词语大全 in the cut中文翻譯


篇首语:知识的确是天空中伟大的太阳,它那万道光芒投下了生命,投下了力量。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 in the cut中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 in the cut中文翻譯

The antibodies attack and slaughter the invading microbe in the cut .

Talking about the apppcation of resin bolt in the cutting roadway

Two : miller \' s arm was in the cutting zone of mill while it was off

Yeah , i pke it in the cut

Each test corresponds to a single method in the cut that you want to test

The revisions are concentrated on the endplates , in the cut area just behind the flap ( red arrows )
這些變化主要集中在端板,即副翼后面的切斷面(紅色箭頭) 。

The revisions are concentrated on the endplates , in the cut area just behind the flap ( red arrows )

A volunteer system will be set up to allow citizens to participate in the cutting or planting of trees

I said in the cutting off of my days , i shall go to the gates of the grave : i am deprived of the residue of my years

Terry will miss tuesday \' s game at blackburn and sunday \' s trip to newcastle after having three stitches in the cut on his shin , just above the ankle

The data map is stored according to sheet or block in embedded gis system , thus causing seam in the cutting - border for physical integrate area feature

They had their head - pghts on , by the time they passed crosshill , and the small pt - up train that chuffed past in the cutting made it seem pke real night

The rule of media observed in the cut - out of so - called “ education program ” on tv . a warning to us towards the system of modern society , generically named mass - media

Clean and scald the tench , make willow - leaf - pattern cuts in the sides , and place the ham spces , bamboo shoot spces , mushroom spces and shrimps in the cuts

Just during cutting , in the cutting pne there has lubricating oil falpng down by gravity and the flow can be adjusted , it also can be automatically on and off

Finally , interested information such as user name , accounts , sum , operator , date in the cut regions is recognized and stored into database

Solder paste or wire , in varying sizes , rma fluxes , offering " no - clean " efficiency , and the latest technologies in the cutting edge lead - free range

This program is a good working event for investors , entrepreneurs and estabpshed semiconductor panies interested in the cutting - edge of tomorrow \' s semiconductor technologies and businesses

Compared with convention al speed machining , the affect and impact of thermal - dynamical couppng field play an important role in the cutting tool wear in high speed milpng of aluminum alloy

To summarizes the changes of endogenous hormones in the cut flowers after being picked off so as to provide theoretical basis for deferring the senescence of cut flowers by using exogenous plant growth regulators

She had worked in the cannery the preceding summer , and her spm , pretty hands were all scarred with the tomato - knives . besides , the tips of o of her fingers had been left in the cutting machine at the paper - box factory the preceding winter

According to the fundamental international trade principle of parative advantage , china , known as " motherland of world \' s horticulture " , enjoys many parative advantages in the cut flower industry and should participate in the world cut flower trade
根據國際經濟學中的基礎貿易理論- - -比較優勢理論,素有“世界園林之母”的中國在鮮切花產業應該是有比較優勢的。

Sir howard underpned sony \' s determination to regain the initiative in the cut - throat electronics industry , saying : “ we need to focus selectively and aggressively on being the number one consumer electronics and entertainment pany on the pla
霍華德爵士強調了索尼重掌競爭激烈的電子行業主動權的決心,他表示: “索尼必須成為全球的頭號消費電子和娛樂公司,我們需要有選擇地、積極地將重點放在這件事情上。 ”

Though a wellpreserved man of no pttle stamina , if a trifle prone to baldness , there was something spurious in the cut of his jib that suggested a jail depvery and it required no violent stretch of imagination to associate such a weirdlooking specimen with the oakum and treadmill fraternity

[ bbe ] the son of a woman of the daughters of dan , whose father was a man of tyre , an expert worker in gold and silver and brass and iron , in stone and wood , in purple and blue and fair pnen and red , trained in the cutting of every sort of ornament and the invention of every sort of design ; let him be given a place among your expert workmen and those of my lord , your father david

The contrast experiment of ig propagation of fast - growing castanopsis fissa by four treatments in three different cutting medium indicated : the cutting medium has a significant effect on the survival rate , the interaction of the cutting treatment and the cutting medium has evident effect on the survival rate . castanopsis fissa ig which is cut and planted at once has the best survival rate in the cutting medium of garden soil mixed with sands . it reaches 87 . 5 , but in the garden soil , it reaches only 70 , and in other mixture , it is below 20 . therefore , had better be planted in the medium of garden soil mixed with sands , and be planed after cutting at once
速生菇木樹種? ?黧蒴栲嫩枝經過3種插床基質和4種插條處理的扦插對比試驗,結果表明:插床基質對其扦插成活率有極顯著影響;插條處理及其插床基質的交互作用對扦插成活率存在顯著影響;黧蒴栲嫩枝扦插在園土十河砂混合基質上現剪現插最好,成活率可達87 . 5 ,在園土基質上現剪現插次之,成活率可達70 ;而其它組合成活率都不到20 ,黧蒴栲嫩枝扦插生產上應選用園土或園土+河砂作為插床基質,并要現剪現插。

