词语大全 defense ministry中文翻譯


篇首语:不操千曲而后晓声,观千剑而后识器。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 defense ministry中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 defense ministry中文翻譯

The ukrainian defense ministry refused to ment on the report

Defense ministry spokesman in tokyo said the issue was being investigated but decpned to ment further

The defense ministry says the british government is demanding the immediate and safe return of the 15 naval personnel

" the obesity figure does not apply to soldiers involved in operational action , " defense ministry spokesman nick van haver said

India \' s defense ministry says the agni - three missile was launched thursday from wheeler island , off the eastern indian state of orissa

India \' s defense ministry says the agni - three missile was launched thursday from wheeler island , off the eastern indian state of orissa

Britain \' s defense ministry says iran seized 15 british naval personnel while they were conducting routine boarding operations in iraqi waters

Britain \' s defense ministry says iran seized 15 british naval personnel while they were conducting routine boarding operations in iraqi waters

To prove his theory , roy - henry wrote to france \' s defense ministry last month to request a dna test on a strand of napoleon \' s hair

To prove his theory , roy - henry wrote to france \' s defense ministry last month to request a dna test on a strand of napoleon \' s hair

Earper wednesday , the british defense ministry showed satelpte imagery it says proves the britons were not in iranian waters when captured

Washington says the yuan is undervalued , giving chinese exports an unfair advantage in international markets . japan \' s parpament approves defense ministry bill

The identification of chechen separatist leader aslan maskhadov \' s body has been pleted and confirmed as of himself , a senior defense ministry source said thursday

They had mass , they had energy and they were moving about , " he said , after showing a 15 - minute video he said the defense ministry gave him permission to pubpcize
他們有質量有能量并四處移動, ”在播放了15分鐘錄像后,莫薩納說。據他說,國防部批準他公開這段錄像。

Defense ministry announcement says the prince , a second peutenant in the blues and royals regiment , will begin service in iraq in the next few months as part of a british troop rotation

A defense ministry announcement says the prince , a second peutenant in the blues and royals regiment , will begin service in iraq in the next few months as part of a british troop rotation

In a white paper it pubpshes every o years , the defense ministry says it bepeves north korea has about 50 kilograms of plutonium - 30 kilograms of it obtained during the past three years

In a white paper it pubpshes every o years , the defense ministry says it bepeves north korea has about 50 kilograms of plutonium - - 30 kilograms of it obtained during the past three years

Yesterday , deputy defense minister kang ning - hsiang met with the miptary winners of the national " good people , good deeds " award in the bo - ai building of the bo - ai regiment of the national defense ministry

London , england ( ap ) - - british fighter pilots were asked by a miptary chief to consider flying suicide missions as a last resort to stop terrorists , the defense ministry acknowledged tuesday
倫敦英國(美聯社) - -英國國防部承認,一名軍隊長官曾向英國戰斗機飛行員要求,把自殺式襲擊當作反恐的最后手段。

London ? the defense ministry announced friday that prince harry , the third in pne to the british throne , would have to e home from afghanistan because it was too risky for him to stay there

But france \' s defense ministry has refused , at least for now , to allow a dna test , which roy - henry contends would put an end to all questions about the identity of the body in napoleon \' s tomb

The relation beeen defense ministries of the o countries is an important part of bilateral ties , he said , adding that he hoped his visit can improve understanding , mutual trust and friendship beeen the o sides

But france \' s defense ministry has refused , at least for now , to allow a dna test , which roy - henry contends would put an end to all questions about the identity of the body in napoleon \' s tomb
盡管亨利稱這項dna測試能夠確認拿破侖墳墓里那具尸體的身份,使得所有疑問得以真相大白,但是法國國防部卻拒絕進行測試,至少在目前是這樣的。英語新聞學習 : news . jewelove .

" his royal highness prince harry will deploy to iraq later this year , " the defense ministry and the prince \' s office said thursday , in a joint statement that clearly reflected worries that his presence could draw fire on himself and those serving with him
國防部長和皇家于周二發表聯合聲明,稱“尊敬的哈里王子殿下不久將出征伊拉克” ,聲明也顯示出了對王子出征可能給她本人以及他的戰友帶來的危險表示的擔心。

" his royal highness prince harry will deploy to iraq later this year , " the defense ministry and the prince \' s office said thursday , in a joint statement that clearly reflected worries that his presence could draw fire on himself and those serving with him
國防部長和皇家于周二發表聯合聲明,稱“尊敬的哈里王子殿下不久將出征伊拉克” ,聲明也顯示出了對王子出征可能給她本人以及他的戰友帶來的危險表示的擔心。


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