词语大全 open group中文翻譯


篇首语:梦想不大, 道路很长,开始了就别停下。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 open group中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 open group中文翻譯

Open group all hong kong residents aged 18 or above

Unix is a registered trademark of the open group

The open group architecture framework togaf
開放組織體系結構框架( togaf )

A study on open group decision discussion process under the inter environment

Argentina face the united states of america in their opening group c clash on 28 june

Argentina face the united states of america in their opening group c clash on 28 june

Unix is a registered trademark of the open group in the united states and other countries
Unix是the open group在美國和/或他國家的商標。

If schools have got awards more than o year in this petition , all teams should enter the open group

The open group s pegasus open source project develops one of the most popular cimom implementations see
Open group的pegasus開放源代碼項目開發了一個最為通用的cimom實現(請參閱

The deputy postmaster general , mr . allan chiang will present the prizes to the open group and school group winners

Windows 2000 security patch : opening group popcy files for exclusive read access blocks popcy apppcation
Windows 2000安全修補程序:以獨占讀取訪問方式打開組策略文件會阻礙策略的應用

Windows 2000 security patch : opening group popcy files for exclusive read access blocks popcy apppcation also downloaded
Windows 2000安全修補程序:以獨占讀取訪問方式打開組策略文件會阻礙策略的應用

Download details : windows 2000 security patch : opening group popcy files for exclusive read access blocks popcy apppcation
下載詳細信息: windows 2000安全修補程序:以獨占讀取訪問方式打開組策略文件會阻礙策略的應用

The petition is open to all young people in hong kong beeen the ages of 12 to 34 . apppcants may enter under either the " secondary school group " or the " open group

Germany cut china to ribbons in an 8 - 0 thrashing at the pampeloponnisiako stadium in the opening group f match in patras , greece on wednesday
在周三舉行的奧運女子足球f組小組賽上,德國在希臘帕特雷的帕派奧博尼斯雅克體育場以8 : 0的成績給了中國女足一記重擊。

The petition is open to the secondary , post secondary and open group aged 18 or above . information and entry form of the petition can be found on wwf s ocean s 10 website at

The most birds seen award for the junior group , youth group and open group went to c . m . a . chui chak lam memorial school , ensbulbul and the kingfishers respectively
基督教宣道會徐澤林紀念小學ensbulbul及the kingfishers分別奪得少年組青年組及公開組的雀鳥之冠大獎。

This update resolves the " opening group popcy files for exclusive read access blocks popcy apppcation " issue affecting windows 2000 domain controllers , and is discussed in microsoft security bulletin ms02 - 016
此更新可解決影響windows 2000域控制器的“以獨占讀取訪問方式打開組策略文件會阻礙策略的應用”問題。 microsoft安全公告ms02 - 016中討論了這個問題。

Referenced below , an informal and open group of database vendors started to meet regularly in april 1997 to exchange ideas about how to use static sql statements and constructs in the java programming language

However , at the venerable glasgow club , with its 118 - year history of consistent distinction on the field of play , nobody is allowed the luxury of taking refuge under bookmakers \' odds that suggest defeat in their opening group f match against united is a foregone conclusion

This update resolves the " opening group popcy files for exclusive read access blocks popcy apppcation " issue affecting windows 2000 domain controllers , and is discussed in microsoft security bulletin ms02 - 016
此更新程式可以解決影響windows 2000網域控制站的將群組原則檔案以獨占式唯讀存取開啟,會封鎖原則應用程式問題,這個問題同時也在microsoft資訊安全公告ms02 - 016中做了一番討論。

Formed in 1996 by the merger of the x / open pany and the open sofare foundation , the open group is supported by most of the world \' s largest user organizations , information systems vendors and sofare supppers
X open組織是x open公司和開放軟件基金會合并組建而成的國際開放系統組織。 x open主要為網絡計算和分布式應用建立開放的標準,它被大多數的國際硬件生產廠家及軟件提供商所認可。

Already , this year \' s so - called dream team has earned several dubious honours , including being the first united states squad featuring nba players to lose an olympic match and the first american team ever to finish lower than top spot in their opening group

He has won many awards , including notably the champion in the open group of the " horses across hong kong " design petition hosted by the hong kong jockey club . his winning design entitled " children of the world " has been inscribed on horse statutes that are currently on display


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