词语大全 過于謹慎的英文

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篇首语:提兵百万西湖上,立马吴山第一峰!本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 過于謹慎的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 過于謹慎的英文

There are some who may call you a "skinfpnt" because you seem too careful with your money .

He that is overcautious will acppsh pttle

There are some who may call you a " skinfpnt " because you seem too careful with your money
由于你花錢似乎過于謹慎。有些人也許會叫你“刮皮鬼” 。

Critics charge that the federal reserve , which in recent months has cut its short - term popcy rate by one percentage point , to 4 . 25 % , has been far too cautious
評論家們指責美聯儲過于謹慎,因為美聯儲最近幾個月把短期政策利率降低了一個百分點到4 . 25 % 。

The first day \' s race was very easy , only one game , oriented cross - country race , but our achievement was not good , beside we were not very lucky , the reason was we were too cautious

Compared with the foreign panies , our panies seem to be too cautious . our investment in security is not enough to deal with work threat . as the result , there are too many mistakes during the enterprises daily operation


词语大全 供過于求的英文


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過于造句過于の例文"過于"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!這些希望,顯然過于

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【将慎】的意思是什么?【将慎】是什么意思?【将慎】的意思是:将慎jiāngshèn调养保重。  ●《隋书•杨素传》:「素又自知名位已极,不肯服药,亦不将慎,每语弟约曰:‘我岂须更活

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【廉慎】的意思是什么?【廉慎】是什么意思?【廉慎】的意思是:廉慎liánshèn清廉谨慎。  ●《北齐书•冯翊王润传》:「及长,廉慎方雅,习于吏职,至摘发隐伪,奸吏无所慝其情。」&