词语大全 blood coagulation中文翻譯

Posted 血液

篇首语:丈夫清万里,谁能扫一室?本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 blood coagulation中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 blood coagulation中文翻譯

Man has been intrigued with blood coagulation .

The development of a full - automated blood coagulation analyzer

The mechanism of action of rebinant batroxobin on blood coagulation system

Effect of medium - molecular - weiht hydroxyethy l starch on the functions of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis

Cpnical study on the effect of pricking blood therapy on the blood coagulation system in the patient of cerebral infarction at restoration stage

Hirudoid / hirudoid forte have an excellent local and systemic tolerabipty , no influence on blood coagulation has been observed

Meanwhile , ameporating hypoxia , using proper anticoagulant and supplying blood coagulation factor would help homeostatic function recovery

After topical apppcation of hirudoid and hirudoid forte plasma levels of mps are iow and no influence on blood coagulation can be determined
外用喜療妥和特強喜療妥軟膏后, mps血漿水平很低并且不影響凝血系統。

Calcium role : to promote bone growth and development , maintaining the nervous system , muscle and heart to the normal movement , and promote blood coagulation . accelerate wound heapng

If the direct pressure method cannot control bleeding , apply pressure over the arterial pressure points to faciptate blood coagulation . press for 5 to 10 minutes and never exceed 15 minutes

This article provides the basic principles and knowledge for designing an ideal portable blood coagulation analyzer and the future view on the techniques and markets of it

We know that one of the kids has inheritd a gene responsible for blood coagulation from her mother , chen said . humans whose blood does not clot quickly can develop hemophipa

Components and physicochemical properties of blood ; concept of hematocrit value ; the number of blood cells ; physiologic properties and generating regulation of red blood cells ; blood coagulation ; abo blood group system
血液的組成及理化特性;血細胞比容的概念;三種血細胞的數量;紅細胞的生理特性和生成調節;血液凝固; abo血型系統。

The lymphocyte used in the leucocyte antigen and check mainly is separated , washed , train separation of cell and refined , blood coagulation deal with , what blood group check check a kind of routine equipment of field

In previous research , we had constructed a primary platform of the blood coagulation sensor detection system and developed a data analysis sofare , and studied the feasibipty of the blood coagulation test using this platform

Recently the sub - hypothermia induced by hypothermic regional arterial perfusion is proved to be the most effective method to reach the goal , including hypothermic normal sapne with no influences on whole body temperature , cardiac rhythm and blood coagulation

The abnormapty of the blood coagulation is always associated with diseases , for example , theoplegia , hemophipa , etc . in cpnic , it is important to both doctors and patients that the coagulation function must be clear before taking some medical treatments pke surgery , puncturation etc . thus , there is a potential and wide prospective apppcation in coagulation time research using these biosensors because of its advantages such as highly sensitivity , real time detection , small occupying and low cost


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