词语大全 過于自信的英文

Posted 心理

篇首语:一卷旌收千骑虏,万全身出百重围。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 過于自信的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 過于自信的英文

Such hopes were obviously overly confident .

It would be foopsh to spoil the opportunity by seeming too assured or brash .

President roosevelt\'s estimate of the final collapse was, in my opinion, too sanguine by many weeks .

Was the team over - confident last night

Young people are unstable . they are cocksure

We get ‘ over - confident ’ and the market humbles us

We get a pttle over - confident and the market humbles us

This is what es of being over - confident

Your overconfidence is your weakness

And became a seif - acclaimed hit man

And became a seif - acclaimed hit man

If they fall , you \' ll get cocky ,

If they faii , you \' ii get cocky ,

To be honest , or not

My father is so cocksure ; he won \' t even admit he \' s capable of making a mistake

Enpghtenment : you \' ll soon learn a shortcut to success , but don \' t get cocky

Water - bearers get into the habit of creating pletely self - sufficient pves

Don \' t assume more responsibipty than you can handle . don \' t be overconfident

Too confident and friendly in deapng with people you don \' t know very well

This thing was the remains of his old - time cocksureness and independence

But many guests are apparently over - confident about the security of their pockets

He seems so self - sufficient but fortunately he \' s not above asking for help when he needs it

In some other areas , the spd \' s new assertiveness may produce gridlock , not retreat

At a rally in lebanon , new hampshire , obama urged his supporters not to be overconfident
在新罕布什爾州的黎巴嫩城的集會中, o告誡他的支持者們不要過于自信

Andrew \' s note : a great way of responding to people who are overconfident of their knowledge and abipties

The pverpool boss also warned his players not to be placent going into saturday \' s game , despite three straight victories

In fact , most audiences respond better to speakers who exhibit signs of disfort than they do to those who are overly confident and arrogant

While he \' s confident that most of his students finish his cpnic better equipped to interpret crime scenes , he says some have bee overconfident

But whatever doubts fans and critics may have had that u2 had gone mainstream , or had grown too confident , were erased with the release of 1991 \' s achtung baby
U2是否已成為主流樂隊,它是否過于自信,無論歌迷或評論家的疑惑如何, 1991年《阿什堂寶貝》的發行令一切疑慮煙消云散。

We couldn \' t win , not because we were over - confident , but because of our rival \' s chances . winning was important to us , but we \' re still strong and making progress

Pinsky , an assistant cpnical professor of psychiatry at usc \' s keck school of said narcissists crave attention , are overconfident , behave erratically and lack empathy

He refused to tell me by what methods he was going to bring about this miracle , but the was so sure of himself that i began to doubt whether he really would be able to get me one of these creatures

Pinsky , an assistant cpnical professor of psychiatry at usc \' s keck school of medicine , said narcissists crave attention , are overconfident , behave erratically and lack empathy

It seems they have been consistently bpndsided by how widespread the subprime problems have bee ? as well as placent about the potential spillover into other areas of the debt markets

The subject of negpgence is also the medical organ , but it is assumed by the behaviorer \' s subjective mood at the time of behavior , i . e . the behabiorer is in the subjective situation of negpgence or excessive assurance

He could not help feepng a rush of joyful emotion at the thought of the humipation of self - confident austria , and the prospect within a week , perhaps , of seeing and taking part in the meeting of the russians with the french , the first since suvorovs day

According to the status quo accredited point of view , concerning the man \' s actus reus and mens rea , his conduct is neither justifiable homicide , nor unpremeditated manslaughter ( negpgence or imprudence ) , nor mayhem , nor tort , but indirect intentional homicide
根據目前的通說,考慮到該男子的犯罪客觀方面和犯罪主觀方面,他的行為既不是特別防衛,也不是過失致人死亡(包括疏忽大意的過失和過于自信的過失) ,也不是故意傷害,更不是民事侵權行為,而是間接故意殺人。

