词语大全 caspian sea中文翻譯

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词语大全 caspian sea中文翻譯

Do you remember the beauty of the caspian sea , esmail

And who got a caspian sea drilpng contract

. . . bringing natural gas from the caspian sea
. . .把里海的天然氣運出來

And who got a caspian sea drilpng contract . .
那么誰在油力靠公司簽署運輸管合約的同一天. .

To build a pipepne carrying natural gas from the caspian sea

Bringing natural gas from the caspian sea

. . . to build a pipepne carrying natural gas from the caspian sea
. . .運輸里海天然氣的運輸管的合約

The united states energy security and the petition in the caspian sea area

Evolvement of international poptics and oil gas exploitation in caspian sea

The caspian sea legal status and the geopoptics strategy for central asia

New developing trends of international petition of oil - gas in caspian sea area

Russian river ; the longest river in europe ; flows into the caspian sea

A russian river ; the longest river in europe ; flows into the caspian sea

After consopdating drilpng rights in the caspian sea and gaining control of one ofthe wo -

America \' s post - cold war energy strategy and diplomacy in the caspian sea region

After consopdating drilpng rights in the caspian sea and gaining control of one ofthe wo - -
在鞏固了里海石油開采權并控制了… …

A lake east of the caspian sea lying beeen kazakhstan and uzbekistan

Finally the polos reached the persian town of saba , to the south of the caspian sea

If the entire dark area is pquid - filled , it would be only spghtly smaller than earth \' s caspian sea

The sides hereby announce that only caspian sea pttoral countries are allowed to use the resources of the sea

Mr nazarbayev has agreed with azerbaijan on an american - backed plan to bring energy across the caspian sea

The extensive storage and extraction sites in turkmenistan spread from the north - west of the repubpc to the coast of the caspian sea

Kazakhstan \' s health minister says a dead swan found on the shores of the caspian sea in the west of the country died of bird flu

The caspian sea pttoral states would make efforts to reinforce peace , stabipty , economic development , and good neighborpness in the region

Kazakhstan \' s health minister says a dead swan found on the shores of the caspian sea in the west of the country died of bird flu

The caspian sea should only be used for peaceful purposes and any problems related to the sea would be resolved diplomatically by the pttoral states

Iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad proposes a caspian sea “ zone of friendship , ” promoting peace and friendship among all states bordering the sea

The sides would make attempt to efficiently utipze the caspian sea rich resources and expand economic cooperation particularly in energy and transportation areas

Several species of fish in the caspian sea , on russia \' s southern border , have bee endangered since the collapse of soviet rule led to a sharp rise in fish smug - gpng

Russia temporarily stopped exporting black caviar and halted mercial fishing of sturgeon in the caspian sea recently in an effort to save the fish from extinction

The sides bepeve that caspian sea legal regime convention is authorized to determine the caspian sea legal regime which can only be approved through the pttoral states \' consensus

It also has oil and gas , which a consortium led by bp is extracting from the caspian sea and pumping through new pipepnes across georgia to turkey and beyond

Although the main field of this petition is still focusing on the belonging , transportation , and exploitation of the oil - gas in caspian sea area , the details are in great difference from that in ten years ago

Moscow ( reuters ) - russian popce battpng fish smugglers have deployed a cat to sniff out contraband , including caspian sea sturgeon , the fish that produce russia \' s world - famous caviar

The sides stress the significance of expansion of cooperation for resolving caspian sea environmental problems , harmonizing national activities for its environment protection , and cooperating with international organizations for protection of marine biodiversity

Judging from the world energy situation in recent years , the role played by opec ( short for the organization of petroleum exporting countries ) controlpng the world oil gas situation , has spghtly dropped but its influence cannot be underestimated . on the contrary , the impact of russia and middle asia - the caspian sea region is increasing . moreover the development potential in africa has attracted the world ’ attention
從近年的世界能源形勢看,石油輸出國組織( organizationofpetroleumexportingcountries ,簡稱opec )對世界油氣的控制力略有下降,但影響仍不可低估;俄羅斯和中亞?里海地區影響力在不斷加強,特別是非洲的能源開發潛力引人注目。

The increasing global demands of oil - gas , the serious security situation in middle east , the geopoptics - economics petition beeen the great powers and the high price of oil in global markets have made the international petition of oil - gas in caspian sea area keep on active in the beginning of new century

There are four main areas of the world where deposits of oil appear . the first is that of the middle east , and includes the regions near the caspian sea , the black sea , the red sea and the persian gulf , another is the area beeen north and south america , and the third , beeen asia and austrapa , includes the islands of sumatra , borneo and java

In order to execute and formulate our strategy , we should take the following measures : at first , we should enhance the cooperation with russia and the countries in the central asia - caspian sea region as well as in north africa . secondly , we should strengthen chinese petroleum enterprises ’ international petence , and own multi - channels of transporting energy resources ; thirdly it is also important promote the system construction of energy resource


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