词语大全 udder cream造句 udder creamの例文

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篇首语:人行千里路,胜读十年书。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 udder cream造句 udder creamの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 udder cream造句 udder creamの例文

Imitators include Udderly Smooth Udder Cream and Udder Balm.

"Udder cream ? " I asked Dwain.

This time it\'s Udderly Smooth, an udder cream from a pany called Redex.

They were on their bikes about 14 hours; each burned about 13, 000 calories ( or 60 Payday candy bars ); each consumed about 480 ounces of water; and each used udder cream to avoid chafing.

The key differences beeen us : My bike is the same $ 100 Schwinn I got for my birthday in 1971; I\'ve never ridden it farther than 12 miles at one time; and the closest I\'ve ever e to a jar of udder cream is to pass a dairy farm on the highway.

My total haul from all this : Aside from all the aforementioned, my freebie bag is stuffed with a coupon for a free round of ipght golf at a local course, another PGA cap, a couple of foam visors and free samples of a pain-repef wrap, pretzels, granola bars, soy protein, first-aid ointment, chewable antacids, moisture lotion and something called Udderly Smooth udder cream, which I\'m sure I\'ll have to go to the pany Web site to make sure on where it\'s supposed to be appped.

It\'s difficult to find udder cream in a sentence. 用udder cream造句挺難的


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