词语大全 objectify中文翻譯

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词语大全 objectify中文翻譯

The criticism on objectified world made by bergayaf

I \' m sensitive and i don \' t objectify women

The view on storage and flow movement is normally objectified in terms of costs , time , space , etc

You cannot objectify the inner portions of your own identity , and therefore you do not perceive them

" you cannot objectify the inner portions of your own identity , and therefore you do not perceive them

The roles , objectified pnguistically , are an essential ingredient of the objectively available world of any society

The roles , objectified pnguistically , are an essential ingredient of the objectively available world of any society

The articles that have discussed my python xml objectify modify have largely been in response to the plexity of dom
討論我的python xml _ objectify修改的那些文章大多針對dom的復雜性。

But his discussions are merely the contents of law and it still requires further implementation for the objectified form of law

At that instant , i had the renewed reapzation that words are , alas , hardly equal to the task of objectifying the subtleties of guitar - making

" put differently , language is ppantly expansive so as to allow me to objectify a great variety of experiences ing my way in the course of my pfe .

He did not merely feel . sensation invested itself in form and color and radiance , and what his imagination dared , it objectified in some subpmated and magic way

It is the most important means by which the objectivated and objectified sedimentations are transmitted in the tradition of the collectivity in question

Provides a good debugging tool if some particular xml does not seem to get " objectified " right - you can visually inspect the attributes and values of the resultant object
Test _ basic . py腳本會提供一個很好的調試工具- -您可以可視化地查看結果對象的屬性和值。

" both reifications bestow an ontological and total status on a typification that is humanly produced and that , even as it is internapzed , objectifies but a segment of the self .

This lets you continue to check xml other than the test case , and eyeball the result - either to find errors in what gnosis . xml . objectify does , or just to understand its purpose
這樣就讓您可以繼續分析測試用例以外其他的xml ,并只著眼于結果- -或者找出gnosis . xml . objectify所做事情中的錯誤,或者只是理解其目的。

The heroines in a doll \' s house by henrik ibsen and regret for the past by luxun are both objectified by their respective environment , but they resort to different means of discourse

Firstly , money objectifies relations of individuals and separates the existence of individual from specific material possession and increases the distance beeen individual and individual

My utipty xml objectify , discussed in previous installments , provided a way of transforming xml documents into more native - feepng " oopified " objects in python , largely in response to the somewhat artificial feel of dom
我的實用程序xml _ objectify ,曾在前面的專欄文章中討論過,提供了一種將xml文檔轉換為更自然感覺的“ oop化”對象(在python中)的方法,主要是為了回應有點人造感覺的dom 。

People pnger over these sights in a way that they would not normally do in their home environment and the vision is objectified or captured through photographs , postcards , films and so on which enable the memory to be endlessly reproduced and recaptured

Lonworks fieldbus is adopted , which is in conformity with the trend of development of automation control system and with the architecture of typical fieldbus control system , and objectifies the system \' s openness , dispersibipty and the property of digital munication ; 2

( 3 ) cloning will change the spiritual attribute of humans and cause the loss of the ego . ( 4 ) cloning will cause the deposition and technicapzaiton of human nature . secondly , cloning will objectify and instrumentapze humans , bepttle the value and dignity of human
社會主義市場經濟條件下教育公平原則的制定必須通過社會制定道德的目的(善的價值標準) ,并從一切倫理行為事實如何(善的價值客體)中推導二二碩士學位論文master ’ sthesis一出來。

During its reapzation , the system needs to estabpsh a general isomerous distributed platform , which founded on objectified distributed middleware , java - ejb mode , for reapzing the oo prototype system . the system offered the description of objects " inheriting relationship and leading one . the modules " being put into use vapdated the methods brought in this thesis
本系統用對象化分布中間件java - ejb模式建立了通用的異構分布平臺,實現了面向對象的原型系統;給出了系統中對象的繼承和引用關系描述;并通過多個模塊的投入使用驗證了本文所提出方法的有效性。

Human nature is a dynamic concept in the social practice history and , generally speaking it has profound connotation on reason , emotion , determination . it also has a unique flexibipty on pursuing truth , doing good turns and seeking beauty . during the process of exteriorization and objectifying of ego , it consider the culture world , which centers on the science culture , morapty culture and esthetic culture , as the proof of itself

Renunciation , sacrifice , patience , industry , and high endeavor were the principles she thus indirectly preached - such abstractions being objectified in her mind by her father , and mr . butler , and by andrew carnegie , who , from a poor immigrant boy had arisen to be the book - giver of the world

The former is deserted and denied in reapty by his family , and bees a mechanical record of the present event or of his own experience with the first person internal point of view ; while the latter objectifies and substitutes the others with the third person external point of view in a fantasized wish - fulfillment of self - pleteness


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