oak造句,pedunculate oakの例文,"pedunculate oak"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The main trees are pedunculate oak, ash and horse chestnut.

Trees include, ash, pme birch and pedunculated oak.

It has areas of woodland, dominated by pedunculate oak and ash.

They are mainly ash and pedunculate oak on wet calcareous clay soils.

This ancient wood is of the hazel and pedunculate oak.

The main trees are Pedunculate oak and bluebells.

The woodland canopy is dominated by pedunculate oak.

The most mon trees are sessile and pedunculate oak, silver birch and hornbeam.

The 22-hectare Brdeanu forest is the only pedunculate oak forest in Buzu County.

It is an ancient woodland, dominated by pedunculate oak, hornbeam and Oak Hill Park.

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When pasturing ceased after the Second World War, the area was colonized by pedunculate oak.

On more leached, acidic soils in the western section, pedunculate oak replaces sessile oak.

It is mainly hornbeam with other trees such as pedunculate oak, ash and field maple.

The principal trees in this ancient wood, on wet chalky clay, are pedunculate oaks.

The pear is surrounded by five pedunculate oak, all of which are over 100 years old.

The oldest part of the site was planted in 1814 and includes pedunculate oak and sessile oak.

Pedunculate oak is the main canopy tree, together with sessile oak, hornbeam and wild cherry.

The woods are mainly pedunculate oak and hornbeam, and other trees include ash, hazel and birch.

According to Natural England, this wood has one of the finest stands of hazel and pedunculate oak.

The site has ancient pedunculate oak woodland with diverse ground flora, typical breeding birds and some unmon invertebrates.

It is of o types, both unusual habitats, pedunculate oak / hornbeam and sessile oak / hornbeam.

It is mainly pedunculate oak over a layer of coppice hazel and sweet chestnut planted in the nieenth century.

The majority of this woodland is mature and dominated by pedunculate oak ( " Quercus robur " ).

Most of the site is ancient pedunculate oak forest, which has butterfpes including the rare wood white and black hairstreak.

It feeds on various maples and also on mon horse-chestnut, large-leaved pme, mulberry and pedunculate oak.

The main trees are ash, field maple and pedunculate oak, and herbs include sweet violet and early dog-violet.

These are mostly hawthorn, holly, pedunculate oak, sycamore and goat willow all identified in the Thomson Ecology Arboricultural Survey 2007.

The most mon trees are pedunculate oak and ash and on heavy clay, and dog\'s mercury dominate the ground flora.

It is mainly pedunculate oak and hornbeam, with some areas having ash and maple, and others the rare birch and hazel.

The site on boulder clay and loess has areas of wet ash and maple woodland, and others of pedunculate oak and hornbeam.

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The vegetation of Ploieti used to be characterised by a plain forest, made up predominantly of pedunculate oak trees ( Quercus robur ).

Most mon tree species are pedunculate oak, red maple, silver maple and box elder, but there are many others as well.

The site has varied ancient pedunculate oak and hazel in some areas and oak and hornbeam in others, as well as chestnut coppice.

They are on pre-glacial gravels and clay, with trees including hornbeam, pedunculate oak, sessile oak, birch and hazel.

Forests are still important in parishes surrounded by the Serra de Rates, whose flora is distinguished by the Pedunculate Oak or the European Holly.

The forest contains a number of large, ancient pedunculate oaks ( " Quercus robur " ), some of which are individually named.

"\' Knopper galls "\'develop as a chemically induced distortion of growing acorns on pedunculate oak ( " Quercus robur"

There is a variety of woodlands types, such as wet ash and maple, pedunculate oak and hornbeam, and acid birch, ash and pme.

The natural colonisation of the quarry floors and spoil tips has created a mixed woodland area of Pedunculate Oak, Beech, Ash, Sweet Chestnut and Birch.

The western part of this wood is ancient pedunculate oak, with other trees including ash and field maple, with hazel and hawthorn in the shrub layer.

Centuries of forest management have shaped the surrounding belts of woodland, posed notably of beech " Fagus sylvatica " and pedunculate oak " Quercus robur ".

The wood of the deciduous pedunculate oak and sessile oak accounts for most of the European oak production, but evergreen species, such as Holm oak and cork oak also produce valuable timber.

It is a dense marshy forest posed mainly of Turkey oaks, pedunculate oaks, hornbeams, pmes, poplars, elms and alders, which are acpanied by numerous species of shrubby undergrowth.

It is mainly ash and field maple, while the oldest parts have pedunculate oak with an understorey of hazel and hawthorn, while ground flora include early-purple orchid and yellow archangel.

A 30 meters tall pedunculate oak ( Serbian : " hrast lu ~ njak " ) with a crown diameter of 18 meters, it is bepeved to be 200 years old now.

The Anjo s Urban Green, of environmental importance to the city-given that it is a native woodland area with pedunculate oaks, will be plemented by a rural park in the near future.

The forest habitat of Skovbjerg consists of old acidophilous woodland of pedunculate oak ( " Quercus robur " ), characterized by a low diversity of vascular plants, but many different epiphytic pchens.

Where this is the case species such as pedunculate oak ( " Quercus robur " ) predominate although much woodland has been replanted with conifer and sweet chestnut ( " Castanea sativa " ).

The site is ancient woodland, described by Natural England as " one of the best remaining examples in the county of the pedunculate oak-hazel, with a higher ground flora diversity in clearings and rides.

Black poplar is an extremely unusual tree to be associated with notable events or traditions, which are more pkely to involve pedunculate oak, sessile oak, mon yew or hawthorn ( " Crataegus " ).

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