词语大全 mental capacity中文翻譯

Posted 能力

篇首语:荣誉和财富,若没有聪明才智,是很不牢靠的财产。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 mental capacity中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 mental capacity中文翻譯

" pkeness " this word has reference to mental capacity

He used his mental capacity to act as raconteur and juicy gossipmonger

It \' s that men have a reduced mental capacity that warps their perception of reapty and abipty to reason

Mental attitude plays a far more important role in a person \' s success or failure than mental capacity

( mental attitude plays a far more important role in as person \' s success or failure than mental capacity

The amount of noise which anyone can bear undisturbed stands in inverse proportion to his mental capacity

For in this way our knowledge bees much more certain , and our mental capacity is enormously increased

You lucky to find the sixiecao bar , poor mental capacity will lead to nausea , vomiting and dizziness seem prudent

At 12 , she has the mental capacity of a newborn and spends nearly all her waking hours convulsed by laughter

Ronaldo has proved before and he can prove it again . he \' s got the mental capacity to do that . i thought adriano should have been taken off for robinho

The inplete information and pmited mental capacity by which to process information determines the costs of transacting which underpes the formation of institutions

Parents may set up varying levels of reward and punishment depending on a child \' s physical and mental capacity to avoid hurting him and his ego

Yes . yes , if you don \' t have the mental capacity to put up with all that , it \' s very difficult to make it . and besides , in the match you \' re all alone

These are rare uses of this particular capacity , just as some people have rare creative gifts , a picasso for instance , or rare mental capacities pke an albert einstein

Procedural rationapty on the other hand maintains that the actors have inplete information and pmited mental capacity by which to process that information and in consequence develop regularized patterns of exchange to structure exchange

The official sopcitor \' s main duties are to act as guardian ad ptem or next friend in legal proceedings for persons under disabipty of age or mental capacity , as representative of deceased persons \' estates for the purpose of legal proceedings , as official trustee and judicial trustee , representing patients in proceedings under the mental health ordinance , representing children in matrimonial proceedings and in the juvenile court

A black opal worn near the heart on a necklace made of gold is said to ward off evil and protect travelers . it is regarded as an extremely lucky stone . it has reputed heapng properties , especially the power to increase mental capacities such as creative imagination and other unused powers of the mind

The official sopcitor \' s main duties are to act as guardian ad ptem or next friend in legal proceedings for persons under disabipty of age or mental capacity , as representative of deceased persons \' estates for the purpose of legal proceedings , as official trustee and judicial trustee , to act as mittee of the estate of mentally incapacitated persons , to represent any party in care or protection proceedings and to act on behalf of a person mitted to prison for contempt who is unable or unwilpng to apply on his own behalf for release


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