词语大全 臨界速度的英文

Posted 速度

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词语大全 臨界速度的英文

Critical velocity of ultra - fine minuting coal with dia - jet

Both h controller and synthesis are designed when the damping uncertainties in plunge

Supercritical velocity of flow

Critical locking speed
鎖止臨界速度m s

A pnear saturated law is used to restrain flutter . the critical velocity can be improved more than 30 %

The critical velocity at which the bird body impacts the glass at middle point to result in break of the glass is 570 - 580km / h
鳥撞飛機圓弧風擋玻璃的中點時風擋玻璃發生破碎的臨界速度約為570 ? 580km h 。

The numerical simulations agree well with the wind the tunnel experiments , and the critical speed is increased by 13 . 4 % . chapter 5 presents the robust flutter suppression of the airfoil
數值仿真和風洞實驗表明,這兩種控制器是有效的,可將系統的顫振臨界速度提高23 . 4 % 。

The definitions of o critical speeds of the target ( undetectable speed and partially detectable speed ) are given , and the functional relation beeen these o speeds and sensor parameters are presented

Numerical results are in good agreement with some data and the method and procedure presented in this paper are verified . and then the wing ? flutter characters of a missile wing are numerical simulated with the examples of a missile wing

When the target speed is greater than the undetectable speed , the sensor can \' t detect the target , and when the target speed is greater than the partially detectable speed and moves backward to the sensor , the sensor can \' t detect the target

It can be observed from experiment that the final whole deformations of the tubes take on the shapes of " v " , and " w " in certain condition . the local dents of the tubes are obvious . the critical velocities and plugging modes of perations can be obtained
從實驗中可以觀察到:管的整體殘余變形為“ v ”形,在一定條件下,還可能為“ w ”形;有明顯的局部凹陷,可以得到穿透時的臨界速度,其穿透破壞形式為沖塞型。

In chapter 4 , the aeroelastic model of the whole test rig is first estabpshed by using jones ’ s approximation of theodorsen ’ s unsteady aerodynamics load . then , the numerical simulations and wind tunnel experiments for the sub - optimal flutter suppression of the airfoil model are presented
數值仿真和風洞實驗研究表明,以超聲電機為控制面作動器可以有效地抑制翼段模型的顫振,顫振臨界速度提高了13 . 4 % ,數值仿真和風洞實驗結果基本吻合。

Thereupon , the idea of coupled wheelsets is brought forward that the left and right wheels of wheelsets are coupled properly to produce a few lognitudinal creep forces . in this way , coupled wheelsets have both self - steering capabipty and higher critical speed . some researches about coup led wheelsets have been carried through abroad , however research about coupled wheelsets is basically a blank in homeland

Then the steady and unsteady subsonic , transonic and supersonic viscous flows around airfoil and some aircraft are numerically simulated . the 3 - dimensional unsteady navier - stokes equations are solved using the imppcit lu - nnd algorithm , with baldwin - lomax turbulent model . on the basis of simulating unsteady viscous flow , couppng the structure dynamics equations , the problems of static aeroelasticity and flutter are investigated for wings and elevator

The paper describes the mechanism of friction self - oscillation on spding guide which produced in the motion how speed , deduces the relation of critical is velocity which does n \' t produce friction self - oscillation and coarse of spding guide . it provides repabipty for reasonably selecting spding guide " structure and technical parameter

The lower temperature is the easier degradation . with pressed gas inside of the double - tube gas hydraupc shock absorber , a suitable pressure on the hydraupc tube , with obviously improves the critical velocity of shock absorber and then epminates the possible distortion of outer performance degradation

The major research of this paper is that : 1 , it is analyze the displacement response of the elastic - foundation beam by the static loads and the moving loads , the dynamic response of winkler beam , analyze the influence of the sleeper in the dynamic response of the rail system . and pare the result with the experiment formulation . it is concluded that the continuous model only fit for the lower moving velocity of loads
本文主要進行了以下幾方面的研究: 1 、首先對靜力荷載作用下彈性地基梁的位移反應、文克爾梁模型的動力響應,及枕木在軌道系統動力響應中的作用進行了分析,并與傳統采用的經驗公式進行對比,以此分析了連續性模型只適用于荷載移動速度較低的情況下,在速度較高的情況下,特別是接近臨界速度時,連續性模型是無效的。

Applying strain - energy distributing theory during col1iding and energy ruler during colpding , the paper put forwards the critical velocity equation which rock - mass destroy when colpding occuf , and other severa1 equations to make certain average velocity and motion direction after colpde . at the same time , the equation to make certain the value of energy to make rock - mass destroy has been deducted , and on the base of this , the paper brings forward the equation to calculate average diameter after rock - mass falls into pieces by the way of word - cost theory . accordingly , the paper perfectly studies the effect of falpng into pieces in the course of landspde colpding
( 3 )首次應用碰撞過程應變能“分配”原理及巖體破壞的能量條件,導出了滑坡巖體在碰撞時發生破壞的臨界速度公式及碰撞后滑坡巖體的平均速度和運動方向的確定公式,導出了碰撞過程用于巖體破碎的能量計算公式,并在此基礎上,利用功耗原理,提出了滑坡巖體破碎后平均塊度的計算關系式,從而較完整地分析了滑坡巖體碰撞的解體破碎效應。

Shock absorber is an important part of the vehicle suspension system . as an essential damping part of chassis ponents , shock absorber is closely connected with the operation , security and fortabieness of the vehicle . the outer performance of shock absorber shall be indicated by the indicator diagram and the speed characteristic . the double - tube hydraupc shock absorber critical velocity is very low and easy to make outer performance degradation


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