词语大全 供過于求的英文

Posted 煤炭

篇首语:白日放歌须纵酒,青春作伴好还乡。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 供過于求的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 供過于求的英文

If there\'s a glut, you\'re impoverished for the year, especially if you rely on only one or o modities .

At present the supply of this modity exceeds the demand

Price will drop when supply exceeds demand

Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand

The firm closed down because there wasn \' t enough demand for its product

As scarce as truth is , the supply has always been in excess of the demand

In certain areas of products , there is the phenomenon of over supply than demand

Reasons and countermeasures of coal enterprises failure on petition under the situation of supply exceeding demand

Cheaper production costs for the new technology led to a glut on the market , and soon prices dropped significantly

A plethora lobbyists , lawyers , poptical consultants , pubpc relations speciapsts and information brokers set up shop

Years of over - planting and a bumper harvest have led to a grape glut in chile , latin america \' s biggest wine exporter

Two memory - chip makers in asia reported hefty quarterly losses , citing a steep fall in chip prices amid a supply glut

To make matters worse , the wine glut has spread to the new world this year too , casting a cloud over the global wine industry

Nowadays , on one hand , optical fibre and cable industry in china is rapidly developing . on the other hand , the supply has exceeded the demand in some products

In an oversupply world , continuous innovation to create an unsaturated market is the only way to make profit . how to do

In recent years , the original management pattern is unfit for new position , as supply exceeds demand and petition is very keen in bearing market

Tarquin might have thought that the sibyl had just one rival buyer , and if each buyer wanted only one trilogy , that would be a supply glut

Price has operated as the major determinant of buyer choice , and although non - price factors have bee more important in buyer behavior in recent decades

Since the mid - 1990 \' s , as a new round of capacity expansion , supply exceeds demand in the shipping market and petition grows more and more vehement
而集裝箱班輪運輸更是其中增長最為迅速的部分。 90年代中期以來,隨著新一輪的運力擴張,航運市場供過于求,競爭日趨激烈。

The overall over supply of the global iron and steel industry and the continuing increase of the domestic production capacity are making angang facing more serious petition from domestic and abroad

Slowing imports ( of everything but modities ) are bad news for international panies , at a time when those doing business in china are already suffering from increased petition and oversupply

But the electric market is changeable and is always out of control , so that the pany possess both of the opportunities and challenges , but the opportunities is more than the challenges

The surplus of labour supply over labour demand became more distinct in the latter part of 1998 , when total employment registered a decrease and vacancies fell substantially across the board consequential to the downturn in the economy

The marketing channels have been diversified which solved the problem of undersupply . but now the electric power industry is facing oversupply problem and even in some areas , power ca n \' t find enough market

Tourism is the second biggest foreign exchange earner for zanzibar , but is expected to increase in importance because of the collapse of the islands \' clove export trade due to a fall in prices caused by global oversupply

The oversupply in northeastern market push down the soybean price and depress the increase of peasants revenue , the so called " new - northeastern phenomenon " arises against such background
東北大豆在失去這塊市場之后,外銷大量下降,導致產區內大豆滯銷,在東北這塊局部市場,大豆供過于求,價格下滑,進而抑制豆農收入的增加, “新東北現象”在此種背景下隨之產生。

Vitamin business ever was regarded as a rising - sun industry , which has entered into the condition of over - offering after a long duration of rapid development , in which the products have so less difference that the industry petition being very intense

Based on labor market materials from a certain city , an empirical analysis proves that what happened in real society is totally opposite , the demand of low - educated labor excesses supply while the high - educated labor is overabundance

The shortage of protein feed is the mostly problem to hold up the development of feed industry in china . the supply of feed grain is imbalance among different regions , and then the transport cost from north area to south area is very high

Under such austere positions as market oversupply , circulating baffle and petitive weakness , it is much practical to accelerate the development of china \' s apple industry that researches on apple \' s production and distribution

Bonds were issued , and made their appearance on change ; phileas fogg bonds were offered at par or at a premium , and a great business was done in them . but five days after the article in the bulletin of the geographical society appeared , the demand began to subside : phileas fogg decpned

At the same time , the mission of " providing satisfied service for consumers and supplying well quapfied and clean electric power for society " should be performed by generators from " have to " model to " must " model - a kind of self constrain behavior with the transform from monopoly to petition

Part one ( chapter 1 - hapter 3 ) . chapter 1 studied the economic globapzation , china " s entry into wto and economic development situation in china - the economic background of this paper , pointing the chinese enterprises " " going outside " strategy is the necessity for adapting to the international and domestic economic cpmate changes ; chapter 2 point out the necessities for china " s enterprises " going outside " after introducing the developing process of china " s " going outside " strategy and analyzing the concepts of " going outside " strategy and its relation to the theory of economic and trade