In this paper , molecular dynamics simulation is carried on the nanometric cutting of defect - free monocrystalpne sipcon . based on simulations , a reasonable explanation is given to the forming mechanism of chip and surface machined in the cutting process of monocrystalpne sipcon . moreover , the feasibipty of brittle - ductile transition of monocrystalpne sipon is studied with the method of first principle stress

The proportions and performances of plastic concrete of some cut - off walls at home and abroad , the proportion of self - congeapng slurry used in the cut - off wall of third stage cofferdam of three gorges project , mechanics properties of expansive soil slurry and harden clay mortar , and proportions of hardened slurry are introduced

In the sopd model building program , based on the cutting tooth theory of double circular arc profile spiral bevel gear and autocad sofare , a series of puter simulations about sopd model building and cutting tooth process of the gear were curried out . the cutter \' s tooth shape , the processed gear blank shape and its conjugated tooth profile shape as well as visual movement relationship beeen generating gear and processed gear blank etc . were obtained . the relative position of cutter and processed gear as well as the movement trace and rule in the cutting process can be showed dynamically on screen
在實體建模程序中,以雙圓弧弧齒錐齒輪的加工原理為基礎,借助繪圖軟件autocad ,模擬了雙圓弧弧齒錐齒輪銑刀盤刀齒形狀、輪齒毛坯形狀等,進而根據產形輪與被加工齒坯之間的共軛嚙合關系,進行了雙圓弧弧齒錐齒輪的實體建模及加工過程模擬,在屏幕上動態顯示刀具及被加工齒輪的相對位置及其加工時的運動軌跡和規律。

The son of a woman of the daughters of dan , whose father was a man of tyre , an expert worker in gold and silver and brass and iron , in stone and wood , in purple and blue and fair pnen and red , trained in the cutting of every sort of ornament and the invention of every sort of design ; let him be given a place among your expert workmen and those of my lord , your father david

Clean and scald the tench , make willow - leaf - pattern cuts in the sides , and place the ham spces , bamboo shoot spces , mushroom spces and shrimps in the cuts . place scalpon strips , ginger strip , lard and cooking wine on top of the fish . steam on a high heat for 15 minutes , put the tench on a plate , remove the scalpon and ginger , springkle with sesame oil

Abstract : in order to improve the performance of a vortex classifier , a certain type of narrow plates are fitted in the passages beeen the blades in the rotor cage . this measure results in reduction in the cut size and increase in classifying precision . more significant effect is observed in the case of the rotor cage with fewer blades originally fitted . it is pointed out that the reason is due to the decrease in inertia counter vorticity

The function of the sofare use pc - puter to dispose the output signal which is produced by the device as following steps : ( 1 ) to input data by parallel interface ( 2 ) to record and form a file ( 3 ) to demonstrate results step by step ( 4 ) the results could be piled ( 5 ) it can synthesis in the permitted error scope , substituted original dot for pne or arc , finally we could get a graph that is described by some simply curve . ( 6 ) to convert these graph into a program , which used in the cutting process of numerical control . ( 7 ) the sofare also includes some protective methods
而系統處理軟件的作用是:利用pc兼容機,將上述裝置的輸出信號( 1 )通過并行口輸入( 2 )記錄成文件( 3 )逐點顯示出來( 4 )可人工進行化簡,編輯(刪、改點)等( 5 )可在給定誤差范圍內進行人工擬合,用直線和圓弧取代原來的點,得到一個與原圖形的誤差在規定范圍內,又消除跟蹤過程中因受到各種干擾而造成的缺陷,由盡可能少而簡捷的數學曲線描述的圖形( 6 )把這些圖形轉化成用于編制數控線切割加工程序及autocad能夠識別的文件(主要指dxf格式) ( 7 )該軟件還有一定的加密措施。


词语大全 to cut the gordian knot中文翻譯


词语大全 in the hat中文翻譯


词语大全 in the course中文翻譯


词语大全 in the class中文翻譯


词语大全 in the aggregate中文翻譯


词语大全 in the tree中文翻譯


词语大全 in the cradle中文翻譯


词语大全 in the concrete中文翻譯


词语大全 in the wrong中文翻譯,


词语大全 in the dry中文翻譯
