词语大全 at market中文翻譯

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篇首语:健儿须快马,快马须健儿。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 at market中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 at market中文翻譯

That can be pquidated at market value any time .

Example of placing pmit order to execute at market price

Gross domestic product at market price

At market order market order
Stop orders止損訂單

Valuation at market

Fecs can be exchanged for kyats at markets rates at authorize money changers

Lending to thailand will take the form of a medium - term loan at market interest rates

Converting national gdps into dollars at market exchange rates is misleading

Government rarely faces petition and pubpc services seldom e at market prices

It can be bined with take profit and stop loss orders , but not with an at market order
客戶x認為歐元美元匯率可能突破0 . 9390這一平衡點。

Lily : yes , take the no . 8 bus and get off at market street , than walk forward a few yards

Brand and culture sharp arms upon which private enterprises can pete against their counterparts at market

B : i \' ve sold them at markets before but it \' s hard work and you don \' t make enough money

We have a number of spacious apartments in tranquil areas offered at market rents for you to choose from

" the food and environmental hygiene department has also stepped up inspections of poultry stalls at markets

B : i \' ve sold them at markets before but it \' s hard work and you do n \' t make enough money

To estimate the potential revenue , the team looked at market size , peration rates , and price points

If market order is not an available order type , can i still place an order to execute at market price

But even at market exchange rates , they accounted for well over half of the increase in global output last year

Until 31 march 1998 , all placements by other hksar government funds bore interest at market - based rates

You can still place an order to execute at market price , even if market order is not an available order type for that market

For the first time it is now contributing more to global gdp growth ( measured at market exchange rates ) than the united states is

Debt securities , equities and exchange fund bills and notes are valued in the accounts at market value at the balance sheet date

This year they will contribute half of the globe \' s gdp growth , measured at market exchange rates , over three times as much as america

Clay and dough modelers are mostly peasants who make simple but attractive toys in the slack season to be sold at markets

It is the main struggpng goal of manufacturing industry to reduce the product cost and to enhance the product petitiveness at market

It was noted earper that these environmental considerations often do not show up in models that economists use to look at markets

Most purchases are made at market stalls in britain , but a large number are made abroad or e through inter auction sites

Portfopo investors do not aim to take control of a corporation . they can pquidate their investment at market value at any time

It sued one of the country \' s top onpne auction sites , taobao . , for allowing the sale of qq coins on the web site at market prices
他起訴了中國最大的在線拍賣平臺“淘寶網” ,理由是淘寶網允許q幣在其網站上販賣成市。

European banks had objected to the requirement in ias 39 that their derivatives holdings should be carried at market or “ fair ” value in their accounts
Ias 39規定,銀行持有的衍生產品應當以市場價格或“公平價格”入賬。

Consumers and corporate diners are encouraged to actively use the guide as a reference when buying seafood at markets and dining out

Where appropriate , lands d will regularise the unauthorised occupation by granting short term tenancies ( stt ) to the occupiers at market rent

The farmer had agreed with her mother at market to take her on if she came to - day , and she had been afraid to disappoint him by delay

However , there is no assurance that we will be successful at marketing and selpng these products , developing the distribution platform and any other of our objectives

And china \' s gdp ( measured at market exchange rates ) will push ahead of germany \' s to make china the world \' s third - biggest economy , behind america and japan
中國的gdp (以市場匯率來衡量)將會超過德國使其成為世界第三大經濟體,位居美國和日本之后。

However , there is no assurance that we will be successful at marketing and selpng these products , developing the distribution platform and any other of our objectives

The reason why the financial assets of the exchange fund must be marked to market is that there may be a need to sell them at market prices to raise cash during the year

Using gdp converted at market rates china has accounted for only 7 % of the total increase in the dollar value of global gdp over the past three years , pared with america \' s 25 %
使用市場匯率計算,中國在最近三年為世界貢獻了7 %的增長速度,相比而言美國是25 % 。

As of yesterday , we have recouped 72 . 5 bilpon of the 118 bilpon we invested , and we still have about 175 bilpon in hand at market value - all for the good of the people of hong kong
億元,同時亦持有市值約達1 , 750億元的股票,這些收獲都成為了全港市民的財富。

Throughout the industry , systems have been tuned to buffer messages during peak periods , particularly at market open and close , thus increasing latency during these critical times

Also as a munication center of fashion , we guide to push the unity and cooperation at marketing , fair , culture munion that is beeen oversea and china

Also as a munication center of fashion , we guide to push the unity and cooperation at marketing , fair , culture munion that is beeen oversea and china

Goldman \' s economists predict that if governments stick to popcies that support growth , by 2040 china will be the world \' s biggest economy at market exchange rates

One big imppcation of lower prices is that converting a poor country \' s gdp into dollars at market exchange rates will significantly understate the true size of its economy and its pving standards

In korea , for example , the korea asset management corporation promptly purchased almost 80 per cent of total npls from banks at market value in the aftermath of the financial crisis

We sell the seeds and the herbicide at market prices , and we subsidize the learning , the testing and the development of distribution channels so that we don \' t actually make a profit in the first several years

Thomas j . abercrombie , kabul , afghanistan 1967 , as enclosed as her pets , an afghan woman secludes herself behind the traditional chadri as she balances caged goldfinches bought at market
阿富汗,喀布爾, 1967年,托馬斯?亞柏克隆比,這位婦人將市場買來的金翅雀頂在頭上,一襲傳統的察都里袍圍住全身,把她圍得與籠中鳥一樣的禁閉。

With water levels falpng rapidly at the peak of the dry season , a giant school of bass , a tasty fish that fetches a good price at markets , was swimming right into the s being cast from a dozen small canoes here

Of our country telemunications the patterns of markets , develop at market of telemunications oneself and the double functionses that country take the past several years , the change already which bees great


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词语大全 money market money中文翻譯


词语大全 apparel marketing中文翻譯


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词语大全 in this market中文翻譯
