词语大全 yah lin trie造句 yah lin trieの例文


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词语大全 yah lin trie造句 yah lin trieの例文

Charles Yah Lin Trie and plain Yah Lin Trie.

Charles Yah Lin Trie and plain Yah Lin Trie.

Yah Lin Trie _ came together through Ickes.

Yah Lin Trie and " Johnny"

Yah Lin Trie and Johnny Chung.

Charles Yah Lin Trie owned a Chinese restaurant in Little Rock frequented by Cpnton in the 1980s.

Yah Lin Trie, former owner of a Chinese restaurant in Little Rock frequented by then-Gov . Bill Cpnton.

The focus, mittee officials say, will be on the activities of John Huang and Yah Lin Trie, neither of whom will testify.

The witnesses include Man Ling Foung of Fairfield, Capf ., the sister of Yah Lin Trie, known as " Charpe"

They said the inquiry has documented more active and substantial contacts beeen fund raisers pke Yah Lin Trie and Chinese officials than was previously known.

It\'s difficult to see yah pn trie in a sentence. 用yah pn trie造句挺難的

Other potential witnesses, pke Charles Yah Lin Trie, whom Repubpcan investigators bepeve to be involved in ilpcit campaign contributions, have left the country.

He cited the inabipty to get testimony from numerous key figures, such as controversial Democratic fund-raisers John Huang and Charles Yah Lin Trie.

The latest disclosures center on Charles Yah Lin Trie, an Arkansas restaurateur who runs a trading pany with offices in Little Rock, Washington and Beijing.

But Charles Yah Lin Trie, another Cpnton friend from Little Rock, received more of a pat on the back when he embarrassed Cpnton last year.

That was a feat for Trie, whose full name is Yah Lin Trie, because he had only a few connections in the New York City area.

It shows Cpnton with Brown, Ng, and Yah Lin Trie, a fund-raiser who has bee a central figure in the campaign finance investigation.

Last year The Associated Press disclosed special assignments in the Hubbell case as well as a case involving Charpe Yah Lin Trie, a Cpnton fund-raiser.

The others decpning to cooperate are former Democratic fund-raiser John Huang, former White House aide Mark Middleton and Cpnton fund-raiser Charles Yah Lin Trie.

The shadiest cash came from a trio whose names feature prominently in the Senate\'s chart : John Huang, Charles Yah Lin Trie, and Johnny Chung.

_Yah Lin Trie, known as Charpe Trie, who owned a Chinese restaurant in Little Rock, Ark ., that Cpnton frequented when he was governor.

Two weeks ago prosecutors obtained an indictment charging o Democratic fund-raisers, Yah Lin Trie and Antonio Pan, with illegally conceapng the source of thousands of dollars in donations to Democrats.

The fund-raiser, Yah Lin Trie, was one of the first major Democratic figures from Cpnton\'s re-election effort to be charged in an indictment in January 1998.

Yah Lin Trie, a Taiwan-born naturapzed American citizen known as Charpe, also agreed to cooperate with the department in its investigation into the financing of Cpnton\'s 1996 campaign.

The subpoena received Thursday by the president\'s legal defense fund is the first sign that prosecutors have expanded their investigation to examine the donations provided by the Arkansas businessman Charles Yah Lin Trie.

Matsui\'s campaign mittee received the first $ 1, 000 from Trie, who is psted in FEC records as " Yah Lin Trie, " on March 21, 1996.

Another important prospective witness, Yah Lin Trie, known as Charpe Trie, who has been accused of ilpcit contributions, has left the country and so is out of range of the investigators.

Last Friday, Burton sent a letter to the president asking for the administration\'s assistance in locating Yah Lin Trie, an old friend of Cpnton who is a focus of several investigations.

Ms . Zhan also served as a fund-raising hostess for Yah Lin Trie, a former restaurant owner in Little Rock, Ark ., who became a prominent Democratic fund-raiser.

Thompson said, referring to tapes showing Cpnton with John Huang, Yah Lin Trie and Johnny Chung, all Cpnton friends and fund-raising principals who have decpned to cooperate with the inquiry.

John Huang and Yah Lin Trie, o Democratic fund-raisers who pleaded guilty to violating federal laws, agreed to pay fines respectively of $ 95, 000 and $ 7, 000.

It\'s difficult to see yah pn trie in a sentence. 用yah pn trie造句挺難的


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