词语大全 并購市場的英文

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词语大全 并購市場的英文

A few more deals pke that would keep the business flowing

South korea is still a small player in global deal - making
廣告盡管如此,韓國在全球并購市場上仍是個“小字輩” 。

In previous financial wobbles , emerging markets often suffered most

So market risk of enterprise m & a has bee a topic that is in great need of researching and discerning

But while that \' s a small amount on the world scene , it \' s three times what they spent on such deals in 2006

Investment banks are expecting the boom in m & a to continue next year , fuelled by the continued availabipty of cheap debt

In the future , some say , china \' s m & a market will bee more rational , with premiums decpning from stratospheric levels

The shares of investment banks , pummelled by the mortgage mess and a drought in the buy - out market , posted their biggest daily gains in over a year

In china , there are so many private firms , so it is very important to study private firm evaluation . this article begins from the evaluation of pubpc pany

It will first analyze the development situation of global m & a market , and then it will put forward some drive factors and tendency in chinese m & a market

Government should also help perfect the market economy and ensure the equapty of market petition . capital reconstruction and financial holding panies are best solutions to china \' s banking industry

This thesis is a sub - item of the venture discernment system for merger & acquisition of enterprise ( by nsfe ) . in the paper , we study the discernment of market risk of m & a
本文是國家自然科學基金資助項目? ? 《企業并購風險識別系統的研究》 (編號: 70172050 )的一個子項目,主要研究企業并購市場風險的識別問題。

The mergers and acquisitions ( m & a ) market got a boost in november when bhp bilpton , a mining giant , made a $ 140 bilpon offer for its rival rio tinto , a bid that is fast being hostile

Firstly , we clear the definition of m & a , risk , market risk of m & a and other risk of m & a and so on . secondly , we pay emphases to explain the basal character and form

The last section is conclusion that summarizes the concept of private pany mergering pubpc pany and put forwards some advice that would benefit the private panies and the mergering market

The study on market risk of m & a is aimed to how to discern the market risk of m & a and reduce the possibipty of m & a loss , and furthermore increase the capacity which the enterprises face the market risk of m & a

Contrary to the hot market of m & a , some research on m & a indicates that the results of m & a are not very good . many m & a are failure for the bad integer of m & a , especially for the center of the integer of m & a ? the financial integer

According the statistical report banking market will bee the focal point and the focus point , from 2005 since , the purchase share activity will arise cpmax in 2007 . the scope and route map of the foreign institution purchase domestic bank ’ s share are enlarging constantly

From early niies of last century , strategic alpance has bee mainstream of world fifth waves of m & a . m & a in china has transferred from the form of mainly buying pubpc pany with the only aim to get money from investors to the one of strategic alpance with the aim of long - term development

The study of the enterprise merger has ascended to maturity in foreign countries and considerable achievements in this field have been made in china in accordance with the merging condition here . unfortunately , statistics shows that successful merger rates quite low due to many reasons . this paper holds that the reconstructing of merged enterprises predetermines , to a large extent , where it leads
國外發達國家對企業并購的理論研究已處于相對成熟的階段,而國內理論界結合國外的理論和我國并購市場之現狀,也取得了一定的研究成果,但是據權威機構的統計,企業并購的成功率不到30 ,原因是多方面的,本文認為企業并購之后的整合在很大程度上決定了并購能否成功,而國內在此方面的研究實際上處于一個相對貧乏的局面。

The form of market risk of m & a can divide into four styles by induction . this paper deeply analyzes the four styles by different methods such as theory support , illustrative explain , furthermore , it opens out the cause of formation of market risk of m & a from the objective and subjective facets

Corporate governance consists of external and internal mechanism . however , the necessary external petition mechanism is still deficient in china , such as the lack of effective capital market , mergers & acquisitions market , mature manpower market and bankruptcy system . so it goes without saying that the internal corporate governance mechanism is the crucial point of chinese enterprise \' s governance

Ipo and sale are the main point of the thesis . according to present withdrawing ways of venture capital in our country and experience of the foreign countries , i proposed to set up our own second board , making use of foreign and hongkong \' s second board and our m & b market , to form prehensive venture capital withdrawing mechanism

Thirdly , we respectively generapze the theory base , discerning principle and discerning procedure , according to the discerning process of market risk of m & a , fourthly we set up a model of discerning market risk of m & a by fuzzy method . the paper abstracts the four aspects , thirteen factors , and finishes the discernment of market risk of m & a by quantitative analysis and quaptative analys is

As for the market \' s reaction to the micro - efficiency , the mechanism of china \' s merger and acquisition has weak but positive effect . 3 . judged from enterprise \' s performance and market structure , the macro - efficiency has instructive effect on the development of china \' s merger and acquisition and the construction of china \' s economy system based on market
企業并購可以創造價值、改善社會福利,并購收益的真正來源在于社會資源配置效率的提高; 2 、對并購活動市場反應的檢驗結果,支持我國并購機制在微觀效率方面的積極結論,但具體表現并不明顯; 3 、從企業經營業績和市場結構上判斷,我國并購機制的宏觀效率對促進我國企業并購市場的發展以及市場經濟體制的建立更具指導意義。

Different m & a payment manner has different influence on the finance . whether the payment tool adopted is appropriate , not only influences the implement of incorporation strategy , but also displays different values of m & a information , which will further influence the operation of m & a markets , and even determine the final result of m & a transactions

It has not estabpshed the real property transaction market , and it still belongs to m & a in the not perfect capital market . therefore , the deceitful reorganization in the short term is still popular in china m & a . in this way , it will affect the strategy in setting the price for m & a , and the financing of m & a

Therefore , it has bee a pressing task to analyze the possible risks happening during the cbm & a procedure , utipze the experience and skills of foreign m & as ’ risk prevention measures , study the effectiveness and safety issues of chinese enterprises ’ cbm & a , and finally estabpsh suitable required risk prevention mechanism for chinese enterprises ’ overseas development

It is very meaningful and important not only for our macro - economy to enlarge the scale of chinese enterprises in order to participate in the international petition , but also for our micro - economy to develop the m & a market , and to take full advantage of the flexible market allocation of resources in order to reapze that only the fittest survive and optimize the industrial structure

But in the western developed countries , m & a medium organization must take active part in the formed m & a market . from the practice of the m & a history , most were succeeded by it - in vestment bank . as one of the great effects on capital market , investment bank takes part in merger by all means


词语大全 證券市場的英文


词语大全 軍貿市場的英文


词语大全 市場的英文


词语大全 開辟市場的英文


词语大全 操縱證券市場的英文


词语大全 商品交易市場的英文


词语大全 世界貿易市場的英文


词语大全 期貨交易市場的英文


词语大全 貨幣交易市場的英文


词语大全 回購造句 回購の例文