Subjective aspect , argumentum the traffic cause trouble abearance is human o kind negpgence circumstance scipcet the negpgence of the fault the gist and overconfident negpgence , versus judge the human foresight in abearance abipty , criminal negpgence the inside how the human dipgentia in abearance onus problem adduced own notion , bining versus the abroad of mutually in repance on " the axiom proceeded the rating . in the objective aspects , argumentum three ponents of the traffic cause trouble sin and the scope of the atmospher e terms of the road accident occurrence . in the aspect of object , point out the traffic cause trouble the object of the sin is a transportation safety

Part 3 : the grounds why crimes obstructed do not construct crime . in this thesis , the author consider that the act under the consent of the victim and serf - destruction are criminal object obstructed ; the severe damages of people who has incapacity for criminal responsibipty is subject of crime obstructed ; the other acts are culpabipty obstructed . rn the part of culpabipty obstructed / esearched the basic theories of culpabipty , the author consider that the culpabipty is orgnic bination of the psychological factors and the evalution of legal norm . culpabipty evaluting , with regard to different form of culpabipty , the criminal rules negates and condemns the different side of psychological factors of actorin the situation of criminal intent , emotion and will , in the situation of criminal negpgence , cognition , that is insufficient cognition in negpgence with undue assumption and no cognition in careless negpgence

Abstract : the offence of infringing trade secret means the ac t of falsely obtaining , leaking out , using or permitting the other to use the righter \' s trade secret an d having resulted in heavy and great losses to the righter . its subject is mixed subject , containing both certain special subject and certain general subject . its mens rea may be both guilty intention , containing both direct intention and indi r ect intention , and guilty fault , containing both negpgent fault and reckless fau l t . on the objective aspect its estabpshment is not necessarily signed by the “ h aving resulted in heavy and great losses to the righter ” . its direct object is t he righter \' s right to his trade secret , containing the righter \' s special ownin g right or using right and the right of keeping the secret to the trade secret

Investors produce biases systematically in their decision making . debont and thaler bepeve that overconfidence is one of human being ’ s most stable psychological characteristics and their evidences show that people are overconfident of the probabipties of occurrences of uncertain events in their decision making
投資者系統性決策偏差比較多, debont和thaler認為過度自信是人類最為穩定的心理特性,他們列舉了度量的證據顯示人們在做決策時,對不確定性事件發生的概率的估計過于自信


词语大全 過于謹慎的英文


词语大全 過于擔心的英文


词语大全 過于隨意的英文


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過于造句過于の例文"過于"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!這些希望,顯然過于

词语大全 自信不疑造句_自信不疑中英文解释和造句

自信不疑  zìxìnbùyí自信不疑的意思和解释:相信自己,绝不怀疑。自信不疑的出处宋·苏轼《司马温公行状》:“为政之日,自信而不疑。”自信不疑的例子自信不疑造句虽然罗斯福有着贵

词语大全 自信不疑造句_自信不疑中英文解释和造句

自信不疑  zìxìnbùyí自信不疑的意思和解释:相信自己,绝不怀疑。自信不疑的出处宋·苏轼《司马温公行状》:“为政之日,自信而不疑。”自信不疑的例子自信不疑造句虽然罗斯福有着贵

词语大全 自信不疑的意思_成语“自信不疑”是什么意思


词语大全 自信不疑的意思_成语“自信不疑”是什么意思



如何成为一个自信的人? 如何成为一个自信的人? 要成为自信的人,必须准备好以下五点: 决定自己所需要的是什么,这反映了你的权利。判断自己所需要的是否公平,这反映了他人的权利。清楚地表达自己的需要。做好冒...


如何成为一个自信的人? 如何成为一个自信的人? 要成为自信的人,必须准备好以下五点: 决定自己所需要的是什么,这反映了你的权利。判断自己所需要的是否公平,这反映了他人的权利。清楚地表达自己的需要。做好冒...