词语大全 cytoskeletal component造句 cytoskeletal componentの例文 "cytoskeletal component"是什麼意思


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词语大全 cytoskeletal component造句 cytoskeletal componentの例文 "cytoskeletal component"是什麼意思

cytoskeletal component造句 cytoskeletal componentの例文 "cytoskeletal component"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Other cytoskeletal ponents ( pke microtubules ) have important functions in cell migration.

Sam68 was found to interact with the mRNA encoding ?-actin, which regulates the synaptic formation of the dendritic spines with its cytoskeletal ponents.

Although it is reversible upon T regulatory cell disengagement, this sequestration of essential cytoskeletal ponents causes a lethargic state of dendritic cells, leading to reduced T cell priming.

In addition, RNA-binding protein Sam68 was found to interact with the mRNA encoding ?-actin, which regulates the synaptic formation of the dendritic spines with its cytoskeletal ponents.

Therefore, in general, it is accepted that vimentin is the cytoskeletal ponent responsible for maintaining cell integrity . ( It was found that cells without vimentin are extremely depcate when disturbed with a micropuncture ).

There are also many cytoskeletal-associated proteins, which perform a variety of duties within the growth cone, such as anchoring actin and microtubules to each other, to the membrane, and to other cytoskeletal ponents.

It\'s difficult to find cytoskeletal ponent in a sentence. 用cytoskeletal ponent造句挺難的


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