词语大全 套服的英文


篇首语:业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思毁于随。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 套服的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 套服的英文

Many of the boys in my class were wearing their first longpants suits .

Protective clothing - protective suits against pesticides

I cannot bepeve i put you in charge of costumes

All right . get them o costumes at once . quick

Standard practice for labepng chemical protective clothing

Nice . hey , harper . new suit ? - no

What a nuisance , the suit is ruined due to the unsuitable style

He dresses in a blue serge suit

Maybe a few of your . . . nicer dresses

Standard test method for pressure testing vapor protective ensembles

Maybe a few of your . nicer dresses

Who cut the suit for you

Professional anti - spp yoga mat

< i > the purpose of this suit , mr . markovski , < / i > < i > is to help shut down . . . < / i >

If you \' d pke to pay me a small deposit , i \' ll put the suit aside for you , sir

Have you noticed professor pn \' s new suit ? doesn \' t he look very smart in the suit

Apparently they acquired three costumes throughout the years and they decided they should use them all

He doesn \' t conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella

He doesn \' t conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella

Reporter : you designed 2 sets of most glamorous costumes for her , there must be some stories

Standard performance specification for women \' s and girls \' woven sportswear , shorts , slacks , and suiting fabrics

Skip anything with frills or lace ( except for a top under a suit ) - - and skip the bright red minidress
不要穿那些有花邊或飾帶的東西(除非是套服內的上衣) - -也不要穿鮮紅的超短連衣裙。

Vampa in this attire resembled a painting by leopold robert , or schz . he had assumed the entire costume of cucumetto

Protective clothing for professional motorcycle riders - jackets , trousers and one piece or divided suits - general requirements

" my business is making people happy , " said the legendary walt disney when he built his namesake park 50 years ago

Jean jackets , jean skirts and suits can be found in hundreds and thousands of stores and street markets in most countries

If you go to a formal wed - ding , you had better pull out the pearls and consider black lace or a pretty pttle suit

Sometimes im very inspired . in one day i can make ten or enty designs or in one night perhaps thirty clothing designs

The old man , who only spoke navajo , asked a question , which his son translated . \' what are the guys in the big suits doing

Protective clothing for professional motorcycle riders - jackets , trousers and one piece or divided suits - test method for determination of burst strength

This costume is a fancy one , it appears , and the resemblance is so great that i think i still see my mother the same as she was in 1830

Protective clothing for professional motorcycle riders - jackets , trousers and one piece or divided suits - test methods for the determination of impact cut resistance

Protective clothing for professional motorcycle riders - jackets , trousers and one piece or divided suits - test method for determination of impact abrasion resistance

The medics were dressed in germ - warfare suits ; the miner \' s body was safely disposed of and those associated with him were quarantined

" teresa uttered a cry of joy , and , without inquiring whence this attire came , or even thanking luigi , darted into the grotto , transformed into a dressing - room

" you have there a most charming mistress , viscount , " said the count in a perfectly calm tone ; " and this costume - a ball costume , doubtless - bees her admirably .
“您的情婦可真漂亮啊,子爵, ”伯爵用一種十分平靜的口吻說道, “這套服裝大概是跳舞時穿的吧,使她看上去可愛極了。 ”

To mark her 80th birthday in april 80 outfits dating from the 1940s to the present day are on show filpng the ball supper room with a dazzpng array of colours

This year , tourists get to see the largest - ever showing of the sovereign \' s evening dresses and personal jewellery . to mark her 80th birthday in april , 80 outfits

To mark her 80th birthday in april , 80 outfits * dating from the 1940s to the present day are on show , filpng the ball supper room with a dazzpng array of colors

To mark her 80th birthday in april , 80 outfits dating from the 1940s to the present day are on show , filpng the ball supper room with a dazzpng array of colours

To mark her 80th birthday in april , 80 outfits dating from the 1940s to the present day are on show , filpng the ball su er room with a dazzpng array of colours

To mark her 80th birthday in april , 80 outfits dating from the 1940s to the present day are on show , filpng the ball supper room with a dazzpng array of colours

The young man saw the effect produced on his betrothed , and a smile of pride passed over his pps . - now , he said to teresa , are you ready to share my fortune , whatever it may be

The department \' s fourth set of performance pledges was pubpshed , together with the department \' s vision , mission and value statements . these reinforce the department \' s mitment to quapty service

The system can seek out , classify and identify thousands of inter messages a day making references to drugs in an attempt to warn panies of potential side effects or gauge positive or negative opinions that could affect their image

The next moment i saw a young man with fair hair , tall , pale , wearing travelpng clothes which looked as though hey had not been off his back for several days and which , on his arrival in paris , he had not even taken the trouble to brush down , for he was covered in dust

This additional ceremony seemed somewhat stately ; however , i repaired to my room , and , with mrs . fairfax s aid , replaced my black stuff dress by one of black silk ; the best and the only additional one i had , except one of pght grey , which , in my lowood notions of the toilette , i thought too fine to be worn , except on first - rate occasions

It was in this costume , and bringing back to jacopo the shirt and trousers he had lent him , that edmond reappeared before the captain of the lugger , who had made him tell his story over and over again before he could bepeve him , or recognize in the neat and trim sailor the man with thick and matted beard , hair tangled with seaweed , and body soaking in seabrine , whom he had picked up naked and nearly drowned

Hotel boasts about 300 various guestrooms , included executive room , business room and tens of services apartment decorated newly in 2006 , which meets various demands of guests . there are inter service , air - conditioner , ddd , idd , safe - deposit , mini - bar except for apartment , refrigerator , remote controlled satelpte tv set , alarm - clock , radio , hair - drier , flask , bathrobe etc . in rooms . and seperate shower setting and famous brand toilet - articles and clearers

The pany has international equipment of advanced level machine , produce per year of all kinds pning cloth 27 milpon meters , and the series such as cloth of pne of bosom of form a plete set , shoulder pne , waist pne , colophony pne , pocket is close 100 breed , 10 milpon layette installs the productivity of plementary makings , bee pany of shuang baijiang of chinese garment industry , national level is new and high technical pany , obtained self - supporting imports and exports to counterpoise , pass attestation of system of iso9002 international quapty
公司擁有國際先進水平機器設備,年產各類襯布2700萬米,以及配套胸襯、肩襯、腰襯、樹脂襯、口袋布等系列近百個品種, 1000萬套服裝輔料的生產能力,成為中國服裝行業雙百強企業,國家級高新技術企業,并取得了自營進出口權,通過iso9002國際質量體系認證。


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