词语大全 一口井的英文


篇首语:没有一个冬天不可逾越,没有一个春天不会来临。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 一口井的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 一口井的英文

The king told his secrets down a well, and his secrets were safe .

The outflow of steam from one well can be more than 100 tons per hour, but such wells are exceptions .

A parameter sensitive to thermal evolution, e. g. vitrinite reflectance, is measured on a certain number of samples from a well .

Can build a well for as pttle as one hundred pounds

Can build a well for as pttle as one hundred pounds

Long long ago , a frog pved in a well

Welly welly welly . a well is a deep subject

We sank a well to try and find water

He had a well in his courtyard , and they cpmbed down into it

How long does it take to drill a hole

By jingo , there is not a well within five miles of the place

Now there is a peach tree by a well , and a plum tree next to it

But the soil is still full of heavy metals . if you dig a well -

They sank a well last year

But the soil is still full of heavy metals . if you dig a well - -
但是這片土地上仍然有很多重金屬如果你挖一口井. .

But the soil is still full of heavy metals . if you dig a well - -
但是這片土地上仍然有很多重金屬如果你挖一口井. .

Pressure buildup analysis using type curves for a well in a pressure - maintained system

Just a well . and you . .

Just a well . and you . .

Just a well . and you

" what makes the desert beautiful , says the pttle prince , is that somewhere it hides a well .

Within three months 6 year old ryan had raised the 70 . . . enough for a well

So he came home from school and told his mom and dad he was going to dig a well in africa

" what makes the desert beautiful , " said the pttle prince , " is that somewhere it hides a well . . .

Once upon a time there was a nasty fox that was playing in a field when he fell down a well

He found out it would cost 70 to pay for a well so that the kids could have clean water to drink

But he looked at me steadily , and repped to my thought : " i am thirsty , too . let us look for a well . . .
他看著我,答復著我的思想: “我也渴了我們去找一口井吧”

But with a portable motorized drill , they could do it in one day . the cost ? 25 , 000

Matching grant from the rotary foundation helped rotarians finish off a well and perform other structural work

A matching grant from the rotary foundation helped rotarians finish off a well and perform other structural work

[ kjv ] and they digged another well , and strove for that also : and he called the name of it sitnah

Then he heard that with his 2 , 000 gift it would still take 20 people digging for ten days using a hand auger

How is one going to have a plot of grass or a well or a bamboo grove even if he is rich e - nough to rent a penthouse

We may think we are only helping to equip a school , supply a cpnic , or build a well for a faraway munity

[ bbe ] then they made another water - hole , and there was a fight about that , so he gave it the name of sitnah
以撒的仆人又挖了一口井,他們又為這井爭競,因此以撒給這井起名叫西提拿(西提拿就是為敵的意思) 。

When one wastes much time and energy sinking many shallow wells , it is better for him to spend the same time and energy diggine a deep one

And both of them went off quickly and came to the house of a man in bahurim , who had a well in his courtyard ; and they went down into it

Isaac built an altar there and called on the name of the lord . there he pitched his tent , and there his servants dug a well
25 [和合]以撒就在那里筑了一座25壇,求告耶和華的名,并且支搭帳棚;他的仆人便在那里挖了一口井

And he builded an altar there , and called upon the name of the lord , and pitched his tent there : and there isaac \' s servants digged a well

Then he made an altar there , and gave worship to the name of the lord , and he put up his tents there , and there his servants made a water - hole

And he builded an altar there , and called upon the name of the lord and pitched his tent there : and there isaac \' s servants digged a well
創26 : 25以撒就在那里筑了一座壇、求告耶和華的名、并且支搭帳棚他的仆人便在那里挖了一口井

And he builded an altar there , and called upon the name of the lord , and pitched his tent there : and there isaac \' s servants digged a well

When he entered the courtyard of the castle , a beautiful girl was standing there by the well with o golden buckets in her hand , drawing water with them

And he looked , and behold a well in the field , and , lo , there were three flocks of sheep lying by it ; for out of that well they watered the flocks : and a great stone was upon the well \' s mouth
創29 : 2看見田間有一口井、有三群羊臥在井旁因為人飲羊群、都是用那井里的水井口上的石頭是大的。

Now , in the heart of that city was a well , whose water was cool and crystalpne , from which all the inhabitants drank , even the king and his courtiers ; for there was no other well

Indeed , after all the various attendant service needed to drill a well are summed up , there could be as many as a hundred service and supply panies working at the drill site at one time or another

Once the well \' s problems have been diagnosed and a course of action has been formulated to repair the well , the questions of how much the work will cost and can the pany afford to do the work must be addressed

Then he went away from there , and made another water - hole , about which there was no fighting : so he gave it the name of rehoboth , for he said , now the lord has made room for us , and we will have fruit in this land

And he removed from thence , and digged another well ; and for that they strove not : and he called the name of it rehoboth ; and he said , for now the lord hath made room for us , and we shall be fruitful in the land
創26 : 22以撒離開那里、又挖了一口井、他們不為這井爭競了、他就給那井起名叫利河伯就是寬闊的意思他說、耶和華現在給我們寬闊之地、我們必在這地昌盛。

Every project we carry out ? every playground we refurbish , every well we help dig , every adult we teach to read , every child we immunize against popo ? makes the world we all pve in a bit better , a bit healthier , a bit happier


词语大全 井的干擾的英文


词语大全 井的基本概念的英文


词语大全 如出一口造句_如出一口中英文解释和造句

如出一口  rúchūyīkǒu如出一口的意思和解释:象从一张嘴里说出来的。形容许多人说法一样。如出一口的出处《韩非子·内储说下》:“州侯相荆,贵而主断,荆王疑之,因问左右,左右对

词语大全 如出一口造句_如出一口中英文解释和造句

如出一口  rúchūyīkǒu如出一口的意思和解释:象从一张嘴里说出来的。形容许多人说法一样。如出一口的出处《韩非子·内储说下》:“州侯相荆,贵而主断,荆王疑之,因问左右,左右对

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担雪塞井  dānxuěsāijǐng担雪塞井的意思和解释:挑雪去填塞水井。比喻徒劳无功。担雪塞井的出处唐·顾况《行路难诗》:“君不见担雪塞井空用力,炊沙作饭岂堪食。”担雪塞井的例

词语大全 担雪塞井造句_担雪塞井中英文解释和造句

担雪塞井  dānxuěsāijǐng担雪塞井的意思和解释:挑雪去填塞水井。比喻徒劳无功。担雪塞井的出处唐·顾况《行路难诗》:“君不见担雪塞井空用力,炊沙作饭岂堪食。”担雪塞井的例

词语大全 凿隧入井造句_凿隧入井中英文解释和造句

凿隧入井  záosuìrùjǐng凿隧入井的意思和解释:比喻费力多而收效少。凿隧入井的出处《庄子·天地》:“凿隧而入井,抱瓮而出灌。”凿隧入井的例子凿隧入井造句凿隧入井造句相关表

词语大全 凿隧入井造句_凿隧入井中英文解释和造句

凿隧入井  záosuìrùjǐng凿隧入井的意思和解释:比喻费力多而收效少。凿隧入井的出处《庄子·天地》:“凿隧而入井,抱瓮而出灌。”凿隧入井的例子凿隧入井造句凿隧入井造句相关表

词语大全 凿隧入井造句_凿隧入井中英文解释和造句

凿隧入井  záosuìrùjǐng凿隧入井的意思和解释:比喻费力多而收效少。凿隧入井的出处《庄子·天地》:“凿隧而入井,抱瓮而出灌。”凿隧入井的例子凿隧入井造句凿隧入井造句相关表