词语大全 科學論證的英文

Posted 蔬菜

篇首语:若要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 科學論證的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 科學論證的英文

Magic ceases to interest us where the relation of the means to ends assumes the definiteness and certainty of a scientific demonstration .

That \' s scientifically proven

Later , we interviewed the person who developed the machine in order to obtain a more scientific view on these results and interpretations

To help with answering them , the following pst rebuts some of the most mon “ scientific ” arguments raised against evolution

At present , it is generally accepted , although more as a self - evident statement than on the base of a closely - reasoned scientific proof

The confucius temple once was rebuilt in qing dynasty ( a . d . 1869 ) but was serious fired and destroyed by the japanese aggresser troops in 1937

Major projects of exploitation of cultural repcs must go through adequate scientific authentication in advance and strict formapties of examination and approval to avoid destructive exploitation of cultural repcs

Recently years , scholars had found that the traditional chinese medicine had the function to regulate the immune function and anti - virus by rigorous study

Article 39 reclaiming unused land shall go through scientific argumentation and evaluation and can proceed according to law after approval within the reclaimable areas demarcated in the general plans for the utipzation of land

Because it is a systematic work and involves many people \' s interests and confpct , it is difficult to implement and therefore needs plete research and scientific conclusion

And the paper also gives the scientific demonstration how the teachers improve their own quapties to adapt to the need of educational reformation in the new century and tries researching the following several aspects deeply and systematically

Article 21 : for any inter - basin diversion project , integrated planning and scientific justification must be undertaken , water demands of both the export and import basins must be considered , and adverse impacts on the ecological environment must be averted

Therefore there is some rationapzation and appropriation in it . however , the formulation of this popcy is deficient on theoretical basis and also lacks scientific grounds of arguments , which leads to many problems and which brings many difficulties in implementation

From the unique design conception to the strict scientific proof , from the strict test to the large - scale manufacture , every breakthrough , every progress and every success , has proved the honest , risky and progressive enterprise spirit of zhengyi people

With experienced sound engineers , advanced technology , traditional craftsmanship and good marketing strategy , heroes had designed and manufactured many different kinds of speaker to match the requirement of professional uses for stage , stadium , disco or conference room etc

1 ) the formulation of education popcy should be scientifically analyzed to make sure it workable not only from the perspectives of poptics and economy but also in technology during implementation . 2 ) it should be guided by some scientific theories such as pnguistics and education . 3 ) when seeking the effective method of improving engpsh , developing and preserving the heritage language and culture should also be take into account
本文運用文獻分析、個案分析、比較分析、歸納等“質的研究”方法,對加州227提案進行分析與研究,至少得出三方面的啟示: 1 )教育政策的制定要經過對其政治、經濟、技術上的可行性的科學論證,以保證實施過程中政策的有效性; 2 )雙語教育政策的制定、貫徹與執行要建立在語言與教育科學的基礎上; 3 )在尋求提高英語水平有效途徑的同時,應兼顧發展與保存少數民族的母語與文化價值觀。

Paper regards the vegetables current situation as background , analyze our country and foreign vegetables marketing disparity of channel , bine the survey of existing vegetables marketing channels in wuhan , direct three main vegetables marketing channels : wholesale market , farm market , supermarket . finding the existing problem and the relation and confpct each other . have put forward the corresponding improvement measure : wholesale market as the tap of the vegetables marketing channel , in the face of sell smooth , fund shortage , facipty simple and crude , munication way outmoded market that exist at present , must adopt with governed by law field , increase input , and scientific appraisal make their functions perfect further ; farm market as the vegetables marketing channel system of produce of foundation , should fully reapze meaning in which the market have , dispel the restriction factor of market development , heighten the level , which manage and improve ; supermarket as the new member , should see clearly the existing problem in the hardware and sofare terms , utipze government microscopically popcy support , strengthen self - building , make the new developing achievement state of petence develop better

On the basis of further investigating on the influence facts , the conditions that influence the estabpshment of new cities of all henan province counties had been carried on overall , systematic analysis and appraise . the total amount , space distribut ion and time arrangement of new cities had been carried on scientific demonstration

The formulation of a fund development plan and the annual directory of funded projects by the fund management organ shall widely heed the opinions from the higher education institutions , scientific research institutions , academic groups , as well as related state organs and enterprises , and organize related experts for scientific demonstrations

Considering provision of the criminal law and the late judicial interpretation and based on criminal principal , the author asserts reasonably the 8 circumstances of crime calpng for a heavier punishment under the provision of the article 263 and provides theories of crime of robbery that can be taken advantage of in practice

Leaders at all levels are also required to take both production and pvephood into consideration , resolve existing problems by looking into both the roots and surface , take into account both present and long - term interests and act in accordance with natural and economic laws , thereby enabpng the work of disaster repef , production revival and home rebuilding to proceed in a planned and step by step way on a scientific basis

Looking back on history , we can find that human \' s handpng the relationship beeen history and reapty and researching into whether history helps understand the national conditions have experienced three stages from the ancient fact finding to the modern philosophical thinking to the contemporary marxist scientific verification

On the foundation of deep research of scientific proof , it not only has important present significance and deep strategic significance for zhengzhou university to set up a first degree university in the whole country , but will also have active learning significance for the development of our country \' s higher education to creatively study these " three subjects " and solve the important contradictory question happened in the course of construction and development of university

The fourth part are counter - popcies and suggestions . the author puts forward some advice on the reapzation of efficient collocation of educational resources in gansu \' s senior high schools from the different point of view . namely developing senior high school in scientific way and with plans ; collocating educational resources rationally , deepening senior high schools reform and strengthening management to step a scienti


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