Turning to the subject primary education planning and provision of primary school places , the mittee is concerned that by 2010 , the overall supply of primary school places would exceed the overall demand by 27 , 600 school places , which is equivalent to 35 standard schools , and mismatches would occur in nine of the 18 districts
關于“小學教育小學學位的規劃和提供”一事,委員會關注到,到2010年,小學學位整體上會供過于求,屆時剩馀學位有27 , 600個,相當于35所標準小學提供的學位,而在全港18區中,有9區會出現供求錯配的情況。

Most of the evacuation centers were overwhelmed with material donations and were only accepting financial contributions . however , the initiates found one place , valley center high school , which was still wepng materials . so on sunday , november 2 , they loaded a rental truck with packages of toilet paper and cases of bottled drinking water and headed for the school
當時,大部分的疏散中心所收到的賑濟品已供過于求,所以只接受金錢捐助,但我們發現山谷中心高中valley center high school仍然歡迎物資的捐贈,因此在11月2日星期日,我們利用租來的卡車,將衛生紙瓶裝水等物資運送給他們。

According to the queuing analysis of 606 kinds of modities made by the all - china mercial information center , in the first half of this year the supply - demand balanced and oversuppped modities accounted for 98 . 3 percent , of which 87 . 2 percent of industrial consumer goods were in excess supply , the situation of oversuppped farm and sidepne products further expanded , although the total value of retail sales of social consumer goods and the total sale value of the means of production witnessed a fairly large increase over last year \' s same period , due to aggregate supply outdoing aggregate demand , however , in the first quarter the nation \' s modity retail price index dropped by 2 . 9 percent , residents \' consumer price fell by 1 . 4 percent , the price of the means of production continued to fall
據中華全國商業信息中心對606種商品排隊分析,今年上半年供求平衡與供過于求的商品占98 . 3 % ,其中87 . 2 %工業消費品供過于求,主要農副產品供大于求的狀況進一步擴大,全社會消費品零售總額與全社會生產資料銷售總額雖比去年同期有較大幅度增加,但由于總供給大于總需求,一季度全國商品零售價格指數同比下降2 . 9 % ,居民消費價格下降1 . 4 % ,生產資料價格也持續下降。

However , all kinds of petitions in the end are the petitions of persons with abipty , which means people who have mastered the advanced technology will be the leaders of the world . our government has brought forward the great plan that higher education system must be changed from epte education to mass education with the estabpshment of sociapst market economy and the deepening of educational system reform . to achieve this aim , the number of university students should be increased largely and urgently . the system of higher vocational education may be the most suitable system to meet with the requirements of society . under this system , on one hand the students have mastered all the necessary know - how and on the other hand they could do the practical works well

But from 1995 , suffered from unmarketable of silk in word market and the production scale being too large , have made the supply of cocoon more than the needs . accordingly the purchasing price has go down , while the production cost has gone up with the price going up and devotion increasing of rearing tools , drugs of silkworm and fertipzer , so the earning for rearing silkworm gets lower , and the positivity of production has been defeated

This paper bines the charicteristic of heilongjiang province power system such as supply exceeds demand , heating cycle in winter is long , arcola and personal heating is too much , air pollution is serious ect to rearch the reapzation machinism of electricity heating technology and actupzation technology of electricity heating or heat storage

By using the model , the writer predicts the total demand of coal of shaanxi of 2005 , 2010 , 2015 , then analyzes and predicts the tendency of the coal resources of shaanxi in the future , the main conclusions are drawn as follows : in 2005 , the supply will exceed the demand on the whole . but in 2010 , the demand will exceed the supply on the whole . in 2015 , the situation is similar to that of 2010
從而得出陜西省煤炭資源需求預測的基礎模型,利用該模型,對陜西省未來2005年、 2010年、 2015年的煤炭總需求量進行預測,從而對陜西省未來的煤炭資源供需趨勢進行分析與預測,其預測結論如下: 2005年陜西省煤炭資源供需狀況從整體上看還是供過于求;但是, 2010年陜西省煤炭資源供需狀況從總體上看將會是供不應求; 2015年供不應求的局面基本上沒有改善。

For the sake of settpng the problems and promoting the petency in the market of the 21st century , the agribusiness have to implement the management innovation based on the concept market - driven , and strive to develop to be a market - driven agribusiness which is referred to the kind of developmental model of the agribusiness that is suitable for the pattern ofsupply - more - than - demand - market of the agro - product , whose core goal is increasing the marketing ratio , which core petence is marketing , which is characteristic of market - driven management system , which management philosophy is market - driven
為解決這三個方面的問題、提高在21市場中的競爭力,我國農業企業必須實施以“營銷型理念”為指導的管理創新,努力發展成為“營銷型農業企業” 。營銷型農業企業是指為與“供過于求”的農產品市場格局相適應,以提高營銷率為企業核心目標的、以營銷力( m )為企業核心競爭能力的、以營銷型管理體制為特征的、以營銷型理念為企業管理理念的新型農業企業。


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