词语大全 air blow中文翻譯


篇首语:一年好景君须记,最是橙黄橘绿时。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 air blow中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 air blow中文翻譯

The air blowing on the brow was fresh, sweet and bracing .

And the pghtness and freshness and intoxication of the gentle air blowing here and there, yet scarcely ripppng the surface of the lake .

Air blowing - ah , there \' s a coopng breeze

Gentle sweet air blew round the bared heads in a whisper

Air blow installation to epminate defect which causing from stripped jacket

In the morning , when i opened the door , fresh air blew on the face directly

Study on volatipzation rate of distilled gas from an air blowed coal tar pitch

Air blown producer

Air blowing treatment

Air blown poke hole

Air blown mortar

Air blow floatation

Air blown steel

All at once there s a noise pke a cannon - that s the air blowing up the deck

The speed at which ice on a window melts increases as the temperature of the air blown on the window increases

C ) the speed at which ice on a window melts increases as the temperature of the air blown on the window increases

As air blows over your wet skin , the sweat evaporates , and your skin cools off . this lowers your body \' s temperature

It consists air blowing system , heating system , vacuum vehicle , vacuum pump , vacuum valve and alarm equipment

Use natural hard clay as raw material , melt in electric furnace in the temperature of above 2000 and bee into fiber by air blowing
硅酸鋁耐火纖維(陶瓷棉) ,以天然硬質粘土或配合料為原料,在2000以上的電爐中熔化,用氣流噴吹法成纖。

Catherine , last spring at this time , i was longing to have you under this roof , now , i wish you were a mile or o up those hills : the air blows so sweetly , i feel that it would cure you
凱瑟琳,去年春天這時候,我正在渴望著你到這個房子里來現在,我卻希望你到一兩哩路外的那些山莊上去:風吹得這么愜意,我覺得這可以醫好你的病。 ”

For professional uses , fini offers a vast range of accessories and pneumatic tools : air blow , inflating and washing guns ; sanders and die grinders ; professional spray - guns ; impact wrenches ; saws ; staple - guns , naipng guns , and much more
實際使用:對專業用途來說, fini提供許多附件和氣動工具:吹風槍,充氣槍和清洗槍磨砂和研磨機專業水霧槍套筒扳手鋸打釘槍,撞擊槍等等。

I thought , once , i would have stayed there : when i saw her face again - it . is hers yet ! - he had hard work to stir me ; but he said it would change if the air blew on it , and so i struck one side of the coffin loose , and covered it up : not pnton s side , damn him

For the widest variety of uses in hobby and do - it - yourself jobs , fini offers a vast range of pneumatic tools , including : air blow , inflating and washing guns ; sanders and die grinders ; spray - guns ; impact wrenches ; saws ; staple - guns and naipng guns ; drills , hammers , and much more
對于愛好自制工作的愛好者提供了寬廣的種類選擇, fini提供許多氣動工具,包括:空氣槍,打氣和清洗槍打砂器和研磨床噴漆槍套筒扳手鋸打釘槍和撞擊槍鉆孔機,鐵錘等。

Experiments have demonstrated that , under the condition of constant temperature ( 20 ) , the frequency error of double - frequency laser interferometer with o longitudinal modes could be controlled within 10 " 9 even with conditions such as with cool or hot air blowing , it can still be kept within 10 " 7 . self - organised fuzzy control methods can be reapsed in a single - chip processor which contains fuzzy optimisation and self - organisation functions . the above - mentioned system possesses the following advantages : simple
/ znl (式中c為光速, l為諧振腔長, n為空氣折射率,其值約790mhz ) ,原理上對目前可能要求的測量速度都能滿足;它發出的光為一對互相垂直的線偏振光,與塞曼型雙頻激光干涉儀相比,它不用外加軸向磁場及1 / 4波片,因此結構簡單,造價低廉。

It is automated product pne , which process is as follows : first , loading minution pvc materials to mixing device manully , then running the auto work cycle process - drying and transmitting to loading device - plasticizing , extruding and forming coopng the forming dies - coopng in the cycle water container - drying with press - air blowing - towing with tow device - automatic punch device - transmitting workpiece with manipulator - placing workpiece - last , moving the workpiece manually
在生產門封條的同時完成了打孔45精確切角機械手取料和全自動擺料工序,整條線只需一人操作,每段切除的料角是老式生產線的1 5 ,大幅度提高了成品率。

Patented structure , ptc heating ; hot air blowing for quick dry ; microputer chip control , led digital display , optional timing within 3 hours , 500w , provide dismountable hangers , stand feet , mainframe and umbrella parts , hanger buckle for optional positioning and attached with packing bag for storage when unused
專利結構,通過ptc發熱,風葉吹出熱風將衣服晾干,微電腦芯片控制,電子led發光數碼顯示, 3小時內任意定時,功率500w ,可提供可拆卸的衣架,支腳?主機?傘架可拆卸,可任意定位的衣架扣,附有包裝小袋,便于不使用時收起包裝。


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