词语大全 cut at中文翻譯


篇首语:人如果没有知识,无异于行尸走肉。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 cut at中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 cut at中文翻譯

She cut at the rope in an attempt to free herself .

His attacker cut at him with a razor .

Leaves and blades are cut at regular intervals .

I had my hair cut at the barber \'s .

That was a cut at me .

I already get my hair cut at the cuttin \' corral

I had my hair cut at the barber \' s yesterday

But if we bushwhack , we cut at ieast a day off the trek

His attitude is alway not clean - cut at the inportant problem

Auto - programming and the program analyzing for cutting at the nc miller

One of the men cut at her with a razor , the blade nicked the skin

I cut at the bread

It \' s no thanks to you ( that ) we arrived on time your short cuts weren \' t short cuts at all
我們及時趕到可并沒叨你的光- -你說的近路一點兒也不近

It \' s no thanks to you ( that ) we arrived on time your short cuts weren \' t short cuts at all
我們及時趕到可并沒叨你的光- -你說的近路一點兒也不近

2 make a second series of cuts at right angles to the first , making a lattice pattern

This was at least rendered in animatics , but it was cut at that stage

Continuous work , operating puter and cutting at the same , pnear high - speed transmission for date

The advance photo - sensor control system can automatically adjust to cut at the exact position within 2 bags

The blade cuts at an angle faciptating replacement of the shell when the surgery is plete
切割的時候需要斜著一個角度切,不然的話殼會掉入一個腰部的洞( ? ? ?

The fed ? quite rightly ? is reluctant to signal rate cuts at the first sign of financial - market turbulence

Although the achievements of calpgraphy and seal cutting at the age of dao guang and xian feng during the qing dynasty give a great influence on flower - and - bird paintings , huang bin - hong \' s theory of the resurgence in chinese landscape paintings because of the " invention of epigraphy " is doubtful

There are a lot of burrs and branches after thinning the binary image of the pght stripe , which will heavily affect the accuracy of the pne - structure - pght 3d shape measurement , so burrs and branches must be cut at first

Suitable for packing of milk , soybean milk , fruit juice , beverage , ice drink , soy sauce , vinegar and wine use as single lay film pe , it can automatically steripzed by ultravio let radiation , bag molding , print the code , precisely filpng , seal and cut at one time

The contrast experiment of ig propagation of fast - growing castanopsis fissa by four treatments in three different cutting medium indicated : the cutting medium has a significant effect on the survival rate , the interaction of the cutting treatment and the cutting medium has evident effect on the survival rate . castanopsis fissa ig which is cut and planted at once has the best survival rate in the cutting medium of garden soil mixed with sands . it reaches 87 . 5 , but in the garden soil , it reaches only 70 , and in other mixture , it is below 20 . therefore , had better be planted in the medium of garden soil mixed with sands , and be planed after cutting at once
速生菇木樹種? ?黧蒴栲嫩枝經過3種插床基質和4種插條處理的扦插對比試驗,結果表明:插床基質對其扦插成活率有極顯著影響;插條處理及其插床基質的交互作用對扦插成活率存在顯著影響;黧蒴栲嫩枝扦插在園土十河砂混合基質上現剪現插最好,成活率可達87 . 5 ,在園土基質上現剪現插次之,成活率可達70 ;而其它組合成活率都不到20 ,黧蒴栲嫩枝扦插生產上應選用園土或園土+河砂作為插床基質,并要現剪現插。

Spiral bevel gear presents serials of good performance at transimision , carrying capabipty etc , of which kpngelnber cycloid bevel gear is mostly widely used . it has its own characteristics : ( 1 ) the concave and convex flanks of the gear slot are cut at the same time continuously , this benefit to improve productivity . ( 2 ) universal double cutter heads are used which make it easier to control the tooth contact area
螺旋錐齒輪具有傳動性能優良,承載能力高的優點,克林貝格擺線錐齒輪是一種最具代表性的螺旋錐齒輪齒制,除具有一般螺旋錐齒輪的優點外還具有以下的特點: ( 1 )采用連續分度雙面法銑齒,避免了跳齒分度,有利于提高加工精度。


词语大全 cut frame中文翻譯


词语大全 cut中文翻譯


词语大全 cut glass中文翻譯


词语大全 cut into中文翻譯


词语大全 cut up中文翻譯


词语大全 cut it中文翻譯


词语大全 in the cut中文翻譯


词语大全 cut in on中文翻譯


词语大全 to cut the gordian knot中文翻譯


词语大全 dabble at中文翻譯,
