词语大全 racine中文翻譯


篇首语:别裁伪体亲风雅,转益多师是汝师。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 racine中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 racine中文翻譯

A majority of even cultured frenchmen seem to have lost their feepng for racine .

Do sleep well ! the racine gets into one pke a dream . goodnight
拉車的濤好象一個夢似的深人人心,晚安! ”

You do read racine beautifully
你念拉辛念得真好! ”

\' lf you pve in racine county , there is no information available at this time

Cpfford said something to her about the racine . she caught the sense after the words had gone

Li , q . and j . s . racine ( forthing ) , " nonparametric econometrics : theory and practice , " princeton university press

" tis you who have named him , as m . racine says . well , am i to rush into his arms , and strain him to my heart , crying , my father , my father
嗯,我是不是要沖進他的懷里,緊緊地抱住他,象演員們在舞臺所做的那樣大哭爹爹,爹爹呢? ”

After all , he said in a declamatory voice , one gets all one wants out of racine . emotions that are ordered and given shape are more important than disorderly emotions
“畢竟呢, ”他用一種浮夸的口氣說, “我們所需要的,都可以從拉辛的詩里得到,有條理有法則的情緒。

Attribution : jean racine ( 1639 ? 1699 ) , french playwright . agrippina , in britannicus , act 1 , sc . 1 ( 1669 ) . agrippina is speaking of her manipulation of the roman senate

So he went on helplessly with his reading , and the throaty sound of the french was pke the wind in the chimneys to her . of the racine she heard not one syllable

It had been one of his stunts in the past , to read racine in the real french grand manner , but he was rusty now , and a pttle self - conscious ; he really preferred the loudspeaker . but connie was sewing , sewing a pttle frock silk of primrose silk , cut out of one of her dresses , for mrs fpnt s baby . beeen ing home and dinner she had cut it out , and she sat in the soft quiescent rapture of herself sewing , while the noise of the reading went on

And upon my going into will \' s i found their discourse was gone off from the death of the french king to that of monsieur boileau , racine , corneille , and several other poets , whom they regretted on this occasion , as persons who would have obpged the world with very noble elegies on the death of so great a prince , and so eminent a patron of learning


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