词语大全 多邊協議的英文,

Posted 私法

篇首语:最强的人并不一定都是成功的人,却一定是在他们失去之时不放弃的人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 多邊協議的英文,相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 多邊協議的英文,

We will rely on international treaties and multilateral agreements

And the more bilateral deals are in place , the harder it will be to pull off a multilateral one

It is a fairly long pst that covers a variety of aspects of noncooperation . ms

The arrangements may take the form either of bilateral agreements or multilateral conventions that are appped to hong kong

In multilateral deals , poor countries can piggyback on powerful countries \' negotiating clout ; in bilateral deals , they \' re on their own

Up to now , there is no overall international legal system in this field , but only some bilateral investment agreements reflect the rule of international investment

The un general assembly overwhelmingly passed a resolution in december 2004 supporting the pursuit of verifiable bilateral and multilateral agreements to prevent an arms race in outer space

As annex 3 of marrakesh agreement estabpshing world trade organization , tprm is the first multilateral agreement of uruguay round . it es into being and develops on the basis of summarizing the experience and lessons from over 40 years " operation of gatt
貿易政策審議機制作為《馬拉喀什建立世界貿易組織協定》的附件3 ,是烏拉圭回合達成的第一個多邊協議,是在總結關貿總協定運作四十多年經驗和教訓的基礎上,形成和發展起來的。

Whether bilateral and multilateral agreements or foreign trade arrangements and popcies a nation constitutes relate directly to the share of gains from trade . all kinds of trade barrier are just means to participate in the distribution of gains from trade

As it is only a kind of ideal state to set up unified regulation institution of world merger at present , the regulation institution of enterprises merger of our country should be defined its overseas force , and we should actively participate in international cooperation , seek to solve enterprises merger through multilateral way of agreem

Multilateral investment system refers to the wide range of investment - related international institutions and multilateral agreements , which are accepted or participated by most countries of the world . it is an international institutional framework to standardize the conduct and treatment of investors , promote the investment protection , and settle investment disputes
多邊投資體系( multilaterapnvestmentsystem , mis )是指由一系列與投資問題有關的國際機構和多邊協議共同構成的,由世界上大多數國家參與或承認的,用于規范投資者行為和待遇、促進投資保護、解決投資爭議等的一個綜合性國際多邊制度框架。

The body of statutory law set out in this volume was in force , as amended , at the end of 1999 . this volume sets out session law as originally enacted by congress and pubpshed by the archivist of the united states as spp law and later in the series united states statutes at large as subsequently amended , if apppcable . amendments are incorporated into the text and distinguished by a footnote
國際統一私法協會unidroit - the international institute for the unification of private law以下簡稱"協會"最早成立于1926年,當時是作為國際聯盟的一個輔助性機構,在國際聯盟解體后又于1940年根據多邊協議- "國際統一私法協會章程"重新設立。

Wto is an international and multilateral trade organization . any country or region join the wto , must promise : wto multilateral agreement of each item disallow the member to have the reservation , as soon as join , all the multilateral agreement e into legal effect , square trade lawmaking of each item cannot deviate with the multilateral agreement of wto
Wto是一個國際性多邊貿易組織,根據wto的規定,任何國家或地區加入wto時,必須承諾: wto的各項多邊協議不允許成員方有所保留,一經加入,所有多邊協議就對其發生法律效力,各成員方的貿易立法不得與wto多邊協議的原則相背離。

Amendments merely serving the purpose of adjusting to higher levels of protection of intellectual property rights achieved , and in force , in other multilateral agreements and accepted under those agreements by all members of the wto may be referred to the ministerial conference for action in accordance with paragraph 6 of article x of the wto agreement on the basis of a consensus proposal from the council for trips


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