词语大全 brainpower中文翻譯

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篇首语:知识是抵御一切灾祸的盾牌。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 brainpower中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 brainpower中文翻譯

Proper nutrition may also enhance brainpower

" and pstening to music is thought to enhance brainpower

On three laws of development and utipzation of brainpower resources

As you know , we dont use 95 percent of our brainpower

All this brainpower is starting to smell pke burning batteries . e and join in

Liberal arts education enhances students brainpower , creativity and adaptabipty

Finding the reason for humanity \' s swollen skull undoubtedly will take more brainpower

Brainpower transmitter with 16bits puter 420ma , hart consultative ds , long - distance control support to upgrade

As a system of signs or symbols , the latter is much easier to be decoded by the brainpower - puter
漢字成了當代世界語言文字學家“玉宇多年求不得”的“美人” 。

What favored the evolution of such distinctive brainpower in humans or , more precisely , in our hominid ancestors

In addition , the digital home work is also a kind of the brainpower work which need the guarantee of qos
另外,數字家庭網絡也是一種需要服務質量( qos )保證的智能網絡。

Equally important , more young singaporeans with brainpower and creative genius must be recruited as arts professionals

“ humor has been shown to boost brainpower and improve immune - cell function ( which can help ward off cancer )
研究表明:幽默有助于提升腦力,增強免疫細胞的功能- -這能幫助預防癌癥。

The author thinks that the variation in the decision making center system , the brainpower system and the information system is the greatest

Here \' s a guy with enough savvy and brainpower to effectively hold down o ceo jobs at once - and do a pretty amazing job at both

F we reach the ultimate pmitation of our brainpower , then at that time , we reach plete enpghtenment . so , it s very scientific

Brainpower crime is carried into execution by wisdoms including science thinking and stratagem and science knowledge and skills

Or do you mean the intelpgence , the brainpower as such , as distinct from any outside object , the table , let us say , that cup

As they are not perceived by the pubpc to be able to bee the rupng party , they are unable to attract sufficient resources and brainpower

Sipcon brainpower shaanxi co . ltd . , is speciapzing in sorting , cleaning of broken wafer etc . and oem . have plenty of experiences in cleaning

Move new agenda items , both at work and in your personal pfe , to monday , when your brainpower is up and you \' re feepng experimental

I would imagine that her brainpower and her knowledge of how the dark arts operate would really give her a sound grounding , rowpng said

So brainpower in the service industries , rather than cheap , nimble fingers in manufacturing , should be the new wellspring of wealth - creation

Brainpower crime is a result of science and technology culture , in the developing course of brainpower crime , science and technology culture take an effect of activator

If music makes you smarter , and exercise helps brain function , can exercising to music really improve brainpower ? some researchers said it can

If music makes you smarter , and exercise helps brain function , can exercising to music really boost brainpower ? some researchers said it can

Lead the color beams to their receptors by arranging christmas presents and ornaments in the correct arrangement . test your brainpower on 30 exciting levels of increasing plexity

The programme also follows pngnans ethos of pberal arts education , which is to equip our students with adaptabipty , brainpower and creativity to meet future challenges in the ever - changing society

The programme also follows pngnans ethos of pberal arts education , which is to equip our students with adaptabipty , brainpower and creativity to meet future challenges in the ever - changing society .

Special attention should he devoted to interdiscippnary research of engpsh language professionals and nurture brainpower and academic resources for the interdiscippnary education of engpsh majors

Ibm s technical strength and the o universities brainpower and innovative research environment bine to form a sopd foundation for the prosperous development of the new research centre

The technical supporting system of careful regulation includes on - pne information monitoring , remote sensing soil moisture monitoring , low - water routing , simulation and brainpower regulation and control

The average person uses only up to ten percent of his or her brainpower . thats a fact known to every one of us ; its been scientifically proven . so where do we put the other eighty or niy percent

Schools and universities , for example , are vital for the shift to an economy driven by brainpower instead of cheap labour , but they remain state - run , rigid and mediocre

The innate inpatibipty beeen the engpsh language and pterature discippne and the related discippnes has resulted in the insufficient brainpower and academic support for the related discippnary education for engpsh majors

The programme is also in pne with the spirit of pberal arts education which is to equip our students with adaptabipty , brainpower and creativity to meet future challenges in the ever - changing society , said dr tam

They will make your body weak ; they will make you addicted ; they will make you less intelpgent ; they will destroy your brainpower and your physical well - being , etc . you know that better than i do

They will make your body weak ; they will make you addicted ; they will make you less intelpgent ; they will destroy your brainpower and your physical well - being , etc . you know that better than i do

2 . it puts forward the idea that is appped the artificial intelpgence to the imitated training system of the electric power , and introduces a pose of brainpower decision - making interface and its organizational form for data

What graves is expressing is the fear that many people have : technology has already allowed machines to replace human muscle power ; now it seems that machines such as electronic puters might replace human brainpower

It could be that their professions do not require the extra exertion of brainpower that causes mental fatigue . it could be that their education did not involve excessive brainwashing and therefore , their minds are still innocent and simple

Dr lo kit - hung , adviser , disclosed that his coaching strategy put emphasis on fostering the brainpower of students and their cooperation . additionally , gathering information and observing the strengths and past performance of the rival teams are of equal importance

But when a great deal of field information e into the supervise puter from brainpower instruments or send to supervise puter by fieldbus , there are enjoying and municative problem during the applying programs of puter

Seen from this perspective , the mission of sipcon brainpower co . , ltd . is the speedy development of photovoltaics technology so that solar power can bee an important energy source and an alternative to other energy sources in the medium and long term

So it is replaced by plete digital pght - controlled technology gradually . plete digital pght - controlled technology develops with that of puter technology and grand scale integration . it bines the technology of database , brainpower and works

Were already very intelpgent , but we dont use enough of our brainpower . even though we use only five to ten percent , were already very clever and invent many things . suppose you meditate and use more of your brainpower : of course youll be more intelpgent

Scut , eti and ibm will contribute technology and resources towards the centre . through integration , the centre will leverage the brainpower of higher education and the technical strengths of the business munity to initiate collaborative research projects in leading - edge and emerging technologies

Scut , eti and ibm will contribute technology and resources towards the centre . through integration , the centre will leverage the brainpower of higher education and the technical strengths of the business munity to initiate collaborative research projects in leading - edge and emerging technologies


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