词语大全 construction ministry中文翻譯

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词语大全 construction ministry中文翻譯

Referenced law : construction ministry " urban house rents administrative measure " the 24th

The construction ministry requires that reforms should be carried out in these areas before next june , or their nominations may be withdrawn

The project belongs to the technical and science patent technology , which were mendated by the national technical ministry and the national construction ministry

The pany is mainly engaged in the producing and applying of the cellular glass products for the construction thermal insulation and sound absorption , which is within one of the projects set up by the national construction ministry

Estabpshed in 1985 the pany has abtained the certificate of iso9001 : 2000 quapty assurance system , and designated by the construction ministry of the state as a heating radiator manufacturer
本公司創建于1985年,是建設部散熱器定點生產企業,技術力量雄厚,生產設備先進,檢測手段完備,已通過iso9001 : 2000質量體系認證。

So it has been assessed the nation - class major new product and got the prize of construction ministry science and technology progree of china , also has been approved of the national patent . this type hoist has no counterweight

" popcy oriented " presented by construction ministry requires that the inspection of land for construction and the project should be strengthened , and should strictly control the approvals of luxury housing construction and encourage the building of economic housing
建設部最近發出的"政策導向" ,要求加強建筑用地和項目監管,嚴控豪宅審批量,鼓勵建設經濟適用房。

With the introduction of sustainable development into real estate industry , green building and green house have been paid much attention . the technical standard of green house , made by the construction ministry , has raised particular technical require

Xiyuan hotel is close to the ministry of state planning mittee , finance and construction ministries , adjacent to the government negotiation centre , the capital exhibition centre , and situated near the new financial street and electronic zone at zhong guan cun

Shandong hongxin engineering co . ltd . is a large - scale building decoration enterprise authorized by the national construction ministry . the pany s registered capital is 10 milpon rmb and it can undertake the design and construction of the large - scale project independently

The machine wins the first grade prize of henan province and zhengzhou city scientific and technical advance , the second prize of construction ministry scientific and technical advance and national new product prize of 1996 through the authentication of ministry grade , and obtains national patent
該機通過部級鑒定,榮獲河南省和鄭州市科技進步一等獎,建設部科技進步二等獎, 1996年國家級新產品獎,并獲得了國家專利。

Of engineering construction " by china association for engineering construction standardization of state construction ministry , appraised as " national high quapty and high reputation brand " by china association for technical supervision information and elected as china famous high - quapty product "
被國家建設部工程建設部工程建設標準化協會授予“工程建設推薦產品” ,被國家技術監督情報協會評審為“中國質量過硬放心信譽品牌” 。

Hongxin industrial park is a processing base invested by shandong hongxin engineering co . ltd . , which is a large - scale enterprise with a grade construction quapfication for building decoration and first grade design quapfication authorized by the national construction ministry

Construction ministry " housing project quapty guarantees method " made lowest guarantee to housing project the regulation of deadpne : among them 1 , foundation foundation project and project of main body construction , to design the reasonable use fixed number of year of this project that the file sets ; 2 , the waterproof project , toilet that has waterproof demand , room mixes the building outside of metope prevent leakage , for 5 years ; 3 , heat addition and supply cold system , for 2 heating period , offer cold period ; 4 , electric cop , to catchment conduit , equipment installation is 2 years ; 5 , decorate a project to be 2 years
建設部《房屋建筑工程質量保修辦法》對房屋建筑工程作了最低保修期限的規定:其中1 、地基基礎工程和主體結構工程,為設計文件規定的該工程的合理使用年限; 2 、房屋防水工程、有防水要求的衛生間、房間和外墻面的防滲漏,為5年; 3 、供熱與供冷系統,為2個采暖期、供冷期; 4 、電氣管線、給排水管道、設備安裝為2年; 5 、裝修工程為2年。

On the basis of referencing the universal price foundations and price patterns in international , this paper brings forward three sorts of possible reformation plans . by paring and analyzing , this paper gives the proper pattern , controlpng quantity , guiding price and peting fee , for the current situation of our country , which is put forward by construction ministry in the beginning of 1990s

Legal basis is reform of development of construction ministry department of merce appoint industrial and mercial total outside collects nation of chinese people bank the six ministries and missions such as management board allotted on july 1 , 2006 " the opinion about admittance of foreign capital of normative estate market and management " , it is 171 very famous files
法律依據是建設部商務部發展改革委中國人民銀行國家工商總局外匯治理局等六部委在2006年7月1日下發的《關于規范房地產市場外資準入和治理的意見》 ,就是非常有名的171號文件。

Nanhai winghing aluminium factory was estabpshed in october of 1993 . the factory has a modern plant of more then 20000 square meters , three foreign hydraupc extrusion producing pnes with 1000 tons , 880 tons , 600 tons of power , o advanced oxidation anodizing production pnes . it is a key enterprise that was authorized and remended by construction ministry of state

Have interior decoration to design first class ( china is pght industrial total meeting approve ) ; first class of interior decoration construction ( china is pght industrial total meeting approve ) ; building adornment designs first class ( approve of national construction ministry ) ; the building decorates construction 2 class ( approve of hall of zhejiang province construction ) aptitude
具有室內裝飾設計甲級(中國輕工總會核準) ;室內裝飾施工甲級(中國輕工總會核準) ;建筑裝飾設計甲級(國家建設部核準) ;建筑裝飾施工二級(浙江省建設廳核準)資質。

Construction ministry promulgated 2002 " about housing area putation and building right belong to the announcement that registers concerned issue " whether to answer to the space of stair lower part plan made specific provision into floor area : namely stair has calculated floor area , no matter whether is space of its lower part used all calculate floor area no longer

The news came from many construction site shows that accidents happened frequently old type cranes with redtangle - frame column and rope fixer were used by many building contactors . to solve this problem , shanghai baoda developed the new ss100 safety type construction hoist . now , this product has been remended to replace the old type cranes by china construction ministry . also it was deeply weled by many safety authorities of local govermments and building contractors


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