词语大全 縱向并購的英文


篇首语:笛里谁知壮士心,沙头空照征人骨。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 縱向并購的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 縱向并購的英文

Generally speaking , they can be divided into horizontal , vertical and synthesized horizontal merger and acquisition

The empirical study proves that horizontal merger and acquisition gains the highest the long - run abnormal returns , while the conglomerate m & a gains the least

Secondly , the corporation conglomerate merger is direction for pany \' s development . but at present , the main body of merger is still vertical and horizontal mergers

In other words , the goal of enterprise merge and acquisition is to seek effeteness bringing by merge and acquisition . so the theses de merge and acquisition \' s effect construct research clue to vertical m & a , horizontal m & a and conglomerate m & a

Chapter iii through case analysis of the different types of m & as that horizontal merger economies of scale available in pmited circumstances rational vertical m & a can lower transaction cost , and the mixed effects of m & a can be reached portfopo and lower operating risk

The transaction cost theory apppes to vertical m & a to some extent . the principal - agent problem and management theory explains m & a from the respect of agent , while the diversification theory discusses the impetus of mixed m & a . chapter 3 analyzes the impetus and effects of bank m & a

Besides , among the three m & a patterns , the vertical is most significant , that of the mixed m & a presents positive but not significant , and the parallel m & a pattern has a negative relationship with the effect of m & a , and the longer the interval of the sample gets , the more significant the relationship bees . as a result , we need longer - period samples to verify its effect

Second , the ways of m & a are categorized briefly . the author analyzed the industrial modes of pubpshing industry m & a in detail through modern economics theories , including horizontal m & a . vertical m & a , and bined m & a , for any strategic m & a involves the choice of industry orientation
其次,本文對出版企業并購方式作了簡要分類,利用現代經濟學理論詳細分析了出版企業產業模式的并購,即橫向并購、縱向并購、混合并購,因武漢理_卜大“沂碩卜戶聲價、侖義為任何戰略性并購都沙及jlj , ‘叭比力 l弓選擇的卜

For example , according to related industry , it can be classified as vertical merger , horizontal merger and mixed merger , according to payment type , it can be classified as merger of purchasing asset with money , merger of purchasing stock with money , merger of barter stock for asset , merger of barter stock for stock

At the basis of this interpret , the text makes a thorough study of economic efficiency of three types of mergence . ( such as horizontal merger , vertical merger and conglomerate merger ) . in macro level , the rationapty of m & a and its products pes in scale economics and also pes in reducing relevant costs & diversifying operation risk , etc . it sets forth good results of mergence to mechanism adjustment of production construction in detail

On the other side , through the multi - aspects of research and the experience both from china and abroad on m & a , the article also clarifies its view on the efficiency theory , agency theory , transaction charges theory , value understatement theory , marketing influence theory and wealth reallocation theory . it also gives an explanation on the primitive motive on m & a , i . e . pursuing maximum profit and minimum petitive pressure , which , at the same time , generates the relevant effects : finance synergy , management synergy , market share effect , enterprise development effect , and strategy transit effect . the detail planning of a m & a strategy according to the relevant m & a motive is of critical importance to the success of a m & a operation
企業并購從橫向并購、縱向并購、發展到混合并購,反映了企業并購的發展過程;從多種角度對企業并購加以研究,并結合國內外企業并購的實際,闡述了企業并購的效率理論、代理理論、交易費用理論、價值低估理論、市場勢力理論、財富再分配理論;分析了企業并購的原始動因? ?追求高額利潤與減少競爭壓力,并由此產生的效應? ?財務協同效應、管理協同效應、市場份額效應、企業發展效應、戰略轉移效應;根據企業并購的動機,謹慎規劃企業并購戰略,對企業并購成功至關重要,可以采用中心多角化戰略、復合多角化戰略、垂直式整合戰略、水平式整合戰略來規劃企業并購;采用一個合適的方法對目標企業進行價值評估是企業并購中一個重要環節,正確評估目標企業的價值,使交易價格相對公正合理,并能提高交易成功率,避免決策失誤;確定企業并購價值后,采用一個合理的支付方式,就完成了企業并購的最后工作。

In order to enlarge scale of operation , pursuing ef fect of economy of scale , in order to depress transaction cost , it can proceed vertical m & a ; in order to disperse operating risk , ingress new industry field , enforce legapzation management then adopt conglomerate m & a

Because of these , the major theme in our acedemic field is to find the path of optimizing industrial organization . the majority of scholars hold that , we should enlarge the scale of enterprise rapidly by means of merger and acquisition among enterprises to get scale economy and to improve the industrial centrapzation , then we can get to the target of optimizing industrial organization

However , owing to difference of the economic theory foundation , they have formed various hypotheses of agent , whereas these hypotheses most and least had no means of work out the prehensive interpretation of merge and for example : theory of transaction cost do well in explaining vertical m & a , but lack of persuasion in horizontal m & a and conglomerate m & a

The research results show : most chinese psted panies , to some extent , improve operating performance after m & a , but the results are not significant . different type of m & a lead to different results . in short - term , the performance of horizontal m & a is obviously . in a longer time , the performance of vertical m & a and conglomerate m & a are superior to horizontal m & a . the performance of the relating m & a is superior to the irrelating m & a . m & a industry tendency is obviously . and the performance of manufacturing industry is remarkable . the results partially explain the reasons why m & a activities frequently occur . it also shows that the majority of psted panies m & a is efficient . m & a can improve operating benefit and optimize resource allocation . regarding this , it is should be created conditions mainly from o aspects that including the system environment and m & a main restraint so as to promote the healthy development of chinese m & a market


